We Love Thee Lord And We Adore – Hymn Lyric

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We Love Thee Lord And We Adore – Hymn Lyric

“We Love Thee, Lord And We Adore” is a that expresses our deep affection and reverence for God. It reminds us that God is our source of strength, protection, and guidance in times of challenge and uncertainty. Through our love and devotion, we find solace and strength in knowing that God’s outstretched arm is always there to support us.


We Love Thee Lord And We Adore – Hymn Lyric

We love Thee, Lord, and we adore;
Now is Thine arm revealed:
Thou art our strength, our ‘nly tower,
Our bulwark and our shield.

We fly to our eternal Rock,
And find a sure defense;
His holy Name our lips invoke,
And draw thence.

When God, our Leader, shines in arms,
What mortal heart can bear
The thunder of His loud alarms,
The lightning of His spear?

He rides upon the winged wind,
And angels in array
In millions wait to know His mind,
And swift as flames obey.

He speaks, and at His fierce rebuke
Whole armies are dismayed;
His voice, His frown, His angry look,
Strikes all their courage dead.

He forms our generals for the field,
With all their dreadful skill;
Gives them His awful sword to wield,
And makes their hearts of steel.

He arms our captains to the fight,
Though there His name’s forgot;
He girded Cyrus with His might,
But Cyrus knew Him not.

Oft has the Lord whole nations blessed
For His own ‘s sake;
The powers that give His people rest,
Shall of His care partake.


Meaning of We Love Thee Lord And We Adore

In times of challenge and uncertainty, our faith in God serves as our , providing us with strength, protection, and guidance. As we the hymn “We Love Thee, Lord And We Adore,” we proclaim our love and adoration for the Almighty, recognizing His presence and the power of His mighty outstretched arm.

By beginning the verse with the words “We love Thee, Lord, and we adore,” we express our deep affection and reverence for God. It is through this love and adoration that we open our hearts to the divine, allowing His strength to flow through us. As the hymn continues, it becomes clear that God is our ultimate source of strength and protection. He is our heavenly tower, our bulwark, and our shield.

Just as a tower provides a secure vantage point, enabling us to see far and wide, God serves as our heavenly tower. From this vantage point, He provides us with a sense of security and protection. Like a bulwark and a shield, God surrounds us with His divine presence, fending off any threats or challenges that may our way. It is in Him that we find a sure defense, a steadfast refuge to which we can always turn.

The hymn brings to mind images of God as a powerful military leader, riding upon the wings of the wind. His mere presence causes mortal hearts to tremble, and His thunderous voice and lightning-like spear strike fear into the hearts of His enemies. The angels, eagerly awaiting His commands, swiftly carry out His instructions. We find comfort in knowing that such a powerful and mighty God is on our side.

Throughout history, God has raised up leaders and warriors, equipping them with His divine strength and wisdom. He has been our guide in battle, empowering us to overcome insurmountable odds. Even when our leaders may forget His name, God continues to through them, shaping their minds and hearts to carry out His will.

We are reminded that God’s extend beyond the confines of His church. His care and providence extend to the powers and nations of the world. When His people find rest and peace, those who bring about that peace will also partake in His blessings. God’s love knows no bounds, and His for the well-being of His people extends to the world around them.

As we reflect on the words of this hymn, we are reminded that our love and adoration for God should not be limited to mere words or rituals. Instead, it should be reflected in our actions, as we strive to live in accordance with His teachings. In times of hardship, we can find solace and strength in knowing that God is with us, offering His divine protection and guidance.

In conclusion, the hymn “We Love Thee, Lord And We Adore” serves as a beautiful expression of our love and devotion to God. It is a reminder of His strength, protection, and guidance that we can rely on in times of uncertainty. As we sing these words, let us not only profess our love for God but also strive to live out that love in our daily lives. May we find comfort and strength in knowing that God’s outstretched arm is always there to support us.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image We Love Thee, Lord And We Adore - A Hymn of Strength, Protection, and Guidance. Find solace and strength in God's love and presence. Sing with us.
We Love Thee Lord And We Adore - Hymn Lyric - "We Love Thee, Lord And We Adore - A Hymn of Strength, Protection, and Guidance. Find solace and strength in God's love and presence. Sing with us."