O The Song Of The Soul Shall Not Die – Hymn Lyric

Discover the timeless melody of hope and glory in "O The Song Of The Soul Shall Not Die." This soul-stirring hymn celebrates the eternal nature of our inner song

O The Song Of The Soul Shall Not Die – Hymn Lyric

O The Song Of The Soul Shall Not DieIn a full of change and uncertainty, the hymn “O The Song Of The Soul Shall Not Die” reminds us that our inner song is timeless and everlasting. It is a melody that evolves and inspires us to embrace our purpose, connecting us to something greater than ourselves. Through the challenges of life, our soul’s song remains unbreakable, providing , strength, and a constant source of unity, redemption, and love.


O The Song Of The Soul Shall Not Die – Hymn Lyric

Oh, the song of the soul shall not die nor grow old,
Nor languish nor pine, in the home of our King!
But as ages fly onward new chords shall unfold,
New melodies meeting, inspire us to .

Oh, the song of the soul!
Oh, the song of the soul!
Forever in the song of the soul!

In the beautiful land far away o’er the tide,
The jasper-walled home of the Ancient of Days,
Where the ransomed ones shine as the in his pride,
Our long hallelujahs of glory we’ll raise. [Refrain]

And the fair, golden harps in the hands of the blest,
Shall thrill to a touch that no angel can give,
As we sing in that land where the weary shall rest,
Of One who hath died that a might live. [Refrain]

And as ages fly onward, tho’ worlds cease to be,
And perish the stars that in heaven do throng,
Still the joy of the soul shall be deathless and free,
And deathless and free the sweet notes of her song. [Refrain]


Meaning of O The Song Of The Soul Shall Not Die

O The Song Of The Soul Shall Not Die: A Timeless Melody of Hope and Glory

In a world full of change and uncertainty, where nothing seems to last forever, there exists a song that defies the ravages of time. Deep within the very core of our being, our soul sings a melody that can never die. It is a song that echoes through the ages, reminding us of our eternal connection to something greater than ourselves.

The hymn begins with the powerful proclamation, “Oh, the song of the soul shall not die nor grow old.” These words reassure us that our inner song is not bound by the constraints of time. It will neither wither nor fade away but will continue to thrive and flourish in the radiant home of our King.

As the years go by and new chapters unfold, our soul’s song evolves, embracing new chords and melodies. It is a ceaseless journey of discovery and inspiration that propels us forward, ever closer to our purpose and fulfillment. Each new verse brings us closer to our divine destiny, reminding us that our song is not meant to be stagnant but ever-changing and evolving, just like the world around us.

The refrain echoes with joyous praise, “Oh, the song of the soul! Oh, the song of the soul! Forever in glory, the song of the soul!” These words express the everlasting nature of our soul’s song. It is a melody that transcends earthly limitations and reaches into the realms of divine glory. It is a song that will be sung for all eternity, resonating with the harmonious voices of all who have found redemption and .

The hymn paints a beautiful image of a faraway land, “o’er the tide,” where the Ancient of Days resides. It is a place adorned with walls of jasper and inhabited by the ransomed ones, shining as brightly as the sun. In this heavenly abode, our voices unite in unison, raising hallelujahs of glory to the One who has redeemed us. It is a moment of pure bliss and exaltation, as our find solace and fulfillment in the presence of our Creator.

As we imagine ourselves in this celestial realm, we are greeted with the vision of golden harps in the hands of the . These harps, far surpassing the talents of angels, resonate with a touch that ignites our very essence. The music that emanates from these celestial instruments is a testament to the sacrifice of the One who gave His life for us . It is a song that reminds us of the eternal love and grace that flows through our lives.

The hymn assures us that as the ages pass and even the stars fade away, the joy of our soul will remain untarnished. The sweet notes of our song, both deathless and free, will continue to resound throughout eternity. It is a comforting thought that, no matter what trials and tribulations we may face, the essence of who we are and the song of our soul will endure. It is a constant source of hope and strength, reminding us that we are never alone on this journey called life.

In a world where so much is transient, it is assuring to know that there is something within us that remains constant. Our soul’s song is an unbreakable thread, connecting us to the divine and to each other. It is a song that speaks of unity, redemption, and the power of love. It is a song that guides us through the darkest nights and lifts us up to the brightest of days.

So let us embrace the song of our soul, dear friends, and sing with all our hearts. Let us allow its melodies to inspire us, to uplift us, and to bring us closer to the beauty that lies within and around us. For in the depths of our being, there is a song that shall never die, a song that shall forever resound in the glorious tapestry of existence.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the timeless melody of hope and glory in O The Song Of The Soul Shall Not Die. This soul-stirring hymn celebrates the eternal nature of our inner song, reminding us of our connection to something greater and inspiring us to embrace the beauty of our existence.
O The Song Of The Soul Shall Not Die - Hymn Lyric - Discover the timeless melody of hope and glory in "O The Song Of The Soul Shall Not Die." This soul-stirring hymn celebrates the eternal nature of our inner song, reminding us of our connection to something greater and inspiring us to embrace the beauty of our existence.