Room For Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Discover the importance of making room for Jesus in your heart and life. Reflect on the powerful message of the hymn "Room For Jesus" and learn practical ways to invite Him in.

Room For Jesus – Hymn Lyric

The “Room For Jesus” emphasizes the importance of making space in our hearts and lives for Jesus. It challenges us to reevaluate our priorities and remember His sacrifice, urging us to actively invite Him in and prioritize our relationship with Him. By making room for Jesus, we open ourselves up to His , , and guidance, transforming our lives from within.


Room For Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Is there any room for Jesus?
He Who died on ,
He Who standeth, knocking, waiting,
Pleading with you tenderly.

Room for Jesus, room for Jesus,
Let Him in your heart today,
Throwing every window open,
O receive Him while you may.

We have room for worldly pleasures,
Cares of life crowd every day,
And our hearts and minds are burdened
While the Lord is turned .

Will you not make room for Jesus,
For the , the Crucified?
Is there not some place to enter
In the soul for which He died?

Room and time and thought for Jesus,
Hasten to accept His grace
Ere the heart grows cold and careless,
And His pleading voice shall cease.


Meaning of Room For Jesus

Room For Jesus: Inviting Him into Your Heart and Life

In today’s fast-paced and busy world, it’s easy to fill our lives with so many things that we often forget about the most important guest of all – Jesus. The hymn “Is there any room for Jesus?” reminds us of the importance of making space for Him in our hearts and lives. Let’s take a closer look at the powerful message behind this hymn and explore how we can apply its teachings to our everyday lives.

The hymn starts off by painting a vivid picture of Jesus standing at the door of our hearts, knocking and waiting for us to let Him in. He is portrayed as a gentle and pleading presence, eager to enter our lives and make a difference. This imagery reminds us that Jesus doesn’t force His way into our hearts; instead, He patiently waits for us to invite Him in. It’s up to us to decide whether or not to open the door and make room for Him.

The first verse poses a thought-provoking question, “Is there any room for Jesus?” It challenges us to reflect upon the state of our hearts and consider if we have made space for Jesus amongst the worldly pleasures and cares of life. Often, we get caught up in our own pursuits and daily stresses, leaving little room for spiritual matters. We become burdened and overwhelmed, losing sight of what truly matters. The hymn offers a gentle reminder that there is always room for Jesus, no matter how busy or preoccupied we may be.

The second verse continues to emphasize the importance of making room for Jesus. It highlights the sacrifice He made on the , dying for our sins. The soul-searching question posed in this verse is, “Is there not some place to enter in the soul for which He died?” This powerful question prompts us to reflect on the magnitude of Jesus’ sacrifice and consider how we can respond in .

Making room for Jesus isn’t just a one-time decision; it requires ongoing effort and intentionality. The final verse encourages us to make room for Jesus in our daily lives by giving Him our time, thoughts, and attention. It warns against growing cold and careless, cautioning that if we neglect to make space for Jesus, we may miss out on His grace and His pleading voice may eventually cease.

So how can we practically apply the message of this hymn in our lives? Here are a few suggestions:

1. Prioritize Your Relationship with Him: Just as we make time for our loved ones and prioritize our relationships with them, we should do the same with Jesus. Dedicate some time each day to spend in prayer, reading the , and seeking His guidance. By doing so, we create a space for Jesus to enter and influence our thoughts, actions, and decisions.

2. Evaluate Your Priorities: Take a step back and assess how you are currently spending your time and energy. Are you prioritizing worldly pleasures and material pursuits over your relationship with Jesus? Adjust your priorities to reflect what truly matters in the grand scheme of things. Remember that it’s not about giving up everything, but about aligning your priorities with your .

3. Stay Open and Receptive: Even when life gets tough or when we face challenges, it’s important to remain open to Jesus’ presence and His teachings. Avoid closing off your heart and mind to Him, even during difficult times. Trust in His love and guidance, knowing that He is always there for you, ready to provide comfort and support.

4. Share His Love with Others: Making room for Jesus also involves extending His love and compassion to those around us. Look for opportunities to serve and help others, reflecting the selflessness and kindness embodied by Jesus. By doing so, we not only make room for Him in our hearts but also create a positive impact on the lives of those we interact with.

In conclusion, the hymn “Room For Jesus” beautifully reminds us of the importance of making space in our hearts and lives for Jesus. It urges us to reevaluate our priorities, recommit to our relationship with Him, and stay open and receptive to His presence. By actively making room for Jesus, we invite His grace, love, and guidance into our lives, transforming us from within. Let’s remember the profound message of this hymn and strive to make room for Jesus every day.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the importance of making room for Jesus in your heart and life. Reflect on the powerful message of the hymn Room For Jesus and learn practical ways to invite Him in.
Room For Jesus - Hymn Lyric - Discover the importance of making room for Jesus in your heart and life. Reflect on the powerful message of the hymn "Room For Jesus" and learn practical ways to invite Him in.