Sing Ye The Songs Of Praise Jesus Is Come – Hymn Lyric

Sing Ye The Songs Of Praise: Jesus Is Come

Sing Ye The Songs Of Praise Jesus Is Come – Hymn Lyric

“Sing Ye The Songs Of : Jesus Is Come” celebrates the arrival of Jesus with joyful hymns and gratitude in our hearts. This hymn reminds us of the transformative power of Jesus’s as we seek forgiveness and renewal. Let us join together and rejoice in the profound impact of Jesus’s , carrying the songs of praise in our hearts.


Sing Ye The Songs Of Praise Jesus Is Come – Hymn Lyric

Sing ye the songs of praise;
Jesus is come!
High your glad voices raise;
Jesus is come!

Cast worldly cares away,
Worship and homage pay,
Welcome the blessed day,
Jesus is come!

This day in Bethlehem,
Jesus was !
King of Jerusalem,
Jesus was born!

of all righteousness,
with blessedness,
Healing our wretchedness,
Jesus was born!

Cleanse us from all our sin,
Saviour Divine!
Make our thoughts pure within,
Saviour Divine!

Lo! now the herald sound
Carols the love profound,
Telling of Jesus found,
Saviour Divine!

Save through Thy merit,
Great Prince of Peace!
Give Thy good ,
Great Prince of Peace!

Let not Thy love depart,
But holy gifts impart,
Born into every heart,
Great Prince of Peace!


Meaning of Sing Ye The Songs Of Praise Jesus Is Come

Sing Ye The Songs Of Praise: Jesus Is Come

In a filled with noise and chaos, it is important to take a moment and sing the songs of praise. And what better reason to rejoice and lift our voices than the fact that Jesus has come! The hymn beautifully captures the joy and excitement that fills our hearts when we realize the significance of this event.

The opening verse encourages us to raise our voices high and cast away worldly cares as we worship and pay homage to Jesus. It calls us to welcome the blessed day when Jesus was born in Bethlehem, the King of Jerusalem. It reminds us of his righteousness and blessedness, shining brightly and offering healing to our wretchedness.

As we sing the songs of praise, we also acknowledge the transformative power of Jesus. The hymn implores him to cleanse us from all our sins, to make our thoughts pure within. It is through his divine and mercy that we can find forgiveness and renewal. Jesus, the Saviour Divine, has the ability to wash away our mistakes and offer us a fresh start.

The herald sound in Bethlehem proclaims the profound love that Jesus brings. It tells the story of how Jesus was found, introducing us to the unfolding narrative of redemption and salvation. It is a reminder that Jesus’s birth is not just a historical event but one that carries great significance for our lives today.

In this hymn, we also acknowledge Jesus as the Great Prince of Peace. Through his merit and sacrifice, we can experience true peace, both within ourselves and in our relationship with others. His good Spirit is the guiding force that leads us on the path of righteousness and helps us navigate through the challenges of life.

The closing verse of the hymn beautifully encapsulates the plea to Jesus to not let his love depart from us. It emphasizes the importance of his presence in our lives, urging him to bestow his holy gifts upon us. It reminds us that Jesus’s birth is not an isolated event but something that should be born into every heart, bringing transformation and hope to all.

As we reflect on the words of this hymn, we are reminded of the profound impact Jesus’s birth has had and continues to have on humanity. It is a cause for celebration, gratitude, and worship. Singing the songs of praise connects us with the timeless message of hope and salvation that Jesus brings.

So, let us come together, young and old, and sing ye the songs of praise! Let us rejoice in the fact that Jesus is come, and through his love, grace, and mercy, we have the opportunity for forgiveness, renewal, and peace. May his birth be a constant reminder of the profound love that has for us, and may we always carry the songs of praise in our hearts.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Sing Ye The Songs Of Praise: Jesus Is Come

Rejoice and worship as we celebrate Jesus's birth! Sing the songs of praise and experience the transformative power of his love and grace. Find forgiveness, renewal, and peace in this timeless message of hope. Let Jesus's birth be a constant reminder of God's profound love for us.
Sing Ye The Songs Of Praise Jesus Is Come - Hymn Lyric - Sing Ye The Songs Of Praise: Jesus Is Come Rejoice and worship as we celebrate Jesus's birth! Sing the songs of praise and experience the transformative power of his love and grace. Find forgiveness, renewal, and peace in this timeless message of hope. Let Jesus's birth be a constant reminder of God's profound love for us.