He Calls Me His Child – Hymn Lyric

Discover the unwavering love and unending grace of God in "He Calls Me His Child". Find strength and comfort knowing that God never gives up.keywords: unwavering love

He Calls Me His Child – Hymn Lyric

“He Calls Me His Child: Reflecting on Unwavering Love and Unending Grace” is a that reminds us of God’s constant love and forgiveness. Even when we feel weak and alone, He never gives up on us. This hymn reassures us that we are His and are always loved and cherished by Him.


He Calls Me His Child – Hymn Lyric

I’m a tree, I can bend
When the storm comes rushing in
I’m strong, my roots run deep
But when problems along
There’s just a part of me that forgets all He’s done
He never does, He never does

He never gives up on the
He never gives up on the weak
And every time I’ve fallen down
He lifts me to my feet (lifts me to my feet)
In your eyes, I’m a hopeless case
But that is just because
You may have all but given up
He never does, He never does

He forgives and forgets
Puts my sins as far as east is from the west
And then hopes for the best
There’s just a part of me that doubts that great a love
He never does, He never does

And when I feel like hope is gone
His precious mercy comes along
And though I don’t deserve His grace and His love
He calls me his child just because, just because

He never will, He’ll never give up on me
He never does, no, He never does
I’m His child and forever I’ll be
He never does
Some folks may give up on you
But He never will


Meaning of He Calls Me His Child

He Calls Me His Child: Reflecting on Unwavering Love and Unending Grace

In our lives, we often face difficulties and challenges that can leave us feeling weary and weak. It’s during these moments that we might forget all that God has done for us and doubt the extent of His love and faithfulness. But let me assure you, my friends, that no matter what we go through, God never gives up on us.

In the verse of this beautiful hymn, it talks about how “I’m a tree I can bend when the storm comes rushing in.” Just like a tree, we too can bend and flex when faced with the storms of life. We may feel the weight of our problems and troubles, but deep down, our roots run deep. Our and trust in God anchor us during the toughest times.

But it’s in those moments of struggle that we are prone to forgetting all that He has done for us. We might think that we are alone and that God has abandoned us, but the truth is that He never does. The hymn reminds us that “He never gives up on the weary, He never gives up on the weak.” Despite our flaws and shortcomings, God’s love for us never wavers.

Every time we stumble and fall, God is always there to lift us back up. It may feel like we are a hopeless case in the eyes of others, but that doesn’t matter because God never gives up on us. He never does. He lifts us to our feet, providing us with the strength and courage to carry on.

One of the most beautiful aspects of God’s love is His forgiveness. The hymn tells us that He forgives and forgets. When we ask for His forgiveness, He doesn’t hold onto our sins. He throws them away, as far as east is from the west. He wipes our slate clean and gives us a fresh start. We might find it hard to believe in such a great love that can forgive us time and time again, but that doubt is just a part of us. It’s not reflective of who God is because He never does doubt His love for us.

In those moments when we feel like hope is gone, God’s mercy shines through. When we think we are undeserving of His grace and love, He extends it to us anyway. He calls us His child, not because of anything we have done, but simply because of who He is – a loving and gracious who loves and cares for His children unconditionally, no matter what.

Some people in our lives may give up on us, but God never will. His love is unwavering, His grace is unending. We might question and doubt His love at times, but the truth remains that He calls us His child, now and forever. It is a truth that brings comfort and assurance, knowing that we are never alone and always loved.

So, my dear friends, let us hold onto these beautiful words of this hymn. Let’s remember that no matter what storm we face, we can bend, but we will not break because our roots run deep in the faithfulness of God. Let’s remind ourselves that in times of struggle, He never gives up on us. Let’s trust in His forgiveness and grace, knowing that no is too great for Him to forgive. And let’s embrace the truth that we are His children, forever loved and cherished.

In conclusion, “He Calls Me His Child” is a hymn that beautifully captures the essence of God’s unwavering love and unending grace towards us. It reminds us that no matter what we face in life, we can find strength and comfort in knowing that God never gives up on us. We may doubt His love at times, but the reality is that He forgives, forgets, and always calls us His child. May these words resonate deep within our hearts and , reminding us of the incredible love our Heavenly Father has for us.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the unwavering love and unending grace of God in He Calls Me His Child. Find strength and comfort knowing that God never gives up.keywords: unwavering love, unending grace, God never gives up, He Calls Me His Child
He Calls Me His Child - Hymn Lyric - Discover the unwavering love and unending grace of God in "He Calls Me His Child". Find strength and comfort knowing that God never gives up.keywords: unwavering love, unending grace, God never gives up, He Calls Me His Child