Jesus Is Pleading With My Poor Soul – Hymn Lyric

Explore the hymn "Jesus Is Pleading With My Poor Soul" as it delves into the internal struggle of accepting Jesus as Savior. Reflect on the urgency of salvation and the transformative power of His love and grace.

Jesus Is Pleading With My Poor Soul – Hymn Lyric

In the hymn “Jesus Is Pleading With My Poor Soul,” the songwriter contemplates whether or not to be saved, expressing the urgency of the decision. The lyrics highlight Jesus’ sacrifice and the opportunity for through . The hymn reminds us to consider our own spiritual journey and the importance of accepting Jesus into our lives.


Jesus Is Pleading With My Poor Soul – Hymn Lyric

Jesus is pleading with my poor soul, shall I be saved tonight?
If I believe, He will make me whole, shall I be saved tonight?
Tenderly, sadly, I hear Him say, “How can you grieve me from day to day?”
Shall I go on in the old, old way, or shall I be saved tonight?

Jesus was nailed to the for me, shall I be saved tonight?
How can my so ungrateful be? Shall I be saved tonight?
Now He will save me by grace divine. Now, if I will, I can call Him mine.
Can I the pleasures of earth resign? Oh shall I be saved tonight?

Jesus is knocking at my poor heart, shall I be saved tonight?
What if His should now depart? Shall I be saved tonight?
Over and over His voice I hear, sweetly it falls on my listening ear,
Shall I reject Him, a friend so ? Oh shall I be saved tonight?

What if that voice I should hear no more, shall I be saved tonight?
Quickly I’ll open this bolted door. Save me, O Lord, tonight.
Blessed Redeemer, come in, come in, pity my sorrow, forgive my sin.
Now let Thy work in my soul begin, for I will be saved tonight.


Meaning of Jesus Is Pleading With My Poor Soul

In the hymn “Jesus Is Pleading With My Poor Soul,” the songwriter expresses deep contemplation and wrestles with the decision of whether or not to be saved. Through heartfelt lyrics, the hymn conveys the urgency and importance of accepting Jesus into one’s life. This hymn serves as a powerful reminder to consider our own salvation and how our choices impact our spiritual journey.

The opening verse of the hymn sets the tone of the internal struggle the narrator faces. Jesus is depicted as pleading with their soul, asking if they will choose salvation. The use of the word “tonight” emphasizes the immediacy and critical nature of the decision. This verse prompts us to reflect on the urgency of our own spiritual lives and the importance of making a decision with it in mind.

The second verse reveals the songwriter’s sense of gratitude and astonishment at Jesus’ sacrifice. They admit their own ungratefulness and wonder how their heart could be so blind to the depths of Christ’s love. This verse encourages us to appreciate and acknowledge the sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross for our salvation. It prompts us to examine our own hearts and consider if we are giving Jesus the gratitude and honor He deserves.

The third verse highlights the concept of God’s grace and the opportunity for salvation it provides. The songwriter recognizes that salvation is made possible through grace, and now they have the choice to accept Jesus as their Savior. This verse reminds us that through grace, we have the freedom to call on Jesus and make Him a part of our lives. It challenges us to reflect on whether we are willing to surrender the pleasures and distractions of the world in exchange for the eternal rewards of salvation.

As the hymn continues, the focus shifts to Jesus knocking at the door of our hearts. The imagery of a familiar friend persistently seeking entrance reminds us of God’s unfailing love and for a relationship with us. The songwriter ponders the consequences of rejecting Jesus and fears the departure of His Holy Spirit. This part of the hymn urges us to examine our own hearts and consider if we are truly open to accepting Jesus into our lives. It serves as a reminder that turning away from Jesus would mean missing out on His guidance, comfort, and the transformative power of His Spirit.

The subsequent verse expresses the narrator’s to hear Jesus’ voice. There is a sense of urgency and the recognition that time is not guaranteed. This verse challenges us to appreciate the presence of Jesus in our lives and to respond promptly to His invitation. It encourages us to throw open the door of our hearts and invite Him in with sincerity and humility.

In the final verse, the hymn reaches a climax as the narrator pleads for Jesus to save them. There is a deep recognition of personal need and a willingness to be transformed. It is a cry for mercy and forgiveness, acknowledging the sorrow and sin that weighs upon their soul. This verse encourages us to come before Jesus with humble hearts, seeking His redemption and allowing Him to work in us. It emphasizes the readiness to begin a new illuminated by the light of salvation.

Overall, “Jesus Is Pleading With My Poor Soul” is a hymn that explores the internal struggle and ultimate decision to accept Jesus as Savior. It highlights the urgency of salvation and encourages self-reflection. Through its powerful language and relatable themes, this hymn resonates with individuals of all ages and serves as a constant reminder of the choice we face to invite Jesus into our lives. May we, like the songwriter, choose to be saved tonight and embrace the transformative power of Jesus’ love and grace.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Explore the hymn Jesus Is Pleading With My Poor Soul as it delves into the internal struggle of accepting Jesus as Savior. Reflect on the urgency of salvation and the transformative power of His love and grace.
Jesus Is Pleading With My Poor Soul - Hymn Lyric - Explore the hymn "Jesus Is Pleading With My Poor Soul" as it delves into the internal struggle of accepting Jesus as Savior. Reflect on the urgency of salvation and the transformative power of His love and grace.