Ho Come To The Waters So Free – Hymn Lyric

"Discover the refreshing and life-giving waters - 'Ho! Come to the Waters So Free.' Find renewal

Ho Come To The Waters So Free – Hymn Lyric

“Ho! Come to the Waters So Free”: A Call to Find Renewal and Freedom In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it can be easy to forget the simple joys and blessings that surround us. However, in the midst of our busy schedules, there is a voice calling out to us, inviting us to find solace and rejuvenation in the pure and life-giving waters. Just like the chorus of a melodious hymn, beckons us to come and partake in the refreshing waters that flow from the life-giving Tree, offering us renewal, freedom, and a chance to experience His boundless love.


Ho Come To The Waters So Free – Hymn Lyric

Ho! Come to the waters so free,
Which flow from the life-giving Tree!”
A voice I hear calling,
In gentle tones falling;
Christ Jesus is calling to me!

“Come ye to the waters!
O, come to the waters,
Pure, life-giving, sparkling, and free;
Come now to the waters,
All Earth’s and daughters,
Still flowing to you, from me!”

He standeth before my door,
He’s calling me o’er and o’er;
Pure water he giveth,
Who drinketh it liveth,
And never can thirst any more! [Chorus]

Those hands which it to me,
Were fastened to Calvary’s tree!
“I’ll heal backsliding;”
(Not railing nor chiding;)
He calls me, “Come drink and be free!” [Chorus]

Yes, Master! The water I’ll take,
My sin fevered thirst it will slake;
So pure from the fountain
On Calvary’s mountain,
Where he tasted death for my sake! [Chorus]


Meaning of Ho Come To The Waters So Free

“Ho! Come to the Waters So Free”: A Call to Find Renewal and Freedom

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it can be easy to forget the simple joys and blessings that surround us. We get caught up in the demands of work, school, and various responsibilities. However, in the midst of our busy schedules, there is a voice calling out to us, inviting us to find solace and rejuvenation in the pure and life-giving waters.

When we hear those gentle tones falling upon our ears, it is the voice of Christ Jesus beckoning us to come and partake in the refreshing waters that flow from the life-giving Tree. Just like the chorus of a melodious hymn, His call resounds within our hearts, reminding us that the waters He offers are pure, sparkling, and free.

Picture yourself standing at the threshold of a door, and there stands Jesus, extending an invitation to experience His gift of pure water. His persistence is evident as He calls out to you, not in a voice of condemnation or judgment, but with a loving and compassionate tone. He offers you water that will quench your thirst in a way nothing else can. It is a water that gives life, vitality, and satisfaction, leaving you never feeling thirsty again.

Imagine the hands that hold this water, handing it to you with tenderness and care. Those hands were once fastened to Calvary’s tree, bearing the weight of your and mine. It is through His on that tree that He offers to heal our backsliding and to cleanse us of our transgressions. His invitation to come and drink is not filled with condemnation or scolding; instead, it is an invitation to find freedom and restoration.

In response to this call, we can’t help but exclaim, “Yes, Master! The water I’ll take!” Acknowledging our sin-fevered thirst, we yearn for the water that will slake it. We recognize the purity of the water that flows from the fountain on Calvary’s mountain, where Jesus willingly tasted death for our sake. It is this profound act of love and sacrifice that makes the water all the more significant and precious.

As we pause and reflect on this hymn’s verses and captivating chorus, we recognize the underlying message it conveys. It is a call to find renewal, freedom, and spiritual fulfillment in the loving embrace of Jesus. The waters He offers are not physical but metaphorical, representing His forgiveness, grace, and an intimate relationship with Him.

In a that often leaves us feeling drained and parched, this invitation to come and drink is a testament to the love and compassion of our Savior. No matter the mistakes we’ve made or the burdens we carry, Jesus extends His hand to offer us a fresh start, a chance to experience His living water.

So, let us respond to His loving call. Let us gather all Earth’s sons and daughters, from every corner of the world, and come to the waters. As we do, let us cast aside our worries, doubts, and fears, and immerse ourselves in the life-giving flow. Let us allow every droplet of the pure water to wash over us, cleansing our souls and bringing us closer to the boundless love and mercy of Jesus.

As we embrace the refreshing gift of the waters, we begin to understand that true freedom is found in surrendering to the grace offered by Christ. It is in His love and forgiveness that we find release from the burdens that weigh us down. His living water becomes a source of strength, comfort, and sustenance as we navigate the complexities of life.

In conclusion, “Ho! Come to the Waters So Free” reminds us to heed the call of Christ Jesus, who invites us to partake in the life-giving waters flowing from the Tree. In this hymn, we find a sanctuary where we can leave behind our troubles and discover the transformative power of His love and grace. May we come to the waters, all Earth’s sons and daughters, and experience the freedom and renewal that awaits us.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the refreshing and life-giving waters - 'Ho! Come to the Waters So Free.' Find renewal, freedom, and spiritual fulfillment with Christ Jesus. Embrace His invitation to drink and be free!
Ho Come To The Waters So Free - Hymn Lyric - "Discover the refreshing and life-giving waters - 'Ho! Come to the Waters So Free.' Find renewal, freedom, and spiritual fulfillment with Christ Jesus. Embrace His invitation to drink and be free!"