Come Ye Redeemed By Jesus Blood – Hymn Lyric

Join in the hymn of gratitude and redemption

Come Ye Redeemed By Jesus Blood – Hymn Lyric

“Come Ye Redeemed By Jesus Blood” is a that calls those who have been redeemed by Jesus to come together and offer grateful songs. It highlights the incredible and love of Jesus who willingly died on the to bring us back to God. This hymn reminds us of the eternal praise and that us in the presence of our .


Come Ye Redeemed By Jesus Blood – Hymn Lyric

ye redeem’d by Jesus’ blood,
Your grateful songs
He brought your wand’ring souls to God,
And turn’d your grief
to joy.

ransom’d ,
what a price
Was paid to set you free!
Th’ Eternal Son
was nail’d and dy’d
Upon the bloody tree.

Our yielding hearts
cannot be cold,
While viewing such a scene!
E’en nature trembled
to behold
The suff’rings of her King!

The massy rocks
in sunder clave,
When Jesus clos’d his eyes;
The sleeping saints
leap’d from their graves,
And darkness spread
the skies.

Mysterious !
all-conquering love!
Too deep for angels’ ken:
That he whom seraphs praise above,
Should die for guilty men.

Then join,
ye ransom’d in the song,
while ye taste his love,
Let every saint
the them prolong,
Till call’d to praise above.


Meaning of Come Ye Redeemed By Jesus Blood

Come Ye Redeemed By Jesus Blood: A Hymn of Gratitude and Redemption

In this hymn, we are invited to come together, those of us who have been redeemed by the precious blood of Jesus. It is a call for us to use our voices to offer grateful songs, for it is through Jesus that our wandering souls have been brought back to God. In his infinite love and mercy, Jesus turned our grief into joy.

This hymn reminds us to reflect on the great price that was paid for our freedom. The Eternal Son, Jesus, willingly allowed himself to be nailed and died upon the bloody tree of Calvary. His sacrifice, his shedding of blood, was the ultimate act of love that set us free from sin. Let us take a moment to truly understand the magnitude of this price, for it is through Jesus’ sacrifice that we find salvation.

As we meditate on the events of that fateful day, we cannot help but be moved. Our hearts cannot remain cold and untouched when we contemplate the suffering that Jesus endured for us. Even the very fabric of nature trembled and shook at the sight of its Maker suffering on the cross. The rocks split apart, and the sleeping saints rose from their graves as darkness covered the land. It was a moment that shook the world and changed everything.

The grace extended to us through Jesus’ sacrifice is truly mysterious and beyond our complete understanding. It is a grace that conquered all, even death itself. Such overwhelming love is difficult for even the angels to comprehend. Imagine, the very beings who stand in the presence of God, praising and worshiping Him day and night, are astounded that the Son of God would willingly give his life for guilty humanity. It is a love that surpasses all human understanding, a love that knows no limits.

Let us come together now, all those who have been redeemed, and join our voices in this song of praise and gratitude. As we taste and experience the love of Jesus, let us prolong this hymn, allowing its words to resound in our hearts and minds. Let it be a constant reminder of the immense sacrifice that was made on our behalf.

But our journey doesn’t end here. This hymn also points us towards a future of eternal praise and worship. We are called to continue singing this song of redemption and salvation, not only in this earthly life but also when we are called to praise above. It is a reminder that our time on this earth is temporary, and our true home is in the presence of God. Until that day comes, let us sing with joy and gratitude, knowing that one day we will join the heavenly in praising our Savior for all eternity.

In conclusion, “Come Ye Redeemed By Jesus Blood” is a hymn that speaks directly to our hearts. It reminds us of the unfathomable love and sacrifice of Jesus, who shed his blood to set us free. We are invited to join in this song of gratefulness and redemption, allowing its message to fill our souls. May we never cease to sing of the love that brings us and everlasting joy.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Join in the hymn of gratitude and redemption, Come Ye Redeemed By Jesus Blood. Reflect on Jesus' sacrifice and find joy in His love. Sing with the redeemed and anticipate eternal praise above.
Come Ye Redeemed By Jesus Blood - Hymn Lyric - Join in the hymn of gratitude and redemption, "Come Ye Redeemed By Jesus Blood". Reflect on Jesus' sacrifice and find joy in His love. Sing with the redeemed and anticipate eternal praise above.