Jesus Is Tenderly Calling For Thee – Hymn Lyric

Jesus Is Tenderly Calling For Thee: Find comfort

Jesus Is Tenderly Calling For Thee – Hymn Lyric

Jesus Is Tenderly Calling For Thee: Finding Comfort and in the Arms of JesusThis beautiful hymn invites us to answer Jesus’ call and find comfort and mercy in Him. It reminds us of the immense love He has for us, and His relentless pursuit of our souls. As we to Him, we can experience His forgiveness, guidance, and the transformative power of His love.


Jesus Is Tenderly Calling For Thee – Hymn Lyric

Jesus is tenderly calling for thee,
Waiting and thy comfort to be.
Lovingly now He is saying to thee,
“Come and find mercy in me.”

Calling, calling,
Jesus is tenderly calling for thee,
Calling, calling,
Jesus is calling for thee.

That He might win thee He shed His own blood,
Come to this fountain, oh, bathe in the flood.
Come while the slain One is saying to thee,
“Come, sinner, come unto me.”


Wander no longer in , we ,
Come to the Savior, oh, make no delay.
Jesus is saying this moment to thee,
“Come, weary one, unto me.”


Come from the darkness of sin into light,
Come to the Shepherd who leadeth aright.
Come to the fountain now open and free,
Jesus is calling for thee.



Meaning of Jesus Is Tenderly Calling For Thee

Jesus Is Tenderly Calling For Thee: Finding Comfort and Mercy in the Arms of Jesus

In this beautiful hymn, the tender voice of Jesus reaches out to each one of us, inviting us to find comfort and mercy in Him. The repetitive refrain reminds us that Jesus is calling for us, extending His love and to all who will come. Let us explore the profound meaning behind these words and understand the importance of accepting Jesus’ invitation.

The first verse tells us that Jesus is tenderly calling for us, waiting and longing for our comfort. This displays the immense love that He has for each and every one of us. It reminds us that no matter our circumstances or past mistakes, Jesus is always there, patiently waiting for us to come to Him. He wants to wrap us in His arms, offering us solace and in times of distress.

The refrain reinforces the idea that Jesus is calling for us. It emphasizes that His call is not just a one-time event but an ongoing invitation, showing His relentless pursuit of our souls. His voice echoes throughout our lives, drawing us closer to Him, embracing us with His unending love and compassion.

As we delve into the next verse, we are reminded of the precious sacrifice Jesus made for us. He shed His own blood, like a lamb, so that we may find forgiveness and redemption. This imagery takes us back to the story of Jesus’ crucifixion, where His blood was the ultimate price paid for our sins. The hymn invites us to come to this fountain, symbolizing the abundant grace and mercy found in Jesus. It calls us to immerse ourselves in His forgiveness and let the waves of His love wash over us.

The refrain continues to echo the call of Jesus, emphasizing the urgency of our response. It reminds us that He stands at the door of our hearts, knocking and patiently waiting for us to let Him in. This simple yet powerful refrain serves as a reminder that Jesus is always calling for us, no matter how far we may have strayed.

The following verse urges us not to wander any longer in darkness but to come to the Savior without delay. It shows us that Jesus is not only calling for sinners but for every weary in need of rest. Our journey through can often be filled with hardships, struggles, and moments of despair. However, Jesus extends His hand to us, offering solace and comfort in the midst of our weariness.

The hymn speaks of coming from the darkness of sin into the light, reminding us that Jesus is the Shepherd who guides us on the right path. Just as a shepherd leads his sheep, Jesus leads us towards a life of righteousness, truth, and purpose. He provides the guidance and direction we need to navigate through life’s challenges, always by our side, leading us towards a life filled with joy and fulfillment.

The final verse invites us to come to the open and free fountain. This fountain, flowing with the love and grace of Jesus, is always accessible to us. It is a place of renewal, where we can find healing, restoration, and a fresh start. By accepting Jesus’ invitation, we can experience the transformational power of His love, which cleanses our hearts and sets us free.

In conclusion, “Jesus Is Tenderly Calling For Thee” is a hymn that speaks directly to our hearts, reminding us of the incredible love and mercy Jesus offers. It encourages us to respond to His call and find comfort and solace in Him. No matter how lost or broken we may feel, Jesus is always there, waiting for us with open arms. Let us embrace His invitation, come to the fountain of His love, and find the peace and joy that only He can provide.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Jesus Is Tenderly Calling For Thee: Find comfort, mercy, and love in the embrace of Jesus. Embrace His invitation and experience His transformative power.
Jesus Is Tenderly Calling For Thee - Hymn Lyric - Jesus Is Tenderly Calling For Thee: Find comfort, mercy, and love in the embrace of Jesus. Embrace His invitation and experience His transformative power.