Lord Jesus Christ For Love Of Thee – Hymn Lyric

Experience the enduring love and grace of Jesus Christ in the hymn "Lord Jesus Christ For Love Of Thee." Discover the sacrifices made by those who fought for righteousness and aspire to continue their legacy. Join in the triumph song as we anticipate the Cross of Christ prevailing.

Lord Jesus Christ For Love Of Thee – Hymn Lyric

“Lord For Love Of Thee” is a hymn that reflects on the enduring love and grace of Jesus Christ. It speaks of the sacrifices made by those who fought for the greater good, inspiring us to follow in their footsteps. With the blessings of our fathers and the dedication of future generations, we strive to see the of Jesus Christ prevail, bringing and honor to the Lamb.


Lord Jesus Christ For Love Of Thee – Hymn Lyric

Lord Jesus Christ! For love of thee,
And by grace enduring,
They fought of old the goodly fight,
Our larger ensuring;
For thee with soul of
Iniquity assailing,
They did thy work, they wrought thy will,
And left thy Cross prevailing.

Lord Jesus Christ! For love of thee,
With that same grace inspiring,
We take thy banner from their hands,
To higher deeds aspiring;
For thee we front the force of sin,
With faith and hope unfailing,
Grant us our fathers’ blessing still,
To see thy Cross prevailing.

Lord Jesus Christ! For love of thee,
With that same grace sustaining,
Behind us march our eager sons,
Each tempting truce disdaining;
For thee with flashing eyes they move,
Thy future glory hailing,
O let them win the golden dream,
And see thy Cross prevailing.

Lord Jesus Christ! For love of thee,
And by thy grace abounding,
Our triumph song through earth and
At last shall be resounding;
‘Glory and honor to the Lamb
For all his store travailing,
Forever and forevermore
His Cross shall be prevailing.’


Meaning of Lord Jesus Christ For Love Of Thee

Lord Jesus Christ For Love Of Thee: A Hymn of Endurance, Sacrifice, and Triumph

In this hymn, “Lord Jesus Christ For Love Of Thee,” we are reminded of the enduring love and grace that countless individuals have displayed throughout history. It speaks of those who fought for the greater good, ensuring that our lives are filled with purpose and meaning. Inspired by their example, we are called to take up the banner of righteousness and continue their legacy. Together, we strive to confront the forces of sin with unwavering faith and hope. This hymn also acknowledges the generations to come, as our eager sons press forward, disregarding any temptation to settle for less. With their eyes fixed on the future glory of the Lord, they aim to achieve the golden dream. Ultimately, as we join our voices in a triumphant song, we anticipate a time when the resounding praise of “Glory and honor to the Lamb” echoes through both Earth and Heaven. Through their sacrifice and our unwavering dedication, we are confident that the Cross of Christ shall prevail.

The hymn begins by acknowledging those who fought for the greater good, enduring hardships for the love of Jesus Christ and by His grace. They stood against iniquity, working tirelessly to accomplish His will. As their modern-day followers, we take up their mantle, inspired by the same grace that fueled their sacrifice. Like them, we too aspire to greater deeds and strive to make a meaningful impact in our world. It is through the power of Jesus’ love and the example set by our predecessors that we find the strength to confront the forces of sin.

In acknowledging our fathers’ blessing, we recognize the invaluable wisdom and guidance passed down to us. Their legacy continues to empower us as we face the challenges and of our time. Their love for the Lord serves as a beacon, guiding us towards the righteous path and enabling us to see the Cross of Christ prevailing. With their blessing, we are equipped to overcome any obstacle and continue the mission they started.

Looking towards the future, the hymn speaks of our eager sons who march behind us, each one refusing to settle for anything less than the ultimate goal. They reject the allure of compromise, choosing instead to pursue their dreams with unwavering dedication. With their eyes fixed on the future glory of Jesus Christ, they move forward, heralding His triumph. Their boundless energy and passion serve as a reminder that the Lord’s work is far from finished. Their perseverance ensures that the golden dream of a world ruled by love and righteousness will one day become a reality.

As we unite our voices in celebration, we anticipate a time when the triumph of Jesus Christ reverberates throughout Earth and Heaven. We look forward to the day when all will join in giving glory and honor to the Lamb, recognizing His tireless efforts and endless love. This hymn reminds us that his sacrifice was not in vain. He toiled tirelessly so that we may experience a life filled with purpose and meaning. And forevermore, the Cross of Jesus Christ shall prevail, shining as a symbol of hope and redemption for all.

In conclusion, “Lord Jesus Christ For Love Of Thee” is a hymn that encapsulates the enduring love and grace of Jesus Christ. It serves as a reminder of the sacrifices made by those who came before us, inspiring us to continue their work and confront the forces of sin with unwavering faith and hope. With the blessing of our fathers and the dedication of our eager sons, we press forward, striving to see the Cross of Jesus Christ prevail. And in the end, we anticipate a time when the triumph song shall resound through both Earth and Heaven, giving glory and honor to the Lamb who sacrificed everything for love of us.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the enduring love and grace of Jesus Christ in the hymn Lord Jesus Christ For Love Of Thee. Discover the sacrifices made by those who fought for righteousness and aspire to continue their legacy. Join in the triumph song as we anticipate the Cross of Christ prevailing.
Lord Jesus Christ For Love Of Thee - Hymn Lyric - Experience the enduring love and grace of Jesus Christ in the hymn "Lord Jesus Christ For Love Of Thee." Discover the sacrifices made by those who fought for righteousness and aspire to continue their legacy. Join in the triumph song as we anticipate the Cross of Christ prevailing.