Sing We The Praises Of Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Sing We The Praises Of Jesus: The Wonderful Savior of Men

Sing We The Praises Of Jesus – Hymn Lyric

“Sing We The Praises Of Jesus” is a hymn that beautifully portrays the love and sacrifice of Jesus, our Savior. Through its verses, we are reminded of Jesus’ incredible grace, His triumph over death, and the eternal praise He deserves. This hymn invites us to reflect on the depth of His love and to respond with , , and a renewed understanding of His everlasting presence in our lives.


Sing We The Praises Of Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Sing we the praises of Jesus,
the wonderful Savior of men;
Sing how He died for our ransom,
yet liveth in glory again;
Tell how His grace is sufficient,
a of lost sinners to save;
Tell how whoever believeth
a perfect salvation shall have.

Wounded for our transgressions,
Treading the winepress alone;
Brought as a lamb to the slaughter,
Jesus the Infinite One.

Shall we not praise Him forever,
Worship His name and adore?
He who was slain, but now liveth again,
Is our Savior forevermore.

To Bethlehem of Judea,
a Babe in a manger He ;
Lived He a of the lowly,
enduring the cross and its shame;
Tempted in all points as we are,
and yet without was He found;
God-man, our frailties He knows,
and His grace doth to sinners abound.


Glory to God in the highest,
our glad hearts exultingly sing,
Praises forever and ever
to Jesus our Savior and King;
No more despised and rejected,
for sinners to suffer and die,
Worshipped, enthroned and exalted,
He liveth forever on high.



Meaning of Sing We The Praises Of Jesus

Sing We The Praises Of Jesus: The Wonderful Savior of Men

In the hymn “Sing We The Praises Of Jesus,” we are reminded of the incredible love and sacrifice of Jesus, the Savior of mankind. Through the verses of this hymn, we are invited to explore the depths of His grace and the power of His salvation. Let us delve into the beautiful message conveyed by this hymn and learn more about our Savior, Jesus .

The hymn begins by urging us to sing praises to Jesus, recognizing Him as the wonderful Savior of men. The beauty lies in the fact that Jesus willingly His life as a ransom for us. He paid the price for our sins so that we may have everlasting life. Such is the magnitude of His love that even death could not hold Him. He triumphed over death and lives in glory forevermore. It is truly remarkable to fathom the enormity of His sacrifice.

The refrain of the hymn further emphasizes the depth of Jesus’ commitment to our salvation. It paints a vivid picture of His suffering, comparing Him to a wounded lamb and highlighting His isolation in treading the winepress alone. Jesus willingly bore the weight of our transgressions, enduring the pain and agony of being brought as a lamb to the slaughter. This imagery serves as a poignant reminder of the immense love and selflessness that Jesus displayed on our behalf.

Moving on to the second verse, we are transported to Bethlehem of Judea, where Jesus, the Savior, was born as a humble baby in a manger. The hymn describes His life as one of lowliness and the hardships He endured, culminating in the ultimate sacrifice on the cross. Despite being tempted in every possible way, Jesus remained sinless. As a God-man, He understands our weaknesses and imperfections, yet His grace abounds for all sinners. This provides us with immense comfort, knowing that we have a Savior who empathizes with our struggles and offers us forgiveness and redemption.

In the third verse, the hymn bursts forth with joyous praise to God in the highest. Our hearts cannot help but overflow with gratitude and exultation as we lift our voices in worship. Jesus, our Savior and King, is deserving of eternal praises. No longer is He despised and rejected; instead, He is worshipped, enthroned, and exalted forevermore. This verse reminds us of the eternal victory that Jesus achieved through His resurrection. He conquered sin and death, and His triumph is worthy of our never-ending adoration.

Sing We The Praises Of Jesus captures the essence of our and the heart of the . It serves as a reminder of the incredible sacrifice Jesus made for our sake and the limitless grace He extends to all who believe in Him. This hymn beckons us to respond with praise, gratitude, and worship. It encourages us to embrace the reality of Jesus’ presence in our lives and the eternal hope that springs forth from the depths of His love.

As we go about our daily lives, let us keep the words of this hymn close to our hearts. May our voices join in unison to sing the praises of Jesus, our wonderful Savior. Let His name be exalted forevermore, for He is the one who was slain but now lives again. Our Savior, Jesus Christ, reigns supreme, and we are eternally grateful for His everlasting love and grace.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Sing We The Praises Of Jesus: The Wonderful Savior of MenSing praises to Jesus, our Savior and King. Explore His love, sacrifice, and grace in this hymn. Join us in worship and gratitude for His eternal presence in our lives. Sing the praises of Jesus, our wonderful Savior.
Sing We The Praises Of Jesus - Hymn Lyric - Sing We The Praises Of Jesus: The Wonderful Savior of Men Sing praises to Jesus, our Savior and King. Explore His love, sacrifice, and grace in this hymn. Join us in worship and gratitude for His eternal presence in our lives. Sing the praises of Jesus, our wonderful Savior.