Our Soul Shall Magnify The Lord – Hymn Lyric

"Our Soul Shall Magnify The Lord": Discover the power of unity

Our Soul Shall Magnify The Lord – Hymn Lyric

“Our Soul Shall Magnify The Lord”: Promoting Unity, Compassion, and . This hymn reminds us of the importance of worship and the power it holds in bringing us closer to God. It emphasizes the joy and rejoicing that comes from magnifying the Lord in our and encourages us to bear one another’s burdens and live in righteousness. Additionally, it highlights God’s compassion and care for the , challenging us to see the worth of every individual. Ultimately, it calls us to respond with and a desire for lasting unity with both our fellow believers and God Himself.


Our Soul Shall Magnify The Lord – Hymn Lyric

Our soul shall magnify the Lord,
In Him, our spirit shall rejoice;
Assembled here with sweet accord,
Our hearts shall Him with our voice.

Since He regards our low estate,
And hears His handmaids when they pray,
We humbly plead at Mercy’s gate,
Where none are ever turned away.

The poor are His peculiar care,
To them His promises are sure;
His gifts, the poor in spirit share:
O may we always thus be poor!

God of our hope, to Thee we bow,
Thou art our refuge in distress;
The Husband of the widow, Thou,
The Father of the fatherless.

May we the law of love fulfill,
To bear each other’s burdens here;
Suffer and do Thy righteous will,
And walk in all Thy faith and fear.

Didst Thou not give Thy Son to die,
For our transgressions, in our stead?
And can Thy goodness aught deny
To those for whom Thy Son hath bled?

Then may our union, here begun,
Endure forever, firm and free;
At Thy right-hand may we be one,
One with each other, and with Thee.


Meaning of Our Soul Shall Magnify The Lord

“Our Soul Shall Magnify The Lord”: Promoting Unity, Compassion, and Faith

In the hymn “Our Soul Shall Magnify The Lord,” we find words of praise and gratitude towards our Father. The verse starts off by emphasizing the joy and rejoicing that comes from magnifying the Lord in our souls. As we come together in sweet accord, our hearts unite to praise Him with our voices. This hymn reminds us of the importance of worship and the power it holds in bringing us closer to God.

The next lines of the verse highlight the compassionate nature of God. It assures us that the Lord regards our low estate, showing His love and concern for us even in our most vulnerable moments. It speaks of how He hears the of His faithful servants, emphasizing the power of humbly pleading at Mercy’s gate. This concept teaches us that no prayer goes unheard and that God’s love is all-encompassing.

The hymn then redirects our focus to the poor and their unique in God’s . It reminds us that the poor hold a special position in God’s care, and His promises to them are sure. This notion challenges us to see the value and worth of every individual, regardless of their material possessions or social status. It inspires us to share God’s goodness with those who are in need, thinking not only of physical poverty but also of spiritual poverty. Being “poor in spirit” means recognizing our dependence on God and embracing humility and reliance on His .

As we continue to sing, the hymn proclaims our hope and trust in God. It recognizes Him as our refuge in times of distress, highlighting His role as the Husband of the widow and the Father of the fatherless. These powerful images remind us of God’s faithfulness and His concern for the marginalized and vulnerable members of society. It encourages us to extend love and support to those who may be experiencing hardship or loss.

The following verses urge us to fulfill the law of love, bearing one another’s burdens, and living in righteousness. They invite us to walk in faith and fear of God, demonstrating our devotion and obedience to His commandments. This call to action reminds us that our faith should not be passive but should translate into acts of kindness, empathy, and selflessness. It reinforces the importance of genuine relationships and interconnectedness within the community of believers.

The hymn reaches its climax by drawing our attention to the ultimate act of love: God giving His Son to die for our transgressions. It reflects on the sacrificial nature of Jesus’ death, highlighting God’s unwavering goodness and willingness to give for the sake of humanity. This powerful demonstration of love and grace assures us that God will not withhold any good thing from those for whom His Son has shed His blood. It deepens our trust and confidence in God’s provision and prompts us to respond with gratitude and obedience.

The hymn concludes by expressing the desire for lasting unity and oneness. It yearns for our union, initiated by gathering together to worship, to endure forever. It envisions a firm and free bond among believers, strengthened by their connection to Jesus, who sits at the right hand of God. This union is not only with one another but also with God Himself. It emphasizes the importance of communal worship and the transformative power it has in shaping our relationships and our relationship with God.

In conclusion, “Our Soul Shall Magnify The Lord” inspires us to live lives of unity, compassion, and faith. It teaches us to recognize and appreciate our dependence on God’s mercy and grace, while also cultivating a heart of love towards those who are in need. It encourages us to actively bear one another’s burdens, to follow God’s righteous will, and to walk in all His faith and fear. By contemplating the sacrifice of Jesus and the deep love of the Heavenly Father, we are compelled to respond with gratitude and a desire for lasting unity with both our fellow believers and God Himself. May the words of this hymn lead us to a deeper understanding of God’s love and inspire us to live out these principles in our daily lives.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Our Soul Shall Magnify The Lord: Discover the power of unity, compassion, and faith in this inspiring hymn. Experience the joy of worship and the transformative love of God.
Our Soul Shall Magnify The Lord - Hymn Lyric - "Our Soul Shall Magnify The Lord": Discover the power of unity, compassion, and faith in this inspiring hymn. Experience the joy of worship and the transformative love of God.