O Lord Jesus, Lamb Of God – Hymn Lyric

Experience the profound love and sacrifice of O Lord Jesus

O Lord Jesus, Lamb Of God – Hymn Lyric

The hymn titled “O Jesus, Lamb of God” reflects on the incredible sacrifice and unwavering love of Jesus. It speaks of the pain and suffering he endured on behalf of humanity, bearing the heavy burden of our sins. Through his sacrifice, Jesus offers us redemption and the opportunity to experience his redeeming love.


O Lord Jesus, Lamb Of God – Hymn Lyric

O Lord Jesus,
Lamb of God, bearing such a heavy load;
Pain and suffering was Your fate—
Anguish, ridicule, and hate.

Crown of thorns and staff of spite,
Must you mock our Sovereign’s might?
Know you not whom Pilate brings?
Jesus Christ, the King of kings!

Road of , lead the way
To redeeming love today.
Let me see my Savior’s face;
Let me taste this gift of grace.

Tree of anguish, bear my ;
Heart of Jesus, let me in.
O Lord, may Your wounds make whole
Body, , and my soul.

of triumph lifted high;
Christ becomes the victory:
and sacrifice today,
Washing all our guilt away.


Meaning of O Lord Jesus, Lamb Of God

O Lord Jesus, Lamb of God, we come before you today with gratitude and awe for the incredible sacrifice you made for us. As we reflect on the words of this hymn and the title, “O Lord Jesus, Lamb of God,” we are reminded of your unwavering love and the immense burden you carried on behalf of humanity.

The hymn speaks of the pain and suffering you endured as you took on the sins of the . Your fate was one of anguish, ridicule, and hate. Even though you were mocked and scorned, you remained steadfast in your purpose. You willingly bore the crown of thorns and the staff of spite, despite the fact that those who mocked you failed to recognize your true identity.

Jesus, you are the King of kings, the one whom Pilate unknowingly brought before the world. Your humility and love were so great that you willingly walked the road of sorrow for our sake. Through your sacrifice, you offer us the opportunity to experience redeeming love.

The hymn expresses the desire to see your face, to truly understand and appreciate the gift of grace you offer. Just as a tree bears its fruit, the tree of your anguish bears our sins. Your heart, Jesus, is open to receive us and cleanse us from all our transgressions. We that through your wounds, our entire being – body, spirit, and soul – may find wholeness.

The cross, a symbol of suffering and death, is also a symbol of triumph and victory. Through the cross, you became the ultimate priest and sacrifice, washing away our guilt and offering us eternal . The hymn emphasizes that you are the source of victory, the one who overcame the power of sin and death on our behalf.

As we meditate on the title, “O Lord Jesus, Lamb of God,” we are reminded of your dual nature – the gentle lamb and the almighty Lord. In your meekness, you willingly gave yourself up as a sacrificial lamb, bearing the sins of the world and offering us forgiveness and salvation. Yet, you are also the Lord of all creation, the one who holds all power and authority.

In thinking about these ideas, we find comfort and assurance. We are reminded of your immense love for us, that you would endure such suffering on our behalf. We are reminded of your infinite power, that even death could not conquer you. We are reminded of the hope we have in you, knowing that through your sacrifice, we can find forgiveness, healing, and eternal life.

So, as we sing this hymn and contemplate the title, “O Lord Jesus, Lamb of God,” let us hold onto the truth of your love and sacrifice. Let us remember the depths of your pain and the heights of your victory. And, let us respond with gratitude, , and surrender to the One who bore our sins and offers us eternal hope. May your name, O Lord Jesus, Lamb of God, be forever honored and exalted.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the profound love and sacrifice of O Lord Jesus, Lamb of God. Reflect on the pain endured and the victory achieved for eternal hope and forgiveness. Discover the power of redemption.
O Lord Jesus, Lamb Of God - Hymn Lyric - Experience the profound love and sacrifice of O Lord Jesus, Lamb of God. Reflect on the pain endured and the victory achieved for eternal hope and forgiveness. Discover the power of redemption.