O Jesus Master When Today I Meet – Hymn Lyric

Experience the transformative power of Jesus' love as you meet others on life's journey. Let His light shine through you

O Jesus Master When Today I Meet – Hymn Lyric

“O Master When Today I Meet” is a heartfelt prayer for the guidance and light of Jesus as the speaker encounters people in their daily . The speaker seeks to bring comfort, kindness, and love to their burdened brothers, emphasizing the importance of empathy and a shared need for compassion.


O Jesus Master When Today I Meet – Hymn Lyric

O Jesus, Master, when today,
I meet, along the crowded way,
My burdened brothers-mine and Thine-
May then through me Thy shine.

To cheer them in their way,
Till ends the varied day,
To kindle so a growing light,
Where else might be but gloom and night.

Grant, too, that they my need may know,
As side by side we onward go-
An equal need of kindly thought,
And love like that which Thou hast taught.

Then give our hands a touch ,
And to our voices tones like Thine,
As side by side we onward go,
Nor need each other’s name to know.


Meaning of O Jesus Master When Today I Meet

Sometimes, amidst the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it’s easy to forget to pause and about the people we encounter along our path. There’s a special hymn titled “O Jesus, Master When Today I Meet,” which carries a deep and beautiful message about the significance of spreading kindness and love to those around us, just like Jesus did.

Imagine walking down a busy street, seeing faces of all kinds – some bright with smiles, others etched with the worries of life. This hymn encourages us to see these fellow travelers as opportunities to let our actions reflect the light and love that Jesus shared with the world. Each person we meet could be shouldering a silent struggle or needing a ray of hope that we have the power to give through simple acts of compassion and understanding.

The first verse of the hymn speaks to those who find themselves passing by others who are carrying heavy burdens. “O Jesus, Master, when today, I meet, along the crowded way, My burdened brothers-mine and Thine-” brings to mind the notion that we are all brothers and sisters in the eyes of Jesus, interconnected in our humanity and struggles. It’s a gentle reminder that when we cross paths with someone who’s having a tough time, we have the chance to be a vessel of comfort, allowing “Thy Spirit,” or the spirit of Jesus, to shine through us and lighten their load.

This hymn doesn’t just call on us to be passive observers of others’ hardship; it prompts us to be active in our kindness. We are asked to “cheer them in their onward way, Till evening ends the varied day” – in other words, to be a source of support and encouragement to others until their day turns into night. We are all part of the same daily journey, and our actions can help make someone else’s day a bit brighter, fostering warmth where there might otherwise be coldness or darkness.

Moreover, the hymn teaches us that recognizing each other’s needs is a mutual process. We all have our own challenges, and acknowledging that others might have concerns as complex and pressing as our own creates a shared bond of humanity. The lines “Grant, too, that they my need may know, As side by side we onward go-” express this sense of solidarity in our human experience. It’s a reminder that when we open up to the possibility that others can understand and relate to our struggles, we’re developing the very “kindly thought” and love that Jesus exemplified.

Then comes the hymn’s beautiful plea for transformation, not just in thought, but also in action: “Then give our hands a touch divine, And to our voices tones like Thine,” signaling a hope that our actions and words will be infused with a divine goodness that resembles Jesus’. We’re asked to walk “side by side” with our fellow travelers, offering our hands and voices in ways that uplift and unite, rather than divide and dismiss.

The hymn concludes with an acknowledgment that as we walk this journey together, we don’t even have to know each other’s names to know that we are brothers and sisters in . “Nor need each other’s name to know,” reinforces that our shared humanity is enough for us to care for each other, offering mutual support and kindness without seeking recognition or reward.

Drawing inspiration from this hymn, we can think about how we interact with others in our own lives. Whether we’re at school, in the neighborhood, or even within our own families, we can aim to be kinder, more understanding, and more willing to lend a hand or an ear to those in need. It could mean sharing your snacks with a classmate who forgot theirs, helping a younger sibling with homework, or just asking a friend how their day is going and really listening to their response.

In essence, “O Jesus, Master When Today I Meet” is a call to be mindful of the love and kindness that Jesus taught. It’s a challenge for us to bring light into others’ lives, to share their burdens, and to treat everyone with a compassion that transcends all barriers. If we can carry this message with us in our hearts, the world we live in will surely be a warmer, brighter, and more loving .


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the transformative power of Jesus' love as you meet others on life's journey. Let His light shine through you, bringing comfort and inspiration to your burdened brothers. Discover the true meaning of compassion and find strength in His guiding presence.
O Jesus Master When Today I Meet - Hymn Lyric - Experience the transformative power of Jesus' love as you meet others on life's journey. Let His light shine through you, bringing comfort and inspiration to your burdened brothers. Discover the true meaning of compassion and find strength in His guiding presence.