What Good News The Angels Bring – Hymn Lyric

Discover the incredible good news the angels brought - the birth of our Savior

What Good News The Angels Bring – Hymn Lyric

The “What Good News The Angels Bring” joyfully celebrates the birth of our Savior, Christ. It highlights the infinite love of God, the peace on earth, and the redemption available to all through faith in Christ. This hymn encourages us to share the good news of Christ’s birth and to rejoice in His life, joy, and love for all .


What Good News The Angels Bring – Hymn Lyric

What good news the angels bring,
What glad tidings of our King.
CHRIST our LORD is born to-day,
CHRIST who takes our sins away.

Him, who rules in heav’n and earth,
Hath in his birth.
Him shall all the people see,
And rejoice eternally.

Lift your hearts and voices high,
With Hosannas fill the sky.
“Glory be to GOD above,”
GOD is infinite in love.
“Peace on earth, good will to men!”
Now with us our GOD is seen.
Angels join with us in ,
Help to sing redeeming grace.

Now the wall is broken down,
Now the Gospel is made known.
Now the door is open wide,
CHRIST for Jew and Gentile dy’d.

All who feel the weight of sin,
All who languish to be clean.
All who for redemption groan,
May be saved by faith alone.

JESUS is the lovely name,
This the angel doth proclaim.
He shall all his people save,
They in him remission have.

When they see themselves undone,
They take refuge in the .
They shall all be born again,
And with him in glory reign.

Shout, ye nations of the earth,
Sing the triumphs of his birth.
All the world by him is blest,
Sound his praise from East to West.

Jews and Gentiles jointly sing,
CHRIST our common LORD and King.
CHRIST our life, our joy, our song,
To eternity prolong!


Meaning of What Good News The Angels Bring

What Good News The Angels Bring: Rejoicing in the Birth of Christ

In this beautiful hymn, we are reminded of the incredible news that the angels brought on that momentous day – the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. The hymn prompts us to lift our hearts and voices high, filling the sky with our Hosannas and giving glory to God above. It emphasizes the infinite love of God and the peace on earth, good will to men that comes with the presence of Christ among us.

The hymn goes on to remind us that with the birth of Christ, the wall between God and humanity is broken down. The Gospel is made known to all, and the door to redemption is opened wide. This is a message of and salvation for both Jews and Gentiles alike, as Christ died for all. It is a message that all who feel the weight of sin, all who long to be cleansed, and all who groan for redemption can find solace and salvation through faith alone.

The hymn proclaims the lovely name of Jesus as the one who saves His people. Through Him, we receive forgiveness and are born again to reign with Him in glory. It invites us to shout and sing the triumphs of His birth, spreading His praise from East to West. It unites Jews and Gentiles, proclaiming Christ as our common Lord and King.

As we reflect upon this hymn, we are reminded of the timeless significance of the birth of Christ. It is not just a story from long ago – it is a message of hope and joy that continues to resonate with people of all nations and generations. The angels brought the good news of Christ’s birth to the shepherds in Bethlehem, but it is a message that was meant to be shared with the entire world.

The birth of Jesus Christ is a cause for celebration and rejoicing. It is a reminder of God’s immense love for us, His creation. Through Christ, we are offered the gift of salvation and eternal life. This is truly good news that brings hope, peace, and joy to all who believe.

In a world filled with pain, suffering, and brokenness, the birth of Christ is a beacon of and hope. It is a reminder that God is with us in our darkest moments, offering us redemption and . It is a call for us to join with the angels in praising God and proclaiming His redeeming grace.

The hymn encourages us to spread the news of Christ’s birth far and wide. It encourages us to be a part of the chorus of voices that sings of His love and salvation. It challenges us to live lives that reflect the joy and hope that from knowing Christ as our Savior.

So, let us lift our voices high and join in the heavenly chorus. Let us proclaim the good news of Christ’s birth with enthusiasm and passion. Let us rejoice in the infinite love of God and the peace that comes through His Son. And let us continue to sing of Christ’s life, joy, and love, prolonging His praise for all eternity.

What good news the angels bring – the birth of our King, Christ the Lord. May this hymn remind us of the incredible gift of salvation we have received through Christ and inspire us to share this good news with the world.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the incredible good news the angels brought - the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Join in rejoicing and share the message of hope and salvation with the world.
What Good News The Angels Bring - Hymn Lyric - Discover the incredible good news the angels brought - the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Join in rejoicing and share the message of hope and salvation with the world.