Go Tell To Souls Benighted Of The Lord Who Came – Hymn Lyric

Spread the light and love of the Lord! "Go Tell To Souls Benighted Of The Lord Who Came" hymn inspires us to share the gospel

Go Tell To Souls Benighted Of The Lord Who Came – Hymn Lyric

Go Tell To Souls Benighted Of The Lord Who CameSpread love and to those in darkness and despair. This hymn, “Go Tell To Souls Benighted,” reminds us to share the story and bring salvation to the lost. Through our efforts, we can bring light, joy, and the of knowing Christ to all souls in need.


Go Tell To Souls Benighted Of The Lord Who Came – Hymn Lyric

Go tell to souls benighted
Of the Lord who came,
Speak His name – love proclaim;
Go tell the gospel story
That the lost may know,
Bring salvation near.

O bid them come repenting,
Bid them come today,
Help them say, “I obey”;
Bear the blessed message,
Hasten now to go,
Go with love sincere.

Press ere the night is falling,
Onward, hear the Saviour calling,
Hear Him gently, sweetly say,
“I will be with thee alway,”
Peace and joy to bring,
Press onward, never danger fearing,
Onward, brightest hope is nearing,
Darkness shall no more enthrall,
Christ our light shall shine for all,
He shall reign our King.

In lands beyond the rolling
Of the ocean foam,
Wand’rers roam – bring them home;
O lead them to the Saviour
And His pard’ning love-
He will give them rest.

And they who long have wandered
Soon will learn to see
How to be truly free,
Living for the kingdom
Of the land above,
Safe and glad and blest. [Chorus]

Go bear the joyful message
Ev’rywhere you may,
Work and pray – day by day;
Lift burdens from the weary,
Cheer the grieving heart-
Walk where Jesus trod.

O be a beam of
That reflects His light,
Pure and bright, in the night,
Helping many
Choose the “better part”
In the love of God. [Chorus]


Meaning of Go Tell To Souls Benighted Of The Lord Who Came

Go Tell To Souls Benighted Of The Lord Who Came: Spreading Love and Salvation

In a world filled with darkness and despair, it is our duty and privilege to share the light and love of the Lord. This hymn, “Go Tell To Souls Benighted,” reminds us of the importance of reaching out to those who are lost and them into the fold of God’s . Through this hymn, we are encouraged to go forth and proclaim the gospel story, so that the lost may find salvation and experience the peace and joy that comes from knowing Christ.

The hymn begins with the verse, “Go tell to souls benighted, of the Lord who came, speak His name-love proclaim.” This verse reminds us that we have a responsibility to share the good news of Jesus with those who have not yet heard it. It is not enough for us to keep this message to ourselves; we must go out and spread it far and wide. By speaking His name and proclaiming His love, we can show others the way to salvation.

The second verse urges us to “go bear the joyful message everywhere you may, work and pray-day by day.” This verse emphasizes the need for consistency and dedication in our efforts to share the gospel. It is not a one-time task, but rather a lifelong commitment to spreading the good news. We must be willing to work and pray day by day, trusting that God will use our efforts to touch the hearts of those around us. By doing this, we can lift burdens from the weary and bring cheer to the grieving heart, just as Jesus did during His earthly ministry.

The chorus of the hymn calls us to press onward, never fearing danger or darkness. It reassures us that the Savior is always with us, bringing peace and joy in every situation. We are reminded that darkness shall no more enthrall, for Christ, our light, shall shine for all. This powerful imagery gives us hope and encourages us to keep going, knowing that our efforts will be rewarded and that God’s light will guide us through any challenges we may face.

As the hymn continues, it urges us to reach out to those in lands beyond the rolling ocean foam, where wanderers roam. It asks us to bring them home and lead them to the Savior and His pardoning love. This verse reminds us that the message of salvation is not limited to our immediate surroundings but extends to people from different cultures and backgrounds. We are called to be inclusive and welcoming, recognizing that everyone is in need of God’s grace.

The hymn also highlights the transformative power of encountering Christ. It states, “they who long have wandered soon will learn to see, how to be truly free, living for the kingdom of the land above, safe and glad and blest.” This verse reminds us that accepting Jesus into our lives leads to true freedom and a sense of purpose. Through Him, we can find safety, joy, and blessings that go beyond anything this world can offer. By sharing this message with others, we can help them experience this life-changing transformation as well.

The final verse of the hymn encourages us to be a beam of sunshine that reflects Christ’s light in the night. It calls us to be pure and bright, helping sinners choose the “better part” in the love of God. This verse reminds us that our actions and attitudes should reflect the love and grace we have received from the Lord. By living out our , we can inspire others to seek a relationship with Him, ultimately leading them to a life filled with peace and joy.

In conclusion, “Go Tell To Souls Benighted” serves as a powerful reminder of our responsibility to spread the love and salvation of the Lord. Through this hymn, we are encouraged to speak His name, proclaim His love, and bring the gospel story to those who are lost. It reminds us that our efforts, combined with prayer and dedication, can make a difference in the lives of others. By lifting burdens, cheering the grieving heart, and leading wanderers home, we can help others find rest, freedom, and a sense of purpose in Christ. May we always be willing to go forth with love sincere, shining His light and sharing the good news of salvation with all who will listen.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Spread the light and love of the Lord! Go Tell To Souls Benighted Of The Lord Who Came hymn inspires us to share the gospel, bring salvation, and lead others to God's grace. Let's go forth with love sincere and bring peace and joy to all.
Go Tell To Souls Benighted Of The Lord Who Came - Hymn Lyric - Spread the light and love of the Lord! "Go Tell To Souls Benighted Of The Lord Who Came" hymn inspires us to share the gospel, bring salvation, and lead others to God's grace. Let's go forth with love sincere and bring peace and joy to all.