I Know Love – Hymn Lyric

I Know Love: Discover the Unconditional Love of God. Experience the transformative power of God's love and learn how to respond to His unconditional affection in this insightful hymn.

I Know Love – Hymn Lyric

“I Know Love” is a that beautifully expresses the unconditional love of God. It emphasizes that God’s love is not based on what we have done or who we are, but on His own character and nature. The hymn encourages us to live our lives in response to God’s love and to appreciate the depth of His sacrifice for us.


I Know Love – Hymn Lyric

I know love, love, my love,
He me
I know love, love, my love,
He loves me
I know love, love, my love,
He loves me
Not for what I am but who He is

I know that love, love, my love,
He loves me
I know love, love, my love,
He loves me
I know love, love, my love,
He loves me
Not for what I am but who He is

When in thought of what I would like to be
I about love (God’s love),
God’s love (God’s love)
Just looking at how good He’s been to me
It’s nothing but love,
God’s love

My God went straight to the rugged cross
How He died for all, even me
Looking at how good He’s been to me
It’s nothing but love (God’s love),
God’s love

I want to live my for Him
Because of His love (God’s love),
His precious love (God’s love)
Keeping this life of mine free from
Because of God’s love,
His love

He made an awesome sacrifice
When He gave His life for you and me
I gotta keep my life free from sin
And it’s all because (God’s love),
I love His love (God’s love)
God’s love for me

Suffered out on the tree
Oh, what love was shown
For my He did atone


Meaning of I Know Love

I Know Love: Understanding the Unconditional Love of God

Love is a powerful force that has the ability to transform lives and shape our understanding of the around us. It comes in many forms and can be found in relationships, friendships, and even in the smallest acts of kindness. However, there is one love that surpasses all others – the love of God.

In the hymn “I Know Love,” the lyrics beautifully express the deeply rooted conviction that God loves us unconditionally. It reminds us that God’s love for us is not based on what we have done or who we are, but rather on His own character and nature.

When we think about the love of God, we are filled with awe and gratitude. The hymn speaks of how good God has been to us, and of His incredible sacrifice on the cross. It is through His love that our sins are forgiven and our lives are transformed.

The hymn also prompts us to reflect on how we should respond to God’s love. It encourages us to live our lives for Him, to keep ourselves free from sin, and to appreciate the depth of His love for us.

God’s love is like no other. It is selfless, unconditional, and everlasting. We can try to grasp its enormity, but its true depth is beyond our comprehension. In order to better understand and appreciate God’s love, let’s delve into three important aspects of His love: its nature, its sacrifice, and its impact on our lives.

Firstly, the nature of God’s love is highlighted in the hymn. It emphasizes that God’s love is not based on our accomplishments or worthiness, but on His own character. It is not a conditional love that comes and goes, but a constant, unwavering love that is always present. This allows us to find comfort and reassurance in the knowledge that no matter what we do or who we are, God’s love for us remains.

Secondly, the hymn speaks of the sacrifice that God made out of His immense love for us. It points to the crucifixion of Christ as the ultimate act of love. On the rugged cross, Jesus willingly laid down His life for all humanity, taking on our sins and offering us redemption. It is through this act of sacrifice that God’s love is most clearly demonstrated.

Lastly, the hymn encourages us to live our lives in response to God’s love. It challenges us to keep our lives free from sin, recognizing that our actions and choices matter. It is not a burden or a chore, but rather a joyful and grateful response to God’s love. When we choose to live according to His will, we show our love for Him and acknowledge the transformative power of His love in our lives.

To truly know and experience the love of God, we must open our hearts and minds to Him. He longs for a personal relationship with us, and it is in that relationship that we can fully grasp the depth of His love. We can seek Him through prayer, reading His Word, and spending time in His presence. As we draw closer to Him, we will to know His love more intimately.

In conclusion, the hymn “I Know Love” encapsulates the essence of God’s love for us. It reminds us that His love is unconditional and independent of our own merits. It calls us to appreciate and respond to His love by living our lives for Him and striving to keep ourselves free from sin. By understanding the nature, sacrifice, and impact of God’s love, we can truly come to know and experience the depths of His love in our lives.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image I Know Love: Discover the Unconditional Love of God. Experience the transformative power of God's love and learn how to respond to His unconditional affection in this insightful hymn.
I Know Love - Hymn Lyric - I Know Love: Discover the Unconditional Love of God. Experience the transformative power of God's love and learn how to respond to His unconditional affection in this insightful hymn.