Look To Jesus Christ Thy Savior – Hymn Lyric

In times of trouble

Look To Jesus Christ Thy Savior – Hymn Lyric

Amidst trouble and uncertainty, “Look to Jesus ” reminds us to keep our gaze fixed on Jesus, finding strength and guidance in Him. By looking to Jesus, we find hope, assurance, and the nurturing of faith and . He is our constant source of love and support, ready to lead and uplift us in every aspect of our lives.


Look To Jesus Christ Thy Savior – Hymn Lyric

Look to Jesus Christ thy Saviour,
who art God’s and friend;
Let thy heart forget Him never,
Still thy gaze on Jesus bend.

In thy rest and in thy labor
Look to Him with ev’ry breath,
Look to Jesus’ life and death.

Look to Jesus, till reviving
Faith and love thy bosom swell;
Strength for all things good deriving
From Him who did all things well;

Work as He did, in thy season,
Works which shall not fade away,
Work while it is called Today.

Look to Jesus, praying, waking,
When thy feet on roses tread;
Follow, worldly pomp forsaking,
With thy cross where He hath led.

Look to Jesus in temptation;
Baffled shall the tempter flee,
And God’s angels come to thee.

Look to Jesus, when dark lowering
Perils thy horizon dim;
Unlike His disciples cowering,
Calm ‘mid tempests look on Him.

Trust in Him who still rebuketh
Wind and billow, fire and flood;
Forward! then, and trust in God.

Look to Jesus when ,
See what He, the Sinless, bore;
Is thy heart with conflict pressed?
Is thy soul still harassed sore?

See His bloody sweat, His conflict,
Watch His increase,
Hear His prayer, and taste His peace!

Art thou by sore want surrounded?
Do thy pains press forth thy sighs?
Art thou wronged and deeply wounded?
Does a scornful despise?

Friends forsake thee or deny thee?
See what Jesus must endure,
He who as the light was pure!

Look to Jesus still to shield thee,
When this dwelling thou must leave;
In that last need He will yield thee
Peace the world can never give.

Look to Him, thy head low bending;
He, who finished all for thee,
Takes thee then with Him to be.



Meaning of Look To Jesus Christ Thy Savior

In times of trouble and uncertainty, it can be easy to lose sight of what truly matters. We get distracted by the chaos and noise around us, forgetting to focus on the things that bring us peace and fulfillment. But amidst all the chaos, there is one constant source of strength and guidance – Jesus Christ, our Savior.

The hymn “Look to Jesus Christ Thy Savior” reminds us of this important truth. It encourages us to keep our gaze fixed on Jesus, never forgetting the love and grace He offers us as God’s children and friends. Like a compass guiding us through life’s ups and downs, Jesus is always there, ready to lead and uplift us.

When we look to Jesus, we find hope and assurance. The hymn urges us to “Let thy heart forget Him never, Still thy gaze on Jesus bend.” In every moment – whether we are at rest or in labor – we are called to remember Him, to seek His presence in all that we do. By keeping our focus on Jesus, we can find strength and inspiration to face any challenge that comes our way.

Faith and love are two essential qualities that are nurtured when we look to Jesus. The hymn encourages us to “Look to Jesus, till reviving Faith and love thy bosom swell.” When we fix our eyes on Him, our faith is revived, our love for Him and others grows. Jesus becomes not just a distant figure from the past, but a living and intimate presence in our lives.

Looking to Jesus also means seeking His example. The hymn reminds us to “Work as He did, in thy season, Works which shall not fade away.” Jesus lived a life of servanthood and compassion, always putting others before Himself. When we look to Him, we are called to imitate His example and engage in meaningful work that has a lasting impact.

Prayer is another important aspect of looking to Jesus. The hymn urges us to “Look to Jesus, praying, waking.” Prayer is our way of communicating with God and seeking His guidance. Through prayer, we can find peace and clarity amidst the busyness of life. By following Jesus’ example of prayer, we can experience a closer relationship with God and find strength to face each day.

Temptation is something that we all face at some point in our lives. The hymn encourages us to “Look to Jesus in temptation; Baffled shall the tempter flee.” When we are tempted, looking to Jesus can give us the strength to resist and overcome. Jesus faced temptations Himself, and by looking to Him, we can find the wisdom and power to make righteous choices.

In times of darkness and uncertainty, looking to Jesus brings us comfort and courage. The hymn reminds us to “Look to Jesus, when dark lowering Perils thy horizon dim.” Just as Jesus calmed the storms for His disciples, He can bring peace and reassurance to our lives. By fixing our eyes on Him, we can navigate through life’s challenges with faith and a sense of calm.

Trusting in God is another important aspect of looking to Jesus. The hymn says, “Trust in Him who still rebuketh Wind and billow, fire and flood; Forward! then, and trust in God.” When we face adversity and setbacks, we can find solace in knowing that God is in control. By trusting in Him, we can move forward with confidence, knowing that He will guide and protect us.

When we find ourselves in distress, looking to Jesus reminds us that we are not alone. The hymn says, “See what He, the Sinless, bore; Is thy heart with conflict pressed? Is thy soul still harassed sore? See His bloody sweat, His conflict, Watch His agony increase, Hear His prayer, and taste His peace!” Jesus understands our pain and struggles because He Himself experienced them. By looking to Him, we can find comfort and peace, knowing that He is with us in our darkest moments.

Looking to Jesus also gives us hope for the future. The hymn says, “Look to Jesus still to shield thee, When this dwelling thou must leave; In that last need He will yield thee Peace the world can never give.” Our earthly lives are temporary, but our relationship with Jesus is eternal. When we take our final breath, Jesus will be there to welcome us into His eternal peace. By looking to Him, we can find comfort and assurance, knowing that He will always be with us.

In conclusion, the hymn “Look to Jesus Christ Thy Savior” reminds us of the importance of keeping our gaze fixed on Jesus. In every aspect of our lives – in our work, in prayer, in times of temptation and darkness – we are called to look to Him. By doing so, we find strength, guidance, and peace. No matter what we face, Jesus is our constant source of love and support. So, let us continue to look to Jesus, our Savior, and find solace in His presence. Amen.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image In times of trouble, find strength and guidance by looking to Jesus Christ, your Savior. Keep your gaze fixed on Him for peace and fulfillment in every aspect of life. Trust in His love and support.
Look To Jesus Christ Thy Savior - Hymn Lyric - In times of trouble, find strength and guidance by looking to Jesus Christ, your Savior. Keep your gaze fixed on Him for peace and fulfillment in every aspect of life. Trust in His love and support.