At The Cross Of Jesus Bowing – Hymn Lyric

Find refuge and blessings at the cross of Jesus. Experience peace and calm amidst life's troubles. Drink from life's pure fountain and surrender rebellious hearts. A safe retreat for all.

At The Cross Of Jesus Bowing – Hymn Lyric

“At The Cross Of Jesus Bowing: Finding Peace and Refuge in His Presence”Discover a place of solace and tranquility as you bow at the foot of the cross of Jesus. This hymn reminds us of the sanctuary we can find in His presence, away from ‘s troubles and worries. Count your blessings and drink from the fountain of life, experiencing the joys of heaven as you surrender your to Jesus.


At The Cross Of Jesus Bowing – Hymn Lyric

At the cross of Jesus bowing,
Here I find a safe retreat
From a of care and trouble,
In His presence calm and sweet.

Sweet stillness of heaven around me I feel,
While low at the cross of my Jesus I kneel.

At the cross of Jesus bowing,
Here I count my blessings o’er;
Here I drink from life’s pure fountain,
Drink until I thirst no more.

At the cross of Jesus bowing,
Here I spend life’s sweetest hour;
Here I taste the joys of heaven,
Fill my heart with conq’ring pow’r.

At the cross of Jesus bowing,
Let me never from it part;
For His dying love has conquered
My rebellious, roving heart.

At the cross of Jesus bowing,
Here I own His way is best;
In the shelter of Mount Calv’ry,
Let me die in peace at last.


Meaning of At The Cross Of Jesus Bowing

At The Cross Of Jesus Bowing: A Safe Retreat from Life’s Troubles

Life can often be filled with challenges and worries, leaving us searching for a place of refuge and peace. In this hymn, “At The Cross Of Jesus Bowing,” we find solace and sanctuary in the presence of Jesus. It is at the foot of the cross where we discover a safe retreat, away from the cares and troubles of the world.

As we humbly bow before Jesus, we are enveloped by a sweet stillness, a sense of heaven surrounding us. It is in this space that we can find respite from the storms that rage within and around us. In a world that demands our constant attention and energy, the cross becomes a refuge where we can simply be, finding calm and solace in the midst of chaos.

Here, at the foot of the cross, we have the opportunity to reflect on our blessings. In a world that often focuses on what we lack, counting our blessings allows us to cultivate a heart of . Just as the hymn suggests, the cross is a place where we can drink from life’s pure fountain, finding deep satisfaction and contentment. It is in the presence of Jesus that our deepest thirsts are quenched, leaving us fulfilled and satisfied.

Life’s journey is filled with moments of both and sorrow. The cross becomes a place where we can experience life’s sweetest hours. In the presence of Jesus, we taste the joys of heaven, experiencing a taste of the eternal in the present. This glimpse of heaven fills our hearts with a conquering power, enabling us to face the challenges that lie ahead with courage and strength.

At the cross of Jesus bowing, we to a profound realization: His love has triumphed over our rebellious hearts. In a world that often encourages us to follow our own desires and whims, we acknowledge that Jesus’ way is truly the best. It is at the foot of the cross where we surrender our own will and submit ourselves to His perfect plan. It is in this act of surrender that we find true peace and freedom.

As we make our home at the cross, we recognize that it is not a temporary dwelling but a permanent retreat. The hymn suggests that we should never part from the cross, for it is here that we find life and . We become intimately connected to the Jesus made for us, continually drawing from His love and grace. The cross becomes our shelter, our refuge from the storms of life, a place where we find safety and security.

In the end, the hymn invites us to contemplate our mortality, acknowledging that one day we will pass from this life. At the cross, we find a peaceful surrender to our earthly existence, knowing that in the shelter of Mount Calvary, we can find rest and serenity. Death is not something to be feared but rather embraced, for it is at the cross that we can lay down our burdens and find eternal peace.

In conclusion, “At The Cross Of Jesus Bowing” speaks to the universal longing for a safe retreat from life’s troubles. We find this sanctuary in the presence of Jesus at the foot of the cross. It is here that we count our blessings, drink from life’s pure fountain, taste the joys of heaven, and surrender our rebellious hearts. The cross becomes our permanent dwelling, a place of safety, and peace. May we always remember the power and significance of the cross in our lives, and may it continue to us comfort and refuge for years to come.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Find refuge and blessings at the cross of Jesus. Experience peace and calm amidst life's troubles. Drink from life's pure fountain and surrender rebellious hearts. A safe retreat for all.
At The Cross Of Jesus Bowing - Hymn Lyric - Find refuge and blessings at the cross of Jesus. Experience peace and calm amidst life's troubles. Drink from life's pure fountain and surrender rebellious hearts. A safe retreat for all.