Out In The Sunshine – Hymn Lyric

Experience True Happiness in Out In The Sunshine - Embrace infinite love and find joy in the hymn that reminds us of our identity and security in our Savior. Let go of worldly pleasures and bask in the warmth of divine affection.

Out In The Sunshine – Hymn Lyric

“Out In The Sunshine: Finding Happiness in Infinite ” explores the pursuit of true happiness and the importance of embracing the infinite love of our Savior. Through the powerful imagery of the hymn, it encourages , contentment, and a shift in perspective to find joy even in the darkest times. This hymn teaches young people that their happiness lies in their unique identity and purpose, reminding them that they are loved and accepted by a Savior who will never leave them.


Out In The Sunshine – Hymn Lyric

Out in the sunshine of infinite love,
Breathing the fragrance of Eden above;
I am so happy, O Savior divine,
Living or dying, to know I am Thine.

Yes, I am Thine, Lord, I am Thine,
Living or dying, I know I am Thine.

Out in the sunshine, though shadows may fall,
Yet will I thank and praise Thee for all;
Never, no, never my shall repine,
Living or dying, I know I am Thine.

Out in the sunshine sweet music I hear,
Tenderly wafting a song on my ear;
Oh, what a assurance is mine,
Living or dying, I know I am Thine.

Out in the sunshine by faith I can see,
Mansions in preparing for me;
O my Redeemer, what rapture is mine,
Living or dying, I know I am Thine.


Meaning of Out In The Sunshine

Out In The Sunshine: Finding Happiness in Infinite Love

In our journey through life, we often find ourselves searching for happiness. We seek it in material possessions, in achievements, and in the approval of others. However, true happiness can only be found in something greater, something eternal. The hymn “Out In The Sunshine” beautifully captures this notion, reminding us that our ultimate source of joy lies in the infinite love of our Savior.

The first verse of the hymn sets the tone for the message it conveys. It speaks of being out in the sunshine of infinite love, breathing the fragrance of Eden above. This imagery paints a picture of a blissful existence, basking in the warm glow of divine affection. Such a feeling brings immense happiness and contentment, surpassing any worldly pleasure.

The hymn reassures us that regardless of our circumstances – whether living or dying – we belong to our Savior. It echoes the comforting words, “Living or dying, I know I am Thine.” This powerful line reminds us that our identity and security are found in being a cherished of God. In times of struggle or uncertainty, remembering this truth can bring immense and happiness.

As we go about our daily lives, we may encounter shadows that cast a temporary veil of sadness or doubt. However, the hymn encourages us to remain thankful and to praise the Savior for all things. It reminds us that even amidst shadows, there is still sunshine to be found. By shifting our perspective and focusing on gratitude, we can find happiness even in the midst of challenges.

The hymn emphasizes the importance of never allowing our hearts to repine, or to become filled with discontentment. It urges us to choose joy and gratitude instead. This message is particularly relevant for young people who may be navigating the complexities of adolescence. It reminds them that true happiness is not found in conforming to societal standards or in comparing themselves to others. Rather, it is found in embracing their unique identity and purpose, knowing that they are loved and accepted by a Savior who will never leave them.

The second verse of the hymn highlights the power of music to uplift the soul. It speaks of sweet melodies that are tenderly wafting a song on our ears. Music has the incredible ability to evoke emotions and transport us to a place of joy and peace. Whether through singing, playing an instrument, or simply listening, engaging with music can be a powerful tool for finding happiness and connecting with the divine.

The hymn also instills a sense of hope and anticipation for the future. It speaks of mansions in glory that are being prepared for us. This imagery reminds us that our earthly life is just a temporary journey, and something far greater awaits us. Believing in this promise can foster a sense of joy and purpose in our daily lives, knowing that our ultimate destination is a place of perfection and everlasting happiness.

In conclusion, the hymn “Out In The Sunshine” beautifully captures the essence of finding happiness in infinite love. It reminds us that our true source of joy lies in our relationship with our Savior, who and cherishes us unconditionally. By embracing this truth, remaining thankful, and choosing joy in all circumstances, we can experience the sunshine of divine love and find lasting happiness. So, let us embrace the message of this hymn and live each day knowing that we are beloved of God.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience True Happiness in Out In The Sunshine - Embrace infinite love and find joy in the hymn that reminds us of our identity and security in our Savior. Let go of worldly pleasures and bask in the warmth of divine affection.
Out In The Sunshine - Hymn Lyric - Experience True Happiness in Out In The Sunshine - Embrace infinite love and find joy in the hymn that reminds us of our identity and security in our Savior. Let go of worldly pleasures and bask in the warmth of divine affection.