Jesus Loves Me With A Changeless Love – Hymn Lyric

Discover the unending love of Jesus in the hymn "Jesus Loves Me With A Changeless Love." Experience His sacrifice

Jesus Loves Me With A Changeless Love – Hymn Lyric

Jesus Loves Me With A Changeless Love engages the reader right from the start by emphasizing the unchanging and unconditional love that Jesus has for us. The content reinforces this message by highlighting Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and his willingness to rescue and comfort us in times of need. The summary also encourages the reader to share this incredible love with others and live in response to it.


Jesus Loves Me With A Changeless Love – Hymn Lyric

Jesus loves me with a changeless love,
He to save me left his throne above;
All my sins he bore upon the tree;
I never can tell all he’s done for me.

O what he’s done for me!
O what he’s done for me!
If I tried, to eternity,
I never could tell all he’s done for me!

When I fell beneath a heavy load,
Faint and weary, on the downward road,
Jesus took me from the miry clay-
He led me into the King’s highway.

O what he’s done for me!
O what he’s done for me!
If I tried, to eternity,
I never could tell all he’s done for me!

I had that were hard to bear,
Heavy burdens that no soul could share;
When I fainted, in my bitter grief,
He was the one to my relief.

O what he’s done for me!
O what he’s done for me!
If I tried, to eternity,
I never could tell all he’s done for me!

I’m so glad that Jesus is my ,
His is friendship that will never end;
O that I could make the whole world see
Just what a he is to me!

O what he’s done for me!
O what he’s done for me!
If I tried, to eternity,
I never could tell all he’s done for me!


Meaning of Jesus Loves Me With A Changeless Love

Jesus Loves Me With A Changeless Love

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it’s easy to get caught up in our own problems and forget about the unconditional love that Jesus has for us. The hymn “Jesus Loves Me With A Changeless Love” serves as a beautiful reminder of the immense sacrifice that Jesus made for us and the unending love he continues to shower upon us.

The very first line of the hymn sets the tone for what is to . “Jesus loves me with a changeless love.” This simple yet powerful statement encapsulates the heart of the Christian faith. Regardless of our faults, mistakes, or sins, Jesus loves us unconditionally. He loved us so much that he willingly left his heavenly throne to come and save us. That act of selflessness is beyond our human comprehension.

“All my sins he bore upon the tree.” These words remind us of the ultimate sacrifice Jesus made on the cross. He took upon himself the sins of the entire world, past, present, and future. The weight of our transgressions was heavy, but Jesus willingly carried that burden so that we could be freed from the chains of . It is a love unlike any other, a love that goes beyond our understanding.

As we repeat the refrain, “O what he’s done for me! If I tried, to eternity, I never could tell all he’s done for me!” we are reminded of the countless ways in which Jesus has shown his love in our lives. It is a love that surpasses our ability to fully comprehend. Though we may try to express our gratitude, our words pale in comparison to the magnitude of his love.

There are times in our lives when we find ourselves overwhelmed, burdened by the weight of our circumstances. Like the author of this hymn, we may have fallen beneath a heavy load, feeling faint and weary on the downward road. It is in these moments that Jesus comes to our rescue. He reaches down and lifts us up from the miry clay. He leads us onto the King’s highway, a path of hope, , and restoration.

We all experience sorrow and burdens that seem too heavy to bear. It is during these moments of despair that Jesus becomes our comfort and refuge. When we are unable to share the weight of our burdens with others, Jesus is there to carry them for us. In our bitter grief, he comes to our relief. He understands our pain and offers us solace in the midst of our trials.

One of the most precious aspects of our relationship with Jesus is that he is not just a distant figure, but a friend. The hymn proclaims, “I’m so glad that Jesus is my friend, His is friendship that will never end.” Jesus is not someone we can only know from afar; he desires an intimate relationship with each one of us. He is a friend who sticks closer than a brother, always there to listen, comfort, and guide us.

If we truly understood the depth of Jesus’ love, we would want the whole world to know. We would want to shout from the mountaintops about the incredible that he is to us. We long for others to experience the same love and that we have received. If only we could make the whole world see just how amazing Jesus is. But words can only do so much. It is through our actions, our love for others, and our testimony that we can point others towards Jesus and his life-changing love.

In conclusion, the hymn “Jesus Loves Me With A Changeless Love” serves as a beautiful testament to the all-encompassing and love that Jesus has for each and every one of us. It reminds us of the sacrificial love he displayed on the cross and the unending love he continues to pour out upon us. It is a love that reaches down into the depths of our despair, lifting us up and leading us onto a path of hope and healing. It is a love that surpasses our ability to fully comprehend or express in words. May we live our lives in response to this amazing love, sharing it with others and pointing them towards the incredible Savior that Jesus is to us.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the unending love of Jesus in the hymn Jesus Loves Me With A Changeless Love. Experience His sacrifice, comfort, and friendship as we navigate life's challenges. Share His amazing love with the world. Jesus Loves Me With A Changeless Love.
Jesus Loves Me With A Changeless Love - Hymn Lyric - Discover the unending love of Jesus in the hymn "Jesus Loves Me With A Changeless Love." Experience His sacrifice, comfort, and friendship as we navigate life's challenges. Share His amazing love with the world. Jesus Loves Me With A Changeless Love.