Sinner Will You Come To Jesus – Hymn Lyric


Sinner Will You Come To Jesus – Hymn Lyric

In the powerful hymn “Sinner Will You Come to Jesus?”, there is a beckoning call to all . It asks a simple yet profound question: Will you come to Jesus? The invitation is extended to each and every one of us, regardless of our past or struggles, offering salvation, healing, and a transformed through the love and of Jesus Christ. So, sinner, don’t hesitate. Come to Jesus and experience the glory of salvation.


Sinner Will You Come To Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Sinner will you come to Jesus,
Will you come and be made whole?
As you come your confessing,
He will sweetly save your soul;
He is waiting to forgive you,
Then on Him your burden roll,
He will free from condemnation,
And in love your life control.

Glory! glory! Hallelujah!
For salvation full and free!
Purchased by the blood of Jesus,
Which was shed on Calvary;
There the cleansing fount was opened,
As they pierc’d Him on the tree,
It has pow’r to cleanse the foulest,
And avails for you and me.

Seek the purifying fountain,
In the Saviour’s pierced side,
From your sin and guilt it cleanseth,
As you plunge beneath its tide;
And the gracious invitation,
Is extended far and wide,
‘Tis the gospel “,”
“Come to Me, in Me abide.” [Chorus]

When you find that you are erring,
When the struggle seems in vain,
And to know that you are guilty,
Brings you much distress and pain;
If you cast your all on Jesus,
He will give you pow’r to reign,
And will cleanse you from pollution,
Washing out the crimson stain. [Chorus]

Christ will keep your feet from straying,
He will lead you by the hand,
And will bring you safe to glory,
With the blood-washed you shall stand;
They will come from ev’ry nation,
They will come from sea and land,
There to sing and shout forever,
As a holy, happy band. [Chorus]


Meaning of Sinner Will You Come To Jesus

Sinner, Will You Come to Jesus?

In the powerful words of this hymn, there is a beckoning call to all sinners. It asks a simple yet profound question: Will you come to Jesus? The invitation is extended to each and every one of us, regardless of our past mistakes or current struggles. The offer is one of salvation, complete healing, and a life transformed by the love and grace of Jesus Christ.

As sinners, we often find ourselves weighed down by guilt and shame. We carry the burden of our wrongdoings and feel trapped in a cycle of sin. But the hymn assures us that if we come to Jesus, confessing our sins, he will sweetly save our souls. He is waiting, with open arms and a forgiving , to free us from condemnation and to take control of our lives with his unconditional love.

It may be difficult for some to comprehend the idea of salvation being “purchased by the blood of Jesus.” However, the hymn reminds us that it was on Calvary, as Jesus was pierced on the tree, that the cleansing fountain was opened. This fountain has the power to cleanse even the foulest of sins, and it is available to all who seek it. Its cleansing power knows no bounds and avails for you and me.

The hymn also speaks of a purifying fountain found in Jesus’ pierced side. This imagery reminds us of the sacrifice that Jesus made for our sins. It is through his wounds that we find forgiveness and cleansing. As we plunge beneath the tide of this cleansing fountain, our sins and guilt are washed away, leaving us purified and renewed.

The invitation to come to Jesus is not limited to a select few. It is extended “far and wide” to all. The gospel declares a universal call of “Whosoever.” Regardless of our background or past mistakes, we are invited to come to Jesus and abide in him. This invitation is a testament to the inclusive and all-encompassing love of .

We all experience moments of weakness and vulnerability where we find ourselves erring and struggling in vain. The hymn acknowledges this reality and offers a solution: cast your all on Jesus. When we surrender our lives to him, he gives us the power to reign over sin. He cleanses us from pollution, washing away the crimson stain of our guilt. Jesus’ grace is our ultimate source of strength and transformation.

When we choose to come to Jesus, he becomes our guide and protector. He takes us by the hand and keeps our feet from straying. In his presence, we find safety and assurance. And ultimately, he will lead us to glory. This glorious destination is not limited to a select few, but rather a gathering of the blood-washed from every nation, from sea and land. Together, we will sing and shout forever as a holy, happy band.

So, sinner, will you come to Jesus? Will you come and be made whole? Embrace the invitation of salvation, full and free. Let the blood of Jesus cleanse you and set you free. Come to the purifying fountain found in his pierced side. Cast your burdens upon him and allow him to lead your life. Experience the power of his love, forgiveness, and transformation.

In this simple hymn, we find a profound message of and redemption. It speaks to our deepest needs and reminds us that, despite our flaws and past mistakes, we are invited to come to Jesus and find healing for our souls. So, sinner, do not hesitate. Come to Jesus and experience the glory of salvation.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Sinner, Will You Come to Jesus? Find salvation, healing, and transformation through Jesus' love and grace. Cast your burdens, find forgiveness, and experience the power of redemption. Don't hesitate, come to Jesus and be saved.
Sinner Will You Come To Jesus - Hymn Lyric - Sinner, Will You Come to Jesus? Find salvation, healing, and transformation through Jesus' love and grace. Cast your burdens, find forgiveness, and experience the power of redemption. Don't hesitate, come to Jesus and be saved.