Jesus Thou Highest Loveliest Name – Hymn Lyric

Experience the profound impact of the highest and loveliest name - Jesus. Dive into the hymn that pays tribute to His sacrifice

Jesus Thou Highest Loveliest Name – Hymn Lyric

“Jesus, Thou Highest Loveliest Name: A Reverence for Christ’s Sacrifice and Glory” captures the profound significance of Jesus’ name. This His selfless sacrifice on the cross, His humility in becoming a servant, and His exaltation by God. It reminds us of the power and authority that Jesus’ name holds, compelling all to bow before Him in reverence.


Jesus Thou Highest Loveliest Name – Hymn Lyric

Jesus, thou highest, loveliest Name
Of all on Earth of Heav’n,
The blest Reward of all thy Shame,
By thy great Father giv’n.

Because thou didst thy Heavens bow,
Thy People’s ancient Suit;
Cam’st down in Servant’s Form, so low,
As Loss of all Repute.

In Fashion as that fallen Race,
Whose Offspring are but Grass,
Thou took’st the meanest servile Place
In all their lowest Class:

Becam’st obedient Death,
Nor could’st, nor would’st htou flee;
But humbly didst resign thy Breath
Upon the shameful Tree!

Therefore hath God exalted ,
And set thee up on high;
Where thou shalt prais’d and worshipp’d be
To all .

Lo! ev’ry Knee to thee shall bow,
Whether they stood or fell;
In Heav’n above, or Earth below,
And in eternal Hell.

All shall thy Grace or Fury prove;
Thy Kingdom all shall own:
Man shall be happy in thy ;
Let Satan dread thy Frown.

Thus ev’ry Tongue, constrain’d by Grace,
Or Power, shall confess
The Lord, with a confused Face,
Or, th’ Lord their Righteousness.

Herein the Father’s glorify’d,
That thou art Lord of all;
Whilst Men and Angel’s swelling Pride
Before thy Feet shall fall.


Meaning of Jesus Thou Highest Loveliest Name

Jesus, Thou Highest Loveliest Name: A Reverence for Christ’s Sacrifice and Glory

In a world filled with names and titles, there is one name that stands above all others – Jesus. This hymn beautifully captures the essence of Jesus’ significance and the reverence that is due to Him. It speaks of His selfless sacrifice, His obedience unto death, and His exaltation by God. Let us delve deeper into the powerful messages conveyed in this hymn and explore the profound impact of Jesus’ name.

The hymn begins with the words, “Jesus, thou highest, loveliest Name, Of all on Earth of Heav’n.” Here, the author acknowledges that Jesus’ name surpasses any other name that exists in both earthly and heavenly realms. It recognizes the divine origin and significance attached to His name. In a world where names hold different meanings and importance, Jesus’ name supersedes them all, for it represents the very essence of God’s love and .

The second verse speaks of the paradox of Jesus’ life – the “blest Reward of all thy Shame.” It refers to Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, where He bore the shame and humiliation of crucifixion in order to redeem humanity. Through His willing submission to suffering and death, Jesus triumphed over sin and provided salvation for all who embrace Him.

The hymn continues by highlighting Jesus’ humility and servant-hearted nature. It states, “Because thou didst thy Heavens bow, Thy People’s ancient Suit; Cam’st down in Servant’s Form, so low, As Loss of all Repute.” Jesus, who is the King of kings and Lord of , willingly humbled Himself and took on the form of a servant. He left the splendors of heaven to dwell among mankind, experiencing the lowest and most vulnerable aspects of human existence.

The hymn further emphasizes Jesus’ identification with fallen humanity. It compares Him to “that fallen Race, Whose Offspring are but Grass.” Just as we are prone to weakness, sin, and mortality, Jesus willingly identified Himself with our humble state. He embraced our frailty and took on the lowliest position in society to demonstrate His immeasurable love and grace.

The hymn then delves into the ultimate act of obedience and sacrifice – Jesus’ death on the cross. It proclaims, “Becam’st obedient unto Death, Nor could’st, nor would’st thou flee; But humbly didst resign thy Breath Upon the shameful Tree!” Jesus’ crucifixion was not a result of external circumstances beyond His control; it was a deliberate and purposeful act of self-surrender. He willingly laid down His life as the ultimate expression of His love for humanity.

The hymn goes on to highlight the consequences of Jesus’ sacrificial death. It states, “Therefore hath God exalted thee, And set thee up on high; Where thou shalt prais’d and worshipp’d be To all Eternity.” Because of His obedience and sacrifice, God exalted Jesus and bestowed upon Him the highest honor and glory. Jesus, who once bowed His head in humility, is now seated at the right hand of God, where He is praised and worshiped for eternity.

The hymn then vividly portrays the universal recognition and submission to Jesus’ authority. It declares, “Lo! ev’ry Knee to thee shall bow, Whether they stood or fell; In Heav’n above, or Earth below, And in eternal Hell.” The authority of Jesus extends to all realms – heaven, earth, and even hell. There will a time when every knee will bow before Him, regardless of their current standing or status. This shows the all-encompassing power of Jesus’ name and the inevitable acknowledgment of His sovereignty.

The hymn concludes by underscoring the impact of Jesus’ grace and judgment. It proclaims, “All shall thy Grace or Fury prove; Thy Kingdom all shall own: Man shall be happy in thy Love; Let Satan dread thy Frown.” The name of Jesus holds the power to both grace and judgment. Those who accept His love and embrace His salvation will experience true happiness and fulfillment. On the other hand, those who oppose Him, like Satan, will face the consequences of His righteous judgment.

In summary, this hymn beautifully captures the reverence and adoration due to Jesus, the highest and loveliest name. It highlights His selfless sacrifice, His humility, and the resulting exaltation by God. Jesus’ name holds immense power and authority, compelling all creation to acknowledge Him. May we embrace the significance of His name and live in awe and reverence of Jesus, our Savior and Lord.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the profound impact of the highest and loveliest name - Jesus. Dive into the hymn that pays tribute to His sacrifice, humility, and ultimate exaltation, inviting you to embrace His profound significance and love.
Jesus Thou Highest Loveliest Name - Hymn Lyric - Experience the profound impact of the highest and loveliest name - Jesus. Dive into the hymn that pays tribute to His sacrifice, humility, and ultimate exaltation, inviting you to embrace His profound significance and love.