With Hearts In Love Abounding – Hymn Lyric

Discover the beauty of praise and unity in "With Hearts In Love Abounding." Join us as we sing of God's boundless love and the redemption he offers to all. Let our hearts overflow with gratitude and join in the joyful song of the ransomed world. Experience the transformative power of His love and grace.

With Hearts In Love Abounding – Hymn Lyric

With Hearts In Love Abounding: A Song of Praise and Unity invites us to sing and celebrate the boundless love and of our almighty King. Through vivid imagery and beautiful language, this reminds us of the redemption and offered to all. With hearts filled with love and gratitude, we unite in and declare His greatness, to unity and joy to a world in need.


With Hearts In Love Abounding – Hymn Lyric

With hearts in love abounding,
Prepare we now to sing
A lofty theme, resounding
Thy praise, almighty King;

Whose love, rich gifts bestowing,
Redeemed the human race;
Whose lips with zeal o’erflowing,
Breathe words of truth and grace.

So reign, O God in heaven,
the same;
And endless praise be given
To Thy almighty name.

Cloth’d in Thy dazzling brightness,
Thy on earth behold,
In robes of purest whiteness,
In raiment wrought with gold.

And let each Gentile nation
Come gladly in her train,
To share Thy great salvation,
And join her grateful strain:

Then ne’er shall note of sadness
Awake the trembling string;
One song of joy and gladness
The ransomed world shall sing.


Meaning of With Hearts In Love Abounding

With Hearts In Love Abounding: A Song of Praise and Unity

In this hymn, we are reminded of the boundless love and grace of our almighty King. With hearts filled with love and gratitude, we come together to sing praises to Him who has redeemed the human race.

The opening verse sets the tone for our worship, inviting us to prepare ourselves to lift our voices high and sing of His greatness. Our hearts overflow with love as we acknowledge the rich gifts bestowed upon us by our loving God. Through His endless love, He has redeemed us, offering us forgiveness and salvation.

As we sing these words of adoration, we are reminded of the nature of our God who reigns in heaven. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. His unwavering faithfulness and unchanging love are reasons for us to offer endless praise to His almighty name.

The hymn takes us on a journey, using vivid imagery to depict the beauty and purity of the Church, the body of Christ. Clothed in dazzling brightness, the church on earth shines as a beacon of light amidst the darkness. Our robes of purest whiteness represent the righteousness and purity that we have through Christ’s sacrifice. The raiments wrought with gold symbolize the abundant blessings and treasures we receive as children of God.

But this hymn does not limit the scope of God’s love to only a select few. It extends an invitation to all Gentile nations to join God’s chosen people, to partake in the great salvation He offers. The Gospel is not exclusive; it is inclusive. It welcomes all who come, regardless of nationality or background, to experience the transformative power of God’s love and grace.

In singing this hymn, we express our desire for unity and rejoice in the diversity of God’s creation. The Gentile nations, once estranged, are now called to join the grateful strain of the redeemed. We celebrate the unity of believers from different backgrounds, cultures, and languages, all united under the banner of Christ.

As we join our voices together in worship, this hymn paints a picture of a world set free from sadness and strife. In the presence of our loving God, there is no room for sorrow. The trembling strings of sadness are replaced with a resounding melody of joy and gladness. The ransomed world joins in one harmonious song of praise, praising God for His redeeming love and grace.

With hearts in love abounding, may we continue to sing this lofty theme and declare the greatness of our almighty King. Let us clothe ourselves with His righteousness and invite the nations to experience His salvation. As we lift our voices in unity, may our song of joy and gladness resound throughout the earth, bringing hope and healing to all who hear.

So as we prepare to sing these beautiful words of worship, let us remember the power embedded within the hymn. Let us be reminded of the love and grace that flow abundantly from our Heavenly Father. May this hymn inspire us to live lives that reflect the praises we sing, shining the light of His love in a world that desperately needs it.

With hearts in love abounding, let us confidently and joyfully proclaim His praise, giving eternal to His almighty name.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the beauty of praise and unity in With Hearts In Love Abounding. Join us as we sing of God's boundless love and the redemption he offers to all. Let our hearts overflow with gratitude and join in the joyful song of the ransomed world. Experience the transformative power of His love and grace.
With Hearts In Love Abounding - Hymn Lyric - Discover the beauty of praise and unity in "With Hearts In Love Abounding." Join us as we sing of God's boundless love and the redemption he offers to all. Let our hearts overflow with gratitude and join in the joyful song of the ransomed world. Experience the transformative power of His love and grace.