O Promise Sweet He Leadeth Me Over Waters – Hymn Lyric

O Promise Sweet: He Leadeth Me Over Waters - Trust in the promise of our Savior to guide us through life's challenges. Find comfort in knowing He will lead us home

O Promise Sweet He Leadeth Me Over Waters – Hymn Lyric

In the hymn “O Promise Sweet: He Leadeth Me Over Waters,” we are reminded of the comforting promise of our to lead and guide us through life’s challenges. No matter the circumstances we face, we can trust in this promise and find peace in knowing that He will always be there for us. Whether we find ourselves in peaceful waters or overshadowed by difficulties, we can always find comfort in knowing that is near.


O Promise Sweet He Leadeth Me Over Waters – Hymn Lyric

O promise sweet! He leadeth me
O’er waters wild and deep;
I will not fear the raging
If He my doth keep.

I will trust in the promise of my Savior,
I will trust in the promise of my Savior,
I will trust in the promise of my Savior,
And He will lead me .

Sometimes He leads o’er mountain height,
Or valleys dark and drear;
Yet, worn and weary, in the night
His blessed voice I hear.

I will trust in the promise of my Savior,
I will trust in the promise of my Savior,
I will trust in the promise of my Savior,
And He will lead me home.

Sometimes He leads by waters still,
Where all is peace and ;
And quiet joys my bosom fill,
Like that sweet rest above.

I will trust in the promise of my Savior,
I will trust in the promise of my Savior,
I will trust in the promise of my Savior,
And He will lead me home.

It matters not if shadows lie
Upon my pathway here;
A golden illumes my sky,
If only God is near.

I will trust in the promise of my Savior,
I will trust in the promise of my Savior,
I will trust in the promise of my Savior,
And He will lead me home.


Meaning of O Promise Sweet He Leadeth Me Over Waters

O Promise Sweet: He Leadeth Me Over Waters

In the hymn “O Promise Sweet: He Leadeth Me Over Waters,” we are reminded of the comforting promise of our Savior to lead and guide us through life’s challenges. No matter the circumstances we face, we can trust in this promise and find peace in knowing that He will always be there for us.

The first verse of the hymn reassures us that even in the midst of raging seas, we need not fear if we allow the Savior to keep our . It is a powerful reminder that we can find strength and courage in Him, even in the most turbulent times. This promise offers us comfort as we navigate through the ups and downs of life.

The refrain emphasizes our trust in the promise made by our Savior. No matter what trials or tribulations come our way, we can hold fast to the assurance that He will lead us home. This simple repetition of trust in the promise serves as a reminder to our hearts and minds that we are not alone on this journey.

As the hymn continues, the second verse paints a picture of the diverse paths that the Savior may lead us on. Sometimes, we find ourselves on mountaintops, surrounded by beauty and awe-inspiring views. Other times, we may be in valleys, feeling lost and alone. However, even in the darkest and dreariest of valleys, we can find solace in the blessed voice of our Savior. His voice, like a guiding light, gives us hope and strength to carry on.

The third verse brings us to calmer waters, where peace and love abound. In these serene moments, our souls find rest and tranquility. It is in such moments that we can experience the quiet joys that fill our hearts with happiness. These fleeting moments mirror the sweet rest that awaits us in , reminding us that our earthly journey is but a glimpse of something greater.

The hymn also acknowledges that shadows may lie upon our pathway. Life is not always smooth sailing, and challenges come our way. However, the assurance of the golden light that illuminates our sky brings hope and reassurance. As long as God is near, we can find solace and peace, even in the midst of uncertainty.

In conclusion, “O Promise Sweet: He Leadeth Me Over Waters” reinforces the idea that we can trust in the promise of our Savior to lead and guide us through life’s triumphs and tribulations. The hymn reminds us to hold on to this promise, even in the face of turbulent storms or dark valleys. Whether we find ourselves in peaceful waters or overshadowed by difficulties, we can always find comfort in knowing that God is near. This hymn serves as a reminder to trust in the promise and find solace in the journey, for He will lead us home.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image O Promise Sweet: He Leadeth Me Over Waters - Trust in the promise of our Savior to guide us through life's challenges. Find comfort in knowing He will lead us home, no matter the circumstances we face.
O Promise Sweet He Leadeth Me Over Waters - Hymn Lyric - O Promise Sweet: He Leadeth Me Over Waters - Trust in the promise of our Savior to guide us through life's challenges. Find comfort in knowing He will lead us home, no matter the circumstances we face.