How God Who Calls Us Each By Name – Hymn Lyric

Discover the powerful message of the hymn "How God Who Calls Us Each by Name." Explore love

How God Who Calls Us Each By Name – Hymn Lyric

“How Who Calls Us Each By Name” is a beautiful that expresses God’s unconditional for all people and emphasizes the sorrow He feels when witnessing violence and war. It encourages empathy, compassion, and the pursuit of , justice, and unity. The hymn serves as a reminder for us to towards a world where we can live as friends, rather than , as God intends.


How God Who Calls Us Each By Name – Hymn Lyric

How God, who calls us each by name and us,
friend and foe, the same,
must weep with sorrow at the sight
of fighting in the night.

Our hearts are heavy too with grief,
at violence beyond belief.
We mourn each tragic loss of life,
each wounded victim in the strife.

With all our being, we deplore
that nations must resort to war,
that good intentions cannot find
another way, a common mind.

May God release love’s mighty power,
to save us in this dreadful hour
from bitter hatred and ill will,
divisions that divide us still.

Let vengeance be of no avail,
and peace with justice soon prevail,
that we may live as God intends,
no longer foes, forever friends.


Meaning of How God Who Calls Us Each By Name

Expanding on the Ideas in the Hymn “How God Who Calls Us Each by Name”

The hymn “How God Who Calls Us Each by Name” beautifully captures the essence of God’s love and highlights the sorrow that fills His when He witnesses violence and conflict. It acknowledges the heavy grief we experience when violence and war claim innocent lives and reminds us of the need for peace and unity.

The hymn poignantly expresses the idea that God loves each and every one of us, regardless of our differences or beliefs. He loves us as friends and even as foes. This concept is both profound and comforting. It reminds us that we are all interconnected and should seek to treat one another with love and respect, even in times of disagreement.

One of the most heart-wrenching lines of the hymn is, “Our hearts are heavy too with grief, at violence beyond belief.” It resonates with the pain and sorrow that permeates the world when acts of violence occur. As 7th graders, it can be difficult to comprehend the extent of such violence, but it’s important to confront these issues and discuss them openly.

The hymn urges us to mourn the tragic loss of life and the suffering of those affected by violence. It reminds us that every victim of violence is a person with hopes, dreams, and loved ones left behind. It encourages empathy and compassion, teaching us to value the sanctity of life and to work towards solutions that reduce violence and its devastating impact.

A powerful message conveyed in the hymn is the lamentation that nations often resort to war when good intentions fail to find another way. It calls for unity and a search for common ground, where solutions can be found without resorting to violence. In a world filled with conflicts and differences, this message is particularly relevant and offers for a more peaceful future.

The hymn seeks divine intervention, asking God to release love’s mighty power to save us in this dreadful hour. It emphasizes the need for love and understanding to overcome hatred and division. It implores us to let go of vengeance and work towards peace with justice, emphasizing the importance of fairness and equity in resolving conflicts.

As 7th graders, it’s crucial to understand that peace is not just the absence of war but the presence of justice. The hymn urges us to work towards a world where peace is not just a temporary resolution, but a sustainable state of affairs. It encourages us to strive for a society where we can live as God intends, where friendship triumphs over enmity and divisions are dismantled.

In conclusion, the hymn “How God Who Calls Us Each by Name” encapsulates the fundamental principles of love, peace, and understanding. It conveys the sorrow that God feels when conflict and violence tear us apart, and it calls upon us to reflect on the heavy grief we experience in these circumstances. It serves as a reminder to mourn the loss of life and to work towards solutions that prioritize peace and justice. Ultimately, the hymn invites us to strive for a world where we all live as God intends, as friends, and no longer as foes.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the powerful message of the hymn How God Who Calls Us Each by Name. Explore love, peace, and unity in the face of violence and strife.
How God Who Calls Us Each By Name - Hymn Lyric - Discover the powerful message of the hymn "How God Who Calls Us Each by Name." Explore love, peace, and unity in the face of violence and strife.