To Lay The Soul That Loves Him Low – Hymn Lyric

Discover the joy in embracing humility and surrendering to God's will with the hymn "To Lay The Soul That Loves Him Low." Find true greatness in recognizing insignificance and delight in His presence.

To Lay The Soul That Loves Him Low – Hymn Lyric

“To Lay The Soul That Him Low: Embracing Humility and Finding Joy in God’s Will” is a that teaches the importance of humility and surrendering to God’s plan. It reminds us that true greatness lies in recognizing our insignificance before God, even if it means enduring hardship or being scorned by others. By embracing humility, we can find joy in God’s presence and delight in His guidance.


To Lay The Soul That Loves Him Low – Hymn Lyric

To lay the soul that loves him low, becomes the Only wise:
To hide beneath a veil of woe, the of the skies.

Man, though a worm, would yet be great; though feeble, would seem strong;
Assumes an independent state, by sacrilege and wrong.

Strange the reverse, which, once abased, the haughty creature proves!
He feels his soul a barren waste, nor dares affirm he loves.

Scorned by the thoughtless and the vain, to God he presses near;
Superior to the world’s disdain, and in its sneer.

Oh welcome, in his heart he says, humility and shame!
Farewell the wish for human , the music of a name!

But will not scandal mar the good that I might else perform?
And can God work it, if he would, by so despised a worm?

Ah, vainly anxious!-leave the Lord to rule thee, and dispose;
Sweet is the mandate of his word, and gracious all he does.

He draws from human littleness his grandeur and renown;
And generous hearts with joy confess the all his own.

Down, then, with self exalting thoughts; thy faith and hope employ,
To welcome all that he allots, and suffer shame with joy.

No longer, then, wilt encroach on his eternal right;
And he shall smile at thy approach, and make thee his delight.


Meaning of To Lay The Soul That Loves Him Low

To Lay The Soul That Loves Him Low: Embracing Humility and Finding Joy in God’s Will

In the hymn “To Lay The Soul That Loves Him Low,” the idea of embracing humility and finding joy in God’s will is explored. The lyrics teach us that true greatness lies in recognizing our insignificance before God and surrendering to His plan, even if it means enduring hardship or being scorned by others.

The verse begins by acknowledging that laying the soul low before God is a characteristic of true wisdom. When we ourselves and hide beneath a veil of woe, we reveal ourselves as children of God. It is through this act of humility that we can truly connect with the divine. The hymn reminds us that despite our human limitations, we have a desire to be great and strong. However, this desire often leads us to rebel against God through sacrilege and wrongdoing.

The lyrics then take an interesting turn, highlighting the irony that when we are humbled by God, the haughty creature within us is transformed. As the soul feels its own emptiness and brokenness, it becomes incapable of affirming love. This realization shows the contrast between worldly pride and spiritual humility. By being scorned by the thoughtless and vain, the soul is driven closer to God and becomes superior to the world’s disdain. In finding happiness in the face of ridicule, the soul welcomes humility and shame, bidding farewell to the desire for human praise and the pursuit of personal fame.

The hymn raises the question of whether our good intentions and acts may be tainted by scandal. The soul wonders if it is possible for God to work through someone so despised and insignificant. However, these worries are dismissed as vain and unnecessary. The hymn encourages us to trust in God’s sovereignty and to control over our lives. By following the mandate of His word, we can discover the sweetness and grace in His plans. God draws His grandeur and renown from human littleness, showing that our humility and surrender actually elevate us in His eyes. When we approach Him with a generous and joyful heart, we become instruments of His triumph and delight.

The hymn teaches us to let go of self-exalting thoughts and instead focus on our faith and hope. We are urged to embrace all that God assigns to us, including the suffering and shame that may accompany it. By doing so, we no longer encroach on God’s eternal right, allowing Him to lead and guide us. Through this humble surrender, we can experience the joy of God’s smile and find our ultimate delight in Him.

In conclusion, “To Lay The Soul That Loves Him Low” is a hymn that emphasizes the importance of embracing humility and finding joy in God’s will. It encourages us to recognize our insignificance before God and surrender to His plan, even if it means enduring hardship or facing ridicule from others. Through humble surrender, we can discover true greatness and find delight in God’s presence. So let us lay our low before Him, embracing humility and joyfully accepting His divine guidance.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the joy in embracing humility and surrendering to God's will with the hymn To Lay The Soul That Loves Him Low. Find true greatness in recognizing insignificance and delight in His presence.
To Lay The Soul That Loves Him Low - Hymn Lyric - Discover the joy in embracing humility and surrendering to God's will with the hymn "To Lay The Soul That Loves Him Low." Find true greatness in recognizing insignificance and delight in His presence.