When Jesus Was Born In The Manger – Hymn Lyric

Discover the significance of Jesus' birth and his purpose to save sinners in "When Jesus Was Born In The Manger." This hymn highlights his sacrifice

When Jesus Was Born In The Manger – Hymn Lyric

“When Was Born In The Manger: A Savior for Sinners.” This hymn highlights the significance of Jesus’ and his purpose in saving sinners. It emphasizes the love, sacrifice, and victory of Jesus, offering and redemption to all who believe in him. Through his resurrection, we can find new life and the promise of salvation.


When Jesus Was Born In The Manger – Hymn Lyric

When Jesus was born in the manger,
The shepherds came thither to see.
For the angels proclaimed that a Savior was born,
To save a like me.
To save a poor sinner,
To save a poor sinner,
To save a poor sinner like me.
For the angels proclaimed that a Savior was born,
To save a poor sinner like me.

He was wounded for my transgressions,
Acquainted with was He.
In the garden He prayed and sweat great drops of blood,
To save a poor sinner like me.
To save a poor sinner,
To save a poor sinner,
To save a poor sinner like me.
In the garden He prayed and sweat great drops of blood,
To save a poor sinner like me.

He was brought to Pilate for judgment,
He was sentenced to hang on a tree.
“It is finished!” He cried, when He suffered and died,
To save a poor sinner like me.
To save a poor sinner,
To save a poor sinner,
To save a poor sinner like me.
“It is finished!” He cried, when He suffered and died,
To save a poor sinner like me.

But death and the grave could not hold Him,
He burst them asunder for thee.
On the third day He rose, in spite of His foes,
To save a poor sinner like me.
To save a poor sinner,
To save a poor sinner,
To save a poor sinner like me.
On the third day He rose, in spite of His foes,
To save a poor sinner like me.

I’m fighting my passage to Heaven,
O’er death I shall conqueror be.
Then to glory I’ll fly and shout through the sky:
He saved a poor sinner like me.
To save a poor sinner,
To save a poor sinner,
To save a poor sinner like me.
Then to glory I’ll fly and shout through the sky:
He saved a poor sinner like me.


Meaning of When Jesus Was Born In The Manger

When Jesus Was Born In The Manger: A Savior for Sinners

The hymn “When Jesus Was Born In The Manger” is a beautiful reminder of the significance of Jesus’ birth and the purpose of his life on Earth. It highlights the message that Jesus came to save sinners, offering hope and salvation to all who believe in him.

The verse begins by describing how the shepherds came to the birth of Jesus in the manger. The angels had proclaimed the good news that a Savior was born, not just for the rich and powerful, but for the poor and undeserving sinners like us. This shows us that Jesus’ love and redemption extends to everyone, regardless of their background or societal standing.

The hymn then shifts focus to Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. It mentions how he was wounded for our transgressions and how he experienced great sorrow. In the garden, Jesus agonized in prayer and even sweated drops of blood, a powerful image that conveys the immense weight he carried for our sake. This demonstrates the depth of Jesus’ love and dedication to saving sinful humanity. He willingly bore the pain and suffering to offer us forgiveness and reconciliation with God.

The hymn continues by describing Jesus’ trial before Pilate and his subsequent crucifixion. It emphasizes the final words Jesus cried out, “It is finished,” as he endured the pain and humiliation of the cross. These words signify the completion of his mission to save sinners. Jesus knew that his sacrifice would about redemption and restoration, and he willingly embraced the ultimate sacrifice to fulfill God’s plan.

But the story does not end with Jesus’ death on the cross. The hymn joyfully proclaims that death and the grave could not hold him captive. He rose from the dead on the third day, triumphing over his enemies and offering hope to all who believe in him. This resurrection is a testament to Jesus’ power and victory over sin and death. It is a reminder that through him, we can experience new life and eternal salvation.

As believers, we are encouraged to continue fighting the good fight and persevere in our journey towards Heaven. The hymn acknowledges the struggles and challenges we face in life, and it reminds us that through Jesus, we can conquer them all. Death is not the end for us; rather, it is a gateway to glory. We can look forward to flying to glory and shouting through the sky, rejoicing in the knowledge that Jesus saved us, poor sinners, and granted us a in his eternal kingdom.

In conclusion, “When Jesus Was Born In The Manger” beautifully captures the essence of Jesus’ birth, life, death, and resurrection. It reminds us that Jesus came to save poor sinners like us, offering salvation and hope to all who believe. Through his sacrifice, we can experience forgiveness, restoration, and eternal life. Let us embrace this message of redemption and share it with others, so that they too may come to know the Savior who was born in the manger for all humanity.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the significance of Jesus' birth and his purpose to save sinners in When Jesus Was Born In The Manger. This hymn highlights his sacrifice, resurrection, and the eternal hope he offers. Learn how Jesus came to save poor sinners like us and find redemption through his love.
When Jesus Was Born In The Manger - Hymn Lyric - Discover the significance of Jesus' birth and his purpose to save sinners in "When Jesus Was Born In The Manger." This hymn highlights his sacrifice, resurrection, and the eternal hope he offers. Learn how Jesus came to save poor sinners like us and find redemption through his love.