Hark The Gentle Voice Of Jesus Falleth – Hymn Lyric

Hark The Gentle Voice Of Jesus Falleth: Find rest and relief in the loving embrace of our Savior. Lean on Him

Hark The Gentle Voice Of Jesus Falleth – Hymn Lyric

Hark The Gentle Voice Of Falleth: Embracing the Rest and Relief Offered by Our Loving SaviorIn our busy lives filled with endless responsibilities and constant demands, it is easy to become weary and burdened. But amidst the chaos and noise, there is a gentle voice that calls out to us with and compassion, offering us rest and relief. It is the voice of Jesus, our Savior, who invites us to lean upon His breast and find solace in His presence. Let us heed His call, embrace His rest, and find peace in His loving embrace.


Hark The Gentle Voice Of Jesus Falleth – Hymn Lyric

Hark! the gentle voice of Jesus falleth
Tenderly upon your ear;
Sweet His cry of love and pity calleth;
Turn and , stay and hear.

Ye that labor and are heavy-laden,
Lean upon your dear ‘s breast;
Ye that labor and are heavy-laden,
Come, and I will give you rest.

Take His yoke, for He is meek and lowly;
Bear His , to Him turn;
He who calleth is the Master holy:
He will teach if you will learn. [Refrain]

Then, His loving, tender voice obeying,
Bear His yoke, His burden take;
Find the yoke His hand is on you laying,
and easy for His sake. [Refrain]


Meaning of Hark The Gentle Voice Of Jesus Falleth

Hark The Gentle Voice Of Jesus Falleth: Embracing the Rest and Relief Offered by Our Loving Savior

In our busy lives filled with endless responsibilities and constant demands, it is easy to become weary and burdened. We find ourselves trudging through life, carrying the weight of our worries and struggles on our shoulders. But amidst the chaos and the noise, there is a gentle voice that calls out to us with love and compassion, offering us rest and relief. It is the voice of Jesus, our Savior, who invites us to lean upon His breast and find solace in His presence.

When we hear the tender voice of Jesus, it is as if a balm is poured upon our weary souls. His cry of love and pity reaches deep within us, touching the very core of our being. It is a call that beckons us to pause, to turn our attention towards Him, and to listen intently. In a filled with distractions and noise, this voice stands out, offering us comfort and peace.

The refrain of the hymn reminds us that Jesus invites all who labor and are heavy-laden to come to Him and find rest. We do not need to carry our burdens alone; we can lean upon our dear Lord’s breast and find solace in His embrace. His shoulders are strong and His arms are open wide, ready to receive us with love and compassion. In His presence, there is comfort and rest for our weary souls.

Jesus, being meek and lowly in , does not place heavy yokes upon us. Instead, He calls us to take His yoke, which is light and easy to bear. He knows our limitations and our weaknesses, and He offers Himself as our teacher and guide. We need not fear taking up His yoke, for He will walk alongside us, helping us to navigate life’s challenges. His burden is one of love, , and forgiveness, and by accepting it, we find freedom and peace.

As we respond to the loving and tender voice of Jesus, we choose to obey Him and take up His yoke willingly. We realize that His burden is not a hindrance but a . In bearing His yoke, we experience a transformation within ourselves. We discover that His hand is gently laying the yoke upon us, equipping us with strength and resilience. His presence lightens our load, and His peace fills our hearts.

Taking up the yoke of Jesus requires us to surrender our own aspirations and desires to His will. It means aligning ourselves with His purpose and allowing Him to lead us on the path He has set before us. It is a daily choice to follow Him, to trust in His guidance, and to rely on His strength. In doing so, we find that the yoke is not burdensome, but rather a means of drawing closer to our Savior and experiencing His love in a deeper way.

The hymn calls us to respond to the voice of Jesus by bearing His yoke and taking up His burden. It is an act of obedience and surrender, an acknowledgement that we cannot journey through life alone. In embracing His yoke, we find rest and relief from the weariness that weighs us down.

Hark The Gentle Voice Of Jesus Falleth reminds us that in the midst of our struggles and challenges, Jesus is there, calling out to us, offering us rest and relief. His voice is not harsh or demanding; it is gentle and tender, filled with love and compassion. He understands our weariness, and He longs to carry our burdens and give us rest.

So, dear friends, let us heed the call of our Savior. Let us turn towards His voice, listen intently, and find solace in His loving embrace. May we take up His yoke and walk alongside Him, knowing that His burden is light and His presence is the source of our rest. In the arms of Jesus, we shall find true peace and everlasting joy.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Hark The Gentle Voice Of Jesus Falleth: Find rest and relief in the loving embrace of our Savior. Lean on Him, take His yoke, and experience true peace.
Hark The Gentle Voice Of Jesus Falleth - Hymn Lyric - Hark The Gentle Voice Of Jesus Falleth: Find rest and relief in the loving embrace of our Savior. Lean on Him, take His yoke, and experience true peace.