Lord Jesus Christ My Life My Light – Hymn Lyric

Discover the guiding light and solace of Lord Jesus Christ. Find strength

Lord Jesus Christ My Life My Light – Hymn Lyric

“Lord Jesus Christ: The Guiding Light in Our Lives”In our journey through , we often find ourselves facing challenges and feeling burdened by our sins. We long for our true home, where we hope to stand through the redemption of Your blood. But we recognize that before we can reach that paradise, we must tread a weary .Lord Jesus Christ, you are our life, our light, and our guiding force. In this temporary world, we find solace and strength in Your and . We trust in Your eternal promise of salvation, knowing that in our journey towards our heavenly home, You will be our constant companion, leading us through every trial we face. May Your name be exalted and adored forevermore. .


Lord Jesus Christ My Life My Light – Hymn Lyric

Lord Jesus Christ, my Life, my Light, My Strength by day, my Trust by night, On earth I’m but a passing guest And sorely by my sins oppressed.

Far off I see my fatherland, Where through blood I hope to stand. But ere I reach that Paradise A weary way before me lies.

My heart sinks at the journey’s length, My wasted flesh has little strength; My alone still cries in me; “Lord, fetch me home, take me to Thee!”

Oh let Thy suff’rings give me pow’r To meet the last and darkest hour! Thy blood refresh and comfort me; Thy bonds and fetters make me free.

The blows and stripes that fell on Thee Heal up the wounds of sin in me; Thy crown of thorns, Thy foes’ mad spite, Let be my and delight.

That thirst and bitter draught of Thine Cause me to bear with patience mine; Thy piercing cry uphold my soul When floods of anguish o’er me roll!

Thy Spirit cry within me still When here my lips grow white and chill, And help my soul Thy heav’n to find When these poor eyes grow dark and blind!

Thy dying words let be my light When death approaches as dark night; Defend me in my dying breath When then I bow my head in death.

Thy cross let be my staff in life, Thy holy grave my rest from strife; The winding sheet that covered Thee, O let it be a shroud for me.

Lord, in Thy nail prints let me read That Thou to save me hast decreed And grant that in Thine opened side My troubled soul may ever hide.

Since Thou hast died, the Pure, the Just, I take my homeward way in trust. The gates of heav’n, Lord, open wide When here I may no more abide.

And when the last Great Day shall come And Thou, our Judge, shalt speak the doom, Let me with joy behold the light And set me then upon Thy right.

Renew this wasted flesh of mine That like the it there may shine Among the angels pure and bright, Yea, like Thyself in glorious light.

Ah, then shall I most joyful be And with the angels to Thee And with Thy blessed, chosen fold Forever Thy gracious face behold.


Meaning of Lord Jesus Christ My Life My Light

Lord Jesus Christ: The Guiding Light in Our Lives

In our journey through life, we often find ourselves facing challenges and feeling burdened by our sins. We long for our true home, where we hope to stand through the redemption of Your blood. But we recognize that before we can reach that paradise, we must tread a weary path.

Sometimes, the journey ahead may seem daunting and overwhelming, causing our hearts to sink and our strength to wane. Our physical bodies may feel weak, and the weight of our sins may weigh heavily upon us. Yet, amid all these struggles, our souls cry out to You, imploring You to fetch us home, to take us to Your loving embrace.

In times of darkness and despair, we seek solace in Your suffering. Your sacrifice on the cross gives us the power to face our own trials, even the darkest hour. Your precious blood refreshes and comforts our weary souls, setting us free from the bondage of sin. The very blows and stripes that fell upon You have the power to heal the wounds of our transgressions. We find glory and delight in Your crown of thorns, in the face of the world’s hostility.

Just as You thirsted and endured a bitter draught, grant us the strength to bear our own hardships with patience. May Your piercing cry continue to uphold our spirits when floods of anguish threaten to overwhelm us. When our lips grow white and chill, may Your Spirit cry within us, guiding us towards the heavenly abode.

In the midst of our final moments, may Your dying words illuminate our path, shining through the darkness of death. As we bow our heads in acceptance, please defend us with Your grace. May Your cross be our staff, supporting us throughout our journey on earth, while Your holy grave offers us rest from life’s strife. Let the winding sheet that covered You also become a shroud of comfort for us in death.

Lord, in the imprints of the nails upon Your hands and feet, may we read the eternal decree of Your salvation. And when our troubled souls seek solace, may we find solace in the sanctuary of Your opened side. You, the Pure and the Just, have paved our homeward way through the sacrifice of Your life. As we bid farewell to this earthly existence, open wide the gates of heaven for us, for here, we can no longer abide.

When the day of ultimate judgement arrives, and You, our Judge, pronounce our fate, grant us the privilege of standing on Your right side with unbridled joy. As we depart from this mortal realm, renew our frail and withered flesh, so that it may shine like the sun among the pure and bright angels. May we resemble Your divine radiance in eternal glory.

With hearts brimming with joy, we will join the heavenly chorus, singing praises to Your name. We will dwell in the presence of Your blessed chosen ones, forever beholding the radiance of Your gracious face.

Lord Jesus Christ, you are our life, our light, and our guiding force. In this temporary world, we find solace and strength in Your love and sacrifice. We trust in Your eternal promise of salvation, knowing that in our journey towards our heavenly home, You will be our constant companion, leading us through every trial we face. May Your name be exalted and adored forevermore. Amen.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the guiding light and solace of Lord Jesus Christ. Find strength, comfort, and redemption in His love and sacrifice on our journey through life. Trust in His promise of eternal salvation.
Lord Jesus Christ My Life My Light - Hymn Lyric - Discover the guiding light and solace of Lord Jesus Christ. Find strength, comfort, and redemption in His love and sacrifice on our journey through life. Trust in His promise of eternal salvation.