We Have Heard Of Jesus Love – Hymn Lyric

Discover the depth of Jesus' love through learning and growing in faith. Join us in worship as we seek to know His love more deeply and embody His teachings in our daily lives.

We Have Heard Of Jesus Love – Hymn Lyric

“We Have Heard of Jesus’ : Learning and Growing in Faith”This reminds us that although we have heard many lessons and sung joyful praises, there is always more to learn and more love to discover. We recognize that our knowledge of Jesus’ love is only partial, and we to delve deeper into the teachings of the Word. As we seek to grow in wisdom and love, we trust in God’s help and guidance to reveal more of Himself to us.


We Have Heard Of Jesus Love – Hymn Lyric

We have heard of Jesus’ love,
How he left his above;
We would hear it o’er and o’er,
We would learn yet more and more.

Learning more and more,
As we daily older grow;
Laying by, in store,
Help us, Lord, thy love to know.

Many lessons from the Word,
From our teachers we have heard;
But we only know in part,
More of truth must fill the heart.


Joyful lips have sung his praise
Thro’ the happy passing days;
Still we come, as oft before,
Christ our Saviour to adore.


Learning more of wisdom’s way,
Loving more and more each day;
May we grow in ‘nly grace
Till we see our Saviour’s face.



Meaning of We Have Heard Of Jesus Love

We Have Heard of Jesus’ Love: Learning and Growing in Faith

As we gather together in worship, we this hymn to express our desire to continually learn and grow in our understanding of Jesus’ love. We want to delve deeper into the teachings of the Word and uncover the truths that will fill our hearts. This hymn reminds us that although we have heard many lessons and sung joyful praises, there is always more to learn and more love to discover.

In our journey of faith, we are to have teachers who guide us and share their knowledge of the Word. We have learned from them, but we recognize that we only know in part. This acknowledgment humbles us and prompts us to seek even more understanding. We yearn to expand our wisdom, not just for the sake of knowledge, but to deepen our relationship with Jesus.

With joyful lips, we have sung His praises throughout the passing days. Our voices have echoed in praise, our hearts filled with . Yet, even in our moments of adoration, we know that there is more to discover and experience in our relationship with Christ. We come together, as we have done before, to adore Him and to seek His guidance in our daily lives.

Learning more of wisdom’s way, we grow in love each day. With every passing moment, we strive to embody the teachings of Jesus and practice compassion, forgiveness, and kindness. We recognize that growing in our faith involves not only acquiring knowledge but also putting those teachings into action. It is through our actions that we demonstrate our love for others and make a positive impact in the world.

As we continue on this path of spiritual growth, we pray for heavenly grace. We long to see our Savior’s face and be embraced by His love. With each passing day, we seek to deepen our connection with Jesus and experience His presence in our lives. We understand that this growth requires patience, dedication, and a willingness to ourselves to His will.

Therefore, as we sing this hymn, we ask for God’s help to know His love more fully. We recognize that it is through His guidance, His wisdom, and His grace that we can continue learning and growing in our faith. We trust that as we devote ourselves to seeking Him, He will reveal more of Himself to us, drawing us into a deeper and more meaningful relationship.

In conclusion, the words of this hymn guide us on our journey of faith. They remind us that we are never done learning and growing. We have heard of Jesus’ love, but there is still so much more to uncover. With each passing day, with each new lesson and experience, we strive to know His love more deeply. We trust in God’s help and guidance as we seek to grow in wisdom, love, and grace. May our hearts be filled with the desire to continually learn and may our lives be a reflection of Jesus’ love to the world around us.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the depth of Jesus' love through learning and growing in faith. Join us in worship as we seek to know His love more deeply and embody His teachings in our daily lives.
We Have Heard Of Jesus Love - Hymn Lyric - Discover the depth of Jesus' love through learning and growing in faith. Join us in worship as we seek to know His love more deeply and embody His teachings in our daily lives.