O Christ Thou Anchor Of My Soul – Hymn Lyric

Find steady support and comfort in O Christ

O Christ Thou Anchor Of My Soul – Hymn Lyric

O Christ, of my soul, You are my steady support in the turbulent seas of life. Just as an anchor holds a steady amidst the raging waves, You hold me firm in times of trouble and uncertainty. Your presence brings me comfort and peace, like manna from heaven sustaining me in every moment.


O Christ Thou Anchor Of My Soul – Hymn Lyric

O Christ, thou Anchor of my soul,
Blest Bread from heaven, like manna given,
My Comforter and Cornerstone,
Defender, when I stand alone-
Eternal Life, I give the whole,
My mind and feelings, flesh and soul.

O Christ, Thou to faithless men
Great God so glorious, on earth victorious,
Our Helper and our One,
I come to Thee, Incarnate Son,
And to know Thee as I can:
The Justifier of all men.

O King of Kings, in light enshrined,
Though , yet lowly, a Monarch holy,
Yet Thou art merciful and mild;
Unworthy as Thy feeble child,
In Thee, Name o’er all names combined,
An Offering complete I find.

What perfect Prince of Peace Thou art!
Quench wrong ambition and make me listen
To quiet queries of Thy wind;
Restore my soul when I have sinned;
Reign Thou, Redeemer, in my heart,
That from Thy rule I would not part!

O Sun most bright, Thou Source of ,
Salvation’s story glows with Thy glory;
Teacher of truth and testament,
Unfold to me Thy covenant:
Thou Unction of the God above,
Unloose Thy shoe and seal my love!

Veil rent for me, Thy vict’ry’s won!
I view with wonder and daily ponder
Thy wisdom, for Thou art the Word,
Expressing all of God the Lord;
Teach me Thy meekness, Yielded Son;
Temper my zeal, O Zealous One!


Meaning of O Christ Thou Anchor Of My Soul

O Christ, Thou Anchor of my soul, You are my steady support in the turbulent seas of life. Just as an anchor holds a ship steady amidst the raging waves, You hold me firm in times of trouble and uncertainty. Your presence brings me comfort and peace, like manna from heaven sustaining me in every moment.

You are not only my Anchor, but also my Bread from heaven. Just as manna was provided to the Israelites in the wilderness, You provide nourishment for my spirit. Your Word is the bread that satisfies my hunger and thirst for truth. In a world filled with empty promises and fleeting pleasures, You are my true source of sustenance.

As my Comforter and Cornerstone, You are always there for me, especially when I feel alone and abandoned. In moments of weakness and vulnerability, You offer me strength and stability. You are my Defender, shielding me from the attacks of the enemy. With You by my side, I can stand strong and face any challenge that comes my way.

You are the source of Eternal Life, offering me a complete transformation of mind, feelings, flesh, and soul. Your love and grace have the power to change me from the inside out. As I surrender myself to You, I experience the abundant life that only You can give.

I am grateful for You, O Christ, as You are a Friend to faithless men. No matter how far I may stray, You are always there to guide me back to the path of righteousness. Your friendship is not dependent on my faithfulness, but on Your unending love and faithfulness towards me. You are a Great God, glorious and victorious, even in the midst of a broken and fallen world.

You are not only a Helper, but also a Healing One. In my brokenness and pain, You restoration and wholeness. Your presence brings comfort and peace to my weary soul. You are the ultimate source of healing, both physically and emotionally. I find joy in knowing You, for You are the Justifier of all men, offering forgiveness and redemption to every sinner.

You are the King of Kings, exalted in light. Despite Your majestic authority, You are merciful and mild. You stoop down to meet me where I am, as Your humble servant. Though I am unworthy, You embrace me as Your child. In You, I find a complete offering, a sacrifice that covers all my sins and shortcomings.

You are the perfect Prince of Peace, bringing tranquility to my restless heart. Your presence quells the ambitions and desires that lead me astray. You teach me to listen to the gentle whispers of Your Spirit, guiding me in the paths of righteousness. When I stumble and fall, You restore my soul and lift me up.

You are the Sun most bright, shining with love and grace. Your salvation story illuminates my life with Your glory. You are the Teacher of truth, unveiling the mysteries of Your covenant. As I study Your Word, I gain a deeper understanding of Your character and purposes. You are the Anointed One, chosen by God to save humanity. Seal my love for You, O Christ, and help me to walk in Your footsteps.

The veil has been rent, and Your victory has been won. I stand in awe of Your wisdom, for You are the living Word, expressing the fullness of God. Every day, I contemplate the depth of Your love and sacrifice. Teach me Your meekness, for You yielded Yourself to the will of the Father. Help me to temper my zeal with wisdom and discernment.

O Christ, Thou Anchor of my soul, reign in my heart as my Redeemer. May I never stray from Your rule and guidance. Let Your love and grace be the driving force in my life. I surrender myself to You, knowing that You are the only One who can truly satisfy my deepest longings. Anchor me in Your love, and may I never be moved from Your presence. .


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Find steady support and comfort in O Christ, Thou Anchor of my Soul. Discover nourishment, defense, and eternal life in this powerful friendship with the King of Kings.
O Christ Thou Anchor Of My Soul - Hymn Lyric - Find steady support and comfort in O Christ, Thou Anchor of my Soul. Discover nourishment, defense, and eternal life in this powerful friendship with the King of Kings.