Take It All To Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Take It All To Jesus: Find peace

Take It All To Jesus – Hymn Lyric

“Take It All To ” is a timeless hymn that encourages people to their burdens, , doubts, fears, and vain desires to Jesus. By surrendering to His unconditional and , individuals can find wholeness, redemption, and forgiveness. Through His sacrifice, Jesus offers a way to wash away guilt and inspire pure thoughts, filling their lives with peace and purpose.


Take It All To Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Take it all to Jesus, all thy heart’s deep woe,
He will wash and make thee whiter than the snow;
Take it all to Jesus, all thy weight of sin;
Let his blood so precious be applied within.

Take it all, take it all,
All thy weight of sin;
Let his blood so precious be applied within.

Take it all to Jesus, doubts and fears and shame;
Carry all to Jesus, and his promise claim;
Take it all to Jesus, every vain desire,
Let him by his Spirit purest thoughts inspire.

Take it all, take it all,
Every vain desire,
Let him by his Spirit purest thoughts inspire.

Take it all to Jesus, who sweet peace bestows;
Take it all to Jesus, every need he knows;
Take it all to Jesus, take thyself, thy will,
And the vessel emptied shall the Master fill.

Take it all, take it all,
Take thyself, thy will,
And the vessel emptied shall the Master fill.


Meaning of Take It All To Jesus

Take It All To Jesus: Finding Wholeness and Redemption in His Unconditional Love

In times of trouble and despair, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed and burdened by the weight of our sins, doubts, and fears. We may find ourselves longing for a sense of peace and relief – a way to wash away the stains of guilt and shame that persist in our hearts. Fortunately, there is a timeless hymn that offers a comforting solution to these struggles. “Take It All To Jesus” reminds us that no matter the depth of our sorrows or the multitude of our sins, there is a place of refuge and healing in the embrace of His unconditional love.

The hymn begins by urging us to take all of our heart’s deep woes to Jesus. It is an invitation to unburden ourselves, to release the heavy load we carry. Our Savior stands ready to accept these burdens and carry them for us. Just as snow covers the earth, blanketing it in a pure and pristine white, Jesus offers to wash away the stains of sin that mar our souls. His blood, shed on the , is the ultimate remedy for our wrongdoing. It is through His sacrifice that we find forgiveness and redemption. By simply our sins to Him, we can experience a divine cleansing that leaves us whiter than snow.

But the hymn doesn’t just speak to our sins; it also addresses our doubts and fears. In a world filled with uncertainties and insecurities, it is natural to question and worry. Yet, the hymn encourages us to bring these doubts and fears to Jesus as well. In doing so, we can claim His promise of peace. His love and understanding surpass all understanding, and He longs to calm our troubled hearts. By surrendering our doubts and fears to Him, we can find solace and reassurance in His presence.

Furthermore, “Take It All To Jesus” speaks to the power of surrendering our vain desires. It reminds us that true fulfillment and contentment can only be found by allowing Jesus to inspire and shape our thoughts. Our own desires may lead us astray, but when we them to the guidance of His Spirit, we open ourselves up to the purity and righteousness that only He can provide. His Spirit works within us, transforming our thoughts and aligning them with His divine will.

In the refrain, the hymn emphasizes the importance of taking it all to Jesus – every weight of sin, every vain desire, every doubt and fear. It is a comprehensive invitation to bring our whole selves before Him, leaving nothing behind. By doing so, we become vessels ready and open to be filled by our Master. Our emptiness is not a sign of lacking, but rather a space reserved for His abundance. As we surrender our will and our very beings to Him, He fills us with His love, peace, and purpose.

The title “Take It All To Jesus” perfectly encapsulates the essence of this profound hymn. It serves as a guiding principle for us to follow, a reminder that we need not carry our burdens alone. With Jesus as our ever-present confidant and savior, we can find hope, healing, and wholeness. When we take it all to Jesus, we acknowledge His infinite love and grace, allowing Him to transform our lives from deep within.

In conclusion, “Take It All To Jesus” offers a timeless message of hope and redemption to all who . As we bring our heart’s deep woes, sins, doubts, and fears to Jesus, we find solace, forgiveness, and healing. With every vain desire surrendered, we open ourselves up to His inspired thoughts. When we take it all to Jesus – our whole selves, our very will – we are filled with His love and purpose. So, remember, in your moments of despair and longing, take it all to Jesus, for He is waiting with open arms, ready to take your burdens and make you whiter than snow. Let His precious blood be applied within, and allow Him to fill your vessel with His unconditional love and grace.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Take It All To Jesus: Find peace, forgiveness, and healing in His unconditional love. Surrender sins, doubts, fears, and vain desires to experience transformation and fulfillment. Rediscover hope and wholeness in His embrace.
Take It All To Jesus - Hymn Lyric - Take It All To Jesus: Find peace, forgiveness, and healing in His unconditional love. Surrender sins, doubts, fears, and vain desires to experience transformation and fulfillment. Rediscover hope and wholeness in His embrace.