O Soul Consider And Be Wise – Hymn Lyric

Choose Salvation and Wisdom: Embrace your chance for redemption and make wise choices for your eternal soul. Seek salvation and find hope beyond the grave through Christ's sacrifice. Don't delay

O Soul Consider And Be Wise – Hymn Lyric

“O Soul, Consider and Be Wise: Choosing Your to Salvation” is a that emphasizes the importance of seeking salvation and making wise choices. The hymn cautions against the temptations of sin and encourages us to choose the path that leads to eternal life with . It reminds us that our decision has eternal consequences, and urges us to turn from sin and seek redemption through Christ.


O Soul Consider And Be Wise – Hymn Lyric

O SOUL, consider and be wise,
And seek salvation while you may,
In this alone your safety lies
Against the aweful judgment day;

‘Tis Heaven or , the choice is yours
Which through eternity endures.

Satan has taught mankind to sin,
And lures them from the heavenly goal;
Shall he a further triumph win,
And doom your unrepenting soul

To travel an unending road,
For ever separate from God?

Where God is not! O aweful thought,
A realm deserted, cast aside,
With sin to full fruition brought
And evil crowned and deified;

Where dread remorse and vain desire
Burn like an unconsuming fire.

God stoops from Heaven your soul to save,
He calls you now from Calvary;
What have you beyond the grave,
And who can give you hope but he?

Why longer in your sin remain?
For your redemption Christ was slain.


Meaning of O Soul Consider And Be Wise

O Soul, Consider and Be Wise: Choosing Your Path to Salvation

In our hymn, “O Soul, Consider and Be Wise,” we are reminded of the importance of seeking salvation and making the right choices in life. The message is clear and simple: our safety lies in finding salvation and preparing ourselves for the judgment day that awaits us all.

As human beings, we are susceptible to temptation and the allure of sinful actions. The hymn suggests that Satan, the embodiment of evil, has taught mankind to sin and lures us away from the path of righteousness. It is up to us, as individuals, to resist his temptations and choose the path that leads us towards God and eternal life.

The choice between Heaven and Hell is ours to make. This decision has eternal consequences that will endure beyond our time in this . Will we choose the blissful realm of Heaven, where we are united with God and experience eternal ? Or will we be separated from God, banished to forever wander in a realm devoid of His presence?

It is a sobering thought to realize that our can lead us down a dark and unending road. If we allow ourselves to be swayed by the temptations of Satan, we risk being trapped in a cycle of sin and despair. The hymn warns us of the consequences of our unrepented actions, urging us to turn away from sin and seek redemption through Christ.

The thought of being in a place where God is absent is truly awful. It is described as a realm cast aside and deserted, where sin reaches its full fruition and evil is crowned and revered. In this place, individuals are plagued by remorse and unfulfilled desires that burn like an unconsuming fire. The hymn paints a vivid picture of the torment one may experience when separated from God’s love and grace.

However, there is hope. The hymn reminds us that God, in His infinite mercy, stoops down from Heaven to save our souls. He extends an invitation from Calvary, where Christ was crucified, offering us a chance at redemption. It is through Christ’s sacrifice that we find hope beyond the grave, and it is only in Him that we can place our trust for salvation.

So why should we continue to remain in our sin? The answer is simple: Christ was slain for our redemption. He willingly His life so that we may be forgiven and reconciled with God. It is a gift that should not be taken lightly or ignored. Each day, we have the opportunity to turn away from sin and embrace the love and forgiveness offered by Jesus.

In conclusion, “O Soul, Consider and Be Wise” encourages us to carefully consider the choices we make in life. The hymn reminds us that our safety lies in seeking salvation and embracing the hope offered by Christ. It is a call to action, urging us to turn away from sin and choose the path that leads to eternal life with God. May we all heed this message and find the wisdom to make the right choices for our souls’ well-being.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Choose Salvation and Wisdom: Embrace your chance for redemption and make wise choices for your eternal soul. Seek salvation and find hope beyond the grave through Christ's sacrifice. Don't delay, choose wisely now.
O Soul Consider And Be Wise - Hymn Lyric - Choose Salvation and Wisdom: Embrace your chance for redemption and make wise choices for your eternal soul. Seek salvation and find hope beyond the grave through Christ's sacrifice. Don't delay, choose wisely now.