Our Jesus Says That He Will Come – Hymn Lyric

"Anticipate the Arrival of Our Jesus: Watch

Our Jesus Says That He Will Come – Hymn Lyric

Our Says That He Will Come In this , we are reminded of the promise that Jesus has made to come and gather his own. It emphasizes the importance of being prepared, staying vigilant, and eagerly anticipating the return of the Bridegroom. The hymn calls us to place our hope and in Jesus, keeping our lamps burning brightly with his love.


Our Jesus Says That He Will Come – Hymn Lyric

Our Jesus says that he will come
To gather his own, and
At the supper of the Lamb,
We shall sit with him.

Then we’ll watch for the Bridegroom,
Watch, watch, watch,
Then we’ll watch for the Bridegroom,
And enter with him.

Let us be on our guard,
So this may be our happy lot,
Or else he’ll say, “I know you not,”
When the door is barred.

The foolish ones, lamps gone out,
Too late to buy their oil,
For at midnight comes the shout,
Behold! The Bridegroom is near.

Oh, when we hear his cry,
Morning or night,
May all our hopes rely on Christ,
And may our lamps be bright.

And when we join the blood-washed throng,
And sing the song,
From every tongue this strain shall burst,
The glory, , be yours.


Meaning of Our Jesus Says That He Will Come

Our Jesus Says That He Will Come: Anticipating the Arrival of the Bridegroom

In this beautiful hymn, we are reminded of the promise that Our Jesus has made to come and gather his own. It speaks of a future event when we will have the privilege of sitting down with him at the supper of the Lamb. It paints a vivid picture of anticipation and longing as we eagerly watch and wait for the Bridegroom to come.

The refrain of the hymn encourages us to watch for the Bridegroom. It is a reminder to stay vigilant, to be on our guard, so that we may be partakers of this happy lot. We are exhorted not to be caught off guard or unprepared, for the Bridegroom may say, “I know you not,” when the door is barred. The hymn urges us to be ready and watchful, constantly seeking a relationship with Jesus.

In the parable of the ten virgins, which inspired this hymn, Jesus tells the story of ten bridesmaids waiting for the arrival of the bridegroom. Five of them were wise and brought enough oil for their lamps, while the other five were foolish and did not plan ahead. When the bridegroom was delayed, the foolish ones found themselves without oil, and while they were away buying more, the bridegroom arrived and the door was shut. The hymn emphasizes the urgency of being prepared, for at midnight comes the shout and the Bridegroom’s arrival is imminent.

When we hear the Bridegroom’s cry, whether it be at morning or night, the hymn implores us to place all our hopes on Christ, relying on his love and salvation. Just as the virgins had to have their lamps burning brightly to welcome the bridegroom, we too must ensure that our lives are filled with the of Christ’s love, brightly for all to see. We are called to be watchful not only for his return, but also in our daily lives, reflecting his light to the world.

The hymn concludes with a vision of the future when we will join the blood-washed throng and sing a divine song. It speaks of a time when all creation will burst forth in a glorious , giving all glory to the Lord. This is our ultimate goal, to be part of that choir, praising Jesus for eternity.

Reflecting on this hymn, we are reminded of the importance of being spiritually prepared for the return of our Bridegroom, Jesus Christ. It serves as a call to action, urging us to constantly watch and be on guard, ensuring that our lamps are filled with the oil of faith and our hearts are ready to receive him.

While the language and ideas of this hymn may seem complex for a 7th-grade literacy level, the underlying message can still be grasped. It speaks of a promise, a future hope, and the importance of being prepared. The imagery of the Bridegroom and the wedding feast may be unfamiliar to some, but the themes of anticipation, faith, and being watchful are universally relatable.

As we and sing this hymn, let us be filled with hope and a deep longing for the return of our Lord. Let us remember to watch for the Bridegroom, staying vigilant in our faith and looking forward to the day when we will sit down with him at the supper of the Lamb. May our hearts be bright with the light of Christ, and may our lives reflect his love to the world as we eagerly anticipate the fulfillment of his promise.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Anticipate the Arrival of Our Jesus: Watch, Wait, and Be Prepared for the Bridegroom's Coming. Join the Supper of the Lamb and Enter in.
Our Jesus Says That He Will Come - Hymn Lyric - "Anticipate the Arrival of Our Jesus: Watch, Wait, and Be Prepared for the Bridegroom's Coming. Join the Supper of the Lamb and Enter in."