God Loved Our Erring Mortal Race – Hymn Lyric

Discover God's unconditional love for us despite our imperfections. Through faith in Jesus Christ

God Loved Our Erring Mortal Race – Hymn Lyric

In the grand scheme of the universe, we human beings are but a tiny speck. We are prone to making mistakes, erring in our ways, and falling short of perfection. However, despite our imperfections, there is a force greater than us, a force that surrounds us with its love and grace. This force, whom we call , us unconditionally. He looks past our faults and sees our potential. He sees the goodness within us, even when we struggle to see it ourselves. And because of His immense love for us, He sent His only Son, Christ, to walk among us and show us the path to .


God Loved Our Erring Mortal Race – Hymn Lyric

God loved our erring mortal race,
And thro’ His Son bestowed His grace,
That all who will in Him believe
May everlasting life receive.

Christ Jesus is the ground of faith,
Who was made flesh and suffered death;
All who confide in Him alone
Have built on this chief Cornerstone.

God would not have the die;
His Son with saving grace is nigh
His Spirit in the Word doth teach
How man the blessed goal may reach.

Glory to God the Father, Son,
And Holy Spirit, Three in One!
To Thee, O blessed Trinity,
Be praise throughout eternity!



Meaning of God Loved Our Erring Mortal Race

In the grand scheme of the universe, we human beings are but a tiny speck. We are prone to making mistakes, erring in our ways, and falling short of perfection. However, despite our imperfections, there is a force greater than us, a force that surrounds us with its love and grace.

This force, whom we call God, loves us unconditionally. He looks past our faults and sees our potential. He sees the goodness within us, even when we struggle to see it ourselves. And because of His immense love for us, He sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, to walk among us and show us the path to everlasting life.

It is through faith in Jesus Christ that we find hope and salvation. Jesus, who was both fully human and fully divine, came down to earth to experience our joys and sorrows, our triumphs and failures. He suffered death on the cross, bearing the weight of our sins, so that we may have eternal life. In Him, we find the solid ground on which we can build our faith.

When we place our trust in Jesus, we are building upon the chief Cornerstone. He is the foundation of our beliefs, and through Him, we find strength and stability. In a world that is often uncertain and ever-changing, Jesus remains constant. He is our rock, our refuge, and our guide.

God’s desire for us is not to perish but to live abundantly. He does not in our suffering or downfall. On the contrary, He extends His saving grace to all who seek Him. Through His Spirit, which dwells in the Word, God teaches us how we can attain the blessed goal of eternal life. He provides us with the roadmap to salvation, if only we are to and follow.

In contemplating God’s love for us, we cannot help but feel overwhelmed with gratitude. We are astounded by the depth of His affection, the breadth of His mercy, and the greatness of His power. As human beings, we are limited in our understanding, but we can still marvel at the mystery of God’s love.

Glory be to God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – the Holy Trinity. They are three distinct persons yet one divine essence. It is through this intricate relationship that we are granted the gift of redemption. They are eternally united in their love for humanity, working in perfect harmony to bring about our salvation.

And so, we raise our voices in praise and thanksgiving to God, both now and throughout eternity. We acknowledge His love for us, His grace that knows no bounds. We give thanks for His Son, Jesus Christ, who willingly gave up His life so that we may have life everlasting. May our lives be a testament to His love, and may we always strive to reflect His light in our words and actions.



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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover God's unconditional love for us despite our imperfections. Through faith in Jesus Christ, find hope, salvation, and everlasting life. Praise the Holy Trinity and reflect God's love in all we do.
God Loved Our Erring Mortal Race - Hymn Lyric - Discover God's unconditional love for us despite our imperfections. Through faith in Jesus Christ, find hope, salvation, and everlasting life. Praise the Holy Trinity and reflect God's love in all we do.