Would You Live For Jesus Truly Be His Own – Hymn Lyric

Discover the meaning behind the hymn "Would You Live For Jesus

Would You Live For Jesus Truly Be His Own – Hymn Lyric

“Would You Live For , Truly Be His Own” is a that reminds us of our responsibility to live for Jesus and lead others to Him. Through our actions, words, , and grace, we can make others think of Jesus and point them towards the Savior. This hymn emphasizes the importance of consistently reflecting Jesus in our daily lives and being a reminder of His and grace.


Would You Live For Jesus Truly Be His Own – Hymn Lyric

Would you live for Jesus,
truly be His own,
Leading others to Him, –
the Holy One?
Make them think of Jesus,
ev’rywhere you go;
Lift another’s burden-
He would do just so!

Make them think of Jesus,
All along the way,
Point some one to Jesus
ev’ry passing day;
Make them think of Jesus,
All along the way,
Point some one to Jesus
ev’ry passing day.

Make them think of Jesus
by your words of love;
Point them to the Savior,
our above;
Make them think of Jesus
when they hear you speak,
Voice so sympathizing,
comforting the weak.


Make them think of Jesus,
of His tender care,
Watching o’er the sparrows
and the lilacs fair;
Make them think of Jesus
when they think of you;
Make them think of Jesus,
truest of the true.


Make them think of Jesus,
whatsoe’er you do;
Bring them unto Jesus,-
He depends on you;
Make them think of Jesus,
of His matchless grace;
By His blood redeemed they,
too, may see His face.



Meaning of Would You Live For Jesus Truly Be His Own

Would You Live For Jesus, Truly Be His Own


Living for Jesus and being His own is a beautiful and fulfilling way to lead our lives. It not only brings us closer to Him but also allows us to be a positive influence on those around us. In this hymn, we are reminded of the importance of making others think of Jesus, pointing them towards the Savior, and being a reflection of His love and grace. Let us explore the meaning behind the verses of this hymn and how we can apply it to our daily lives.

Verse 1:

The first verse encourages us to live for Jesus and lead others to Him. As we go through our daily routines, we have the power to make a lasting impact on those we encounter. Imagine if everyone we interacted with thought of Jesus because of our actions and words. We can be a light in the world by spreading His love, kindness, and compassion.


The refrain emphasizes the importance of consistently and intentionally pointing others to Jesus. Making someone think of Jesus every passing day is a powerful reminder that our actions should align with His teachings. It is not a one-time effort but rather a lifelong commitment to be a reflection of who He is.

Verse 2:

In verse 2, we are reminded of the significance of our words. By speaking with love and understanding, we can point others to the Savior. Our voices hold the power to comfort the weak and provide solace to those in need. Through our words, we can show others the grace and sympathy that Jesus extends to all.

Verse 3:

This verse highlights the tender care that Jesus provides for His creation. Just as He watches over the sparrows and the beauty of nature, we are called to make others think of Jesus when they think of us. Our lives should reflect His unconditional love and the that comes from following Him. Our actions should make others long for a relationship with the truest of the true.

Verse 4:

The final verse reminds us of our role in others to Jesus. Our actions can influence someone’s decision to seek Him or turn away. By extending His grace, we have the power to show others the . Our words and deeds can demonstrate the transformative power of His blood and the hope of seeing His face.


Living for Jesus and truly being His own is a journey that requires commitment and dedication. Through our words, actions, and love, we have the power to make others think of Jesus. Let us embrace the teachings of this hymn and strive to be a constant reminder of His grace and mercy. As we go about our daily lives, let us purposefully point others to Jesus, the Holy One, every passing day.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the meaning behind the hymn Would You Live For Jesus, Truly Be His Own and learn how to make others think of Jesus through your actions and words. Live a life that reflects His love and grace.
Would You Live For Jesus Truly Be His Own - Hymn Lyric - Discover the meaning behind the hymn "Would You Live For Jesus, Truly Be His Own" and learn how to make others think of Jesus through your actions and words. Live a life that reflects His love and grace.