My Soul Hath Found The Steadfast Ground – Hymn Lyric

Experience the unchanging love and mercy of Jesus in "My Soul Hath Found The Steadfast Ground." Find hope and security in Him as your anchor in life.

My Soul Hath Found The Steadfast Ground – Hymn Lyric

“My Soul Hath Found The Steadfast Ground: A of Eternal Love and Unchanging ” beautifully captures the longing for stability and security in life. It reminds us that our anchor is found in Jesus Christ, who offers us an eternal love and unchanging mercy. No matter how turbulent our lives may become, we can find peace and rest in His unyielding love and grace.


My Soul Hath Found The Steadfast Ground – Hymn Lyric

My soul hath found the steadfast ground,
There ever shall my anchor hold-
That ground is in my Christ,
Before the world was from of old-

And that sure ground shall be my stay,
When and Earth shall pass away.

That ground is Thine Eternal Love,
Thy Love that through all ages burns-
The open arms of mercy stretched
To meet the sinner who returns;

The Love that calleth everywhere,
If men will hear or will forbear.

God willeth not we should be lost,
He wills to save the sons of men;
For this His Son came down from Heaven,
For this returned to Heaven again;

For this He standeth at the door,
He knocketh, waiteth,

Unseen, unheard, He calleth yet;
Rejected, still He waits to bless-
The Shepherd never will forget
His lost sheep in the wilderness;
Though far as east from west they stray,
He seeketh them by night and day.

O deep, deep , where all our sins
By God are cast, and found no more!
There is no condemnation now,
The Lord hath healed our deadly sore;

Because the voice of Jesu’s Blood
Still cries for mercy God.

In that deep sea of love I sink
In perfect peace and endless rest,
And when my sins condemn my soul,
Cling closer to my Saviour’s breast-

For there I find, go when I will,
Unchanging love and mercy still.


Meaning of My Soul Hath Found The Steadfast Ground

My Soul Hath Found The Steadfast Ground: A Hymn of Eternal Love and Unchanging Mercy

In the journey of life, we often find ourselves searching for something to anchor us, a place where we can find stability and security. The hymn “My Soul Hath Found The Steadfast Ground” beautifully captures the essence of this longing, declaring that our steadfast ground is found in our Savior, Jesus Christ.

The hymn starts by acknowledging that our souls have found the steadfast ground in Christ. This means that our faith, our hope, and our very identity are rooted in Him. It is a comforting thought to know that no matter how turbulent our lives may become, there is an anchor that holds us steady.

The hymn goes on to describe this steadfast ground as something that has been present even before the world existed. It is a profound realization that our Savior’s love for us is not a fleeting emotion, but a love that has been eternally burning throughout the ages. It is a love that knows no bounds and is always ready to embrace the sinner who turns back to Him.

God’s love is portrayed as open arms of mercy, eagerly waiting to welcome us back into His embrace. It is a love that calls out to us, regardless of whether we choose to or ignore. The hymn emphasizes that God does not desire for us to be lost but rather longs to save us. His love for humanity is so great that He sent His Son to earth and later welcomed Him back into heaven, all for the purpose of .

The hymn paints a vivid picture of Jesus as the Good Shepherd who relentlessly seeks after His lost sheep, no matter how far they may have wandered. His love is so unyielding that He searches for us day and night, never forgetting about us. It is a comforting thought to know that even in our darkest moments, Jesus is calling out to us, yearning to bring us back into His loving arms.

The hymn also speaks of a deep sea where our sins are cast away and found no more. This imagery portrays the forgiveness that comes through Jesus’ sacrificial death on the cross. Through His shed blood, our sins are washed away, and we are freed from the judgment and condemnation that once weighed us down. It is a powerful declaration of the boundless grace and mercy of God.

In this deep sea of love, we find ourselves sinking in perfect peace and endless rest. It is a place where we can find solace and comfort, especially when our sins condemn us. When we feel burdened by guilt and shame, we can cling closer to our Savior’s breast, knowing that in His presence, we will always find unchanging love and mercy.

As we reflect on the profound message of this hymn, may we find comfort and assurance in the steadfast ground we have in Christ. Let us embrace His eternal love and never forget that He is always ready to extend His mercy to us. In times of doubt or fear, may we remember that in Jesus, we have found our anchor, our refuge, and our unchanging source of love and grace.

In conclusion, “My Soul Hath Found The Steadfast Ground” is a hymn that beautifully expresses the depth of God’s love and mercy. It reminds us that in Christ, we have found a firm foundation, an anchor for our souls. May we hold onto this truth with unwavering faith, knowing that no matter what storms may our way, we have a steadfast ground in our Savior, Jesus Christ.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the unchanging love and mercy of Jesus in My Soul Hath Found The Steadfast Ground. Find hope and security in Him as your anchor in life.
My Soul Hath Found The Steadfast Ground - Hymn Lyric - Experience the unchanging love and mercy of Jesus in "My Soul Hath Found The Steadfast Ground." Find hope and security in Him as your anchor in life.