Dear Soul Far Away From The Savior – Hymn Lyric

Reflect on your relationship with God with the hymn "Dear Soul Far Away From The Savior." Urgently prompting us to examine our hearts

Dear Soul Far Away From The Savior – Hymn Lyric

Soul Far Away From The : Is Your Heart Right With God? This hymn prompts us to reflect on our spiritual journey and asks a crucial question: if the Master were to call us tonight, would a welcome await us from Him? It reminds us of the urgency to embrace and ensure our hearts are right with God, reminding 7th graders that His love and forgiveness are always available to us.”


Dear Soul Far Away From The Savior – Hymn Lyric

Dear soul, far away from the ,
Neglectful and careless in sin;
If the Master should call without warning,
Would a welcome await you from Him?

If the Master should call you tonight,
Is your heart right with God?
Are you washed in the blood?
If the Master should call you tonight?

Some time you will to the Saviour,
Some day at His feet you will fall;
But “today is the day of salvation,”
And the fountain is flowing for all.


His pardon, so graciously offered,
His mercy, a rich, boundless store,
He is urging you now to accept them,
And rejoice in His love .



Meaning of Dear Soul Far Away From The Savior

Dear Soul Far Away From The Savior: Is Your Heart Right With God?

In this hymn, the notion of being far away from the Savior is presented with a sense of urgency. The lyrics prompt us to reflect on our current state of being and ask ourselves a crucial question: if the Master were to call us tonight, would a welcome await us from Him?

The hymn begins by describing the soul as neglectful and careless in sin. It highlights the fact that sometimes we may find ourselves distant from God, caught up in worldly distractions and not fully committed to our spiritual journey. As 7th graders, it is important to understand that sin refers to actions or behaviors that go against the teachings and principles of God.

The refrain challenges us to consider the state of our hearts. Are they right with God? Are we washed in the blood? These questions are not meant to instill fear, but rather to encourage us to examine our beliefs and actions. Being “washed in the blood” refers to being cleansed and redeemed by the sacrificial death of Jesus . It reminds us that, through His love and , we can be forgiven and made right with God.

The hymn acknowledges that, at some point in our lives, we may come to the Savior and fall at His feet. It emphasizes the importance of this moment but reminds us that “today is the day of salvation.” It urges us to seize the opportunity to accept His pardon and experience the richness of His mercy. The lyrics convey a sense of urgency, reminding us that the fountain of salvation is available to all.

The title of this hymn, “Dear Soul Far Away From The Savior,” evokes a sense of compassion and concern. It conveys the idea that God deeply cares for each individual, no matter how far they may feel from Him. The hymn offers hope and encouragement, reminding us that the Savior is urging us to accept His love and rejoice in it forever.

As 7th graders, we may be going through various challenges and uncertainties at this stage in our lives. It is normal to sometimes feel disconnected or unsure of our faith. However, it is important to remember that God’s love is always there, waiting for us to embrace it.

To ensure that our hearts are right with God, we need to cultivate a relationship with Him. This can be nurtured through prayer, reading and studying the Bible, attending services, and seeking guidance from trusted mentors or adults in our lives.

Developing a heart that is right with God involves practicing spiritual virtues such as love, kindness, forgiveness, and compassion towards others. It requires us to live our lives in alignment with His teachings and principles.

As 7th graders, our understanding of faith and spirituality may still be developing. It is okay to have questions and uncertainties. The important thing is to remain open to seeking answers and growing in our relationship with God.

Remember, the hymn reminds us that the Savior is always calling us towards Him, ready to embrace us with open arms. No matter how far we may feel from Him, His love and forgiveness are always within reach. Let us not delay in responding to His call, as today is the day of salvation.

In conclusion, this hymn serves as a loving reminder to those who may feel far away from the Savior. It prompts us to examine our hearts and consider if they are right with God. Through its compassionate tone and urgent message, the hymn encourages us to seize the opportunity for salvation today. As 7th graders, we can embrace this message by nurturing our relationship with God, seeking guidance, and practicing spiritual virtues. May we all strive to have hearts that are right with God, knowing that His love and forgiveness are always available to us.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Reflect on your relationship with God with the hymn Dear Soul Far Away From The Savior. Urgently prompting us to examine our hearts, the lyrics raise the question: if the Master were to call us tonight, would a welcome await us? Find hope and encouragement in embracing His love today.
Dear Soul Far Away From The Savior - Hymn Lyric - Reflect on your relationship with God with the hymn "Dear Soul Far Away From The Savior." Urgently prompting us to examine our hearts, the lyrics raise the question: if the Master were to call us tonight, would a welcome await us? Find hope and encouragement in embracing His love today.