O Jesus Lamb Of God – Hymn Lyric

Discover the profound love of Jesus

O Jesus Lamb Of God – Hymn Lyric

In this hymn titled “O Jesus, Lamb of God: The Life and Comfort of my Heart,” the author explores the profound and mercy of Jesus as the ultimate source of comfort and redemption. They humbly acknowledge their own sinfulness and bring their to Jesus, recognizing his ability to take away guilt and punishment. The hymn also emphasizes the importance of mending our ways and seeking Jesus’ guidance in our lives, both in the present and in the afterlife.


O Jesus Lamb Of God – Hymn Lyric

O Jesus, Lamb of God, Thou art
The Life and Comfort of my heart.

A sinner poor I come to Thee
And bring my many sins with me.

O God, my sin indeed is great;
I groan beneath the dreadful weight;
Be merciful to me, I pray;
Take guilt and punishment away.

Saint John the Baptist points to Thee
And bids me cast my sin on Thee;
For Thou hast left Thy throne on high
To suffer for the and die.

Help me to mend my ways, O Lord,
And gladly to obey Thy Word.
While here I live, abide with me;
And when I die, take me to Thee.


Meaning of O Jesus Lamb Of God

O Jesus, Lamb of God: The Life and Comfort of my Heart

In times of trouble and despair, we often seek comfort and solace. We yearn for someone to come and take away our burdens, to bring peace to our souls. In this hymn, the writer explores the profound love and mercy of Jesus, the Lamb of God, who offers himself as the source of life and comfort for our troubled hearts.

The author, in a and honest manner, acknowledges their sinful nature. They recognize their own shortcomings and come before Jesus, the Lamb of God, with a repentant heart. Like a sinner seeking forgiveness, they bring their many sins with them, laying them at the feet of Jesus. This act of surrender is a powerful reminder that no matter how great our sins may be, Jesus is always ready to extend his mercy and forgiveness to those who seek it.

The weight of sin can be overwhelming, often causing us to groan beneath its burden. But the hymn reassures us that we can turn to Jesus in our darkest moments. He is the one who can take away our guilt and punishment, offering us redemption and freedom. It is through his sacrificial death on the cross that we find and .

The hymn also invokes the image of Saint John the Baptist, pointing to Jesus as the ultimate source of redemption. He affirms that Jesus, the Lamb of God, has left his heavenly throne and taken on the suffering of the world. This act of selflessness and love demonstrates the depths of Jesus’ compassion for humanity.

As we reflect on this hymn, we are reminded of the profound impact Jesus’ has on our lives. It calls us to examine our own ways and to seek ways to mend our relationship with God. The writer earnestly asks Jesus to help them mend their ways, showing a willingness to obey his word and follow his teachings. This demonstrates the transformative power of Jesus’ love, which has the ability to change our hearts and guide us towards .

The hymn also acknowledges the fleeting nature of life on Earth. While we are here, it is our desire to have Jesus abide with us. We long for his presence and guidance in our daily lives, knowing that only through him can we find true fulfillment and purpose. And when our time on Earth comes to an end, we entrust our souls to Jesus, asking him to take us to himself. This expresses a deep trust in Jesus and his promise of life.

In conclusion, “O Jesus, Lamb of God: The Life and Comfort of my Heart” is a hymn that beautifully captures the essence of Jesus’ love and mercy. It reminds us of his willingness to forgive and redeem us, no matter the magnitude of our sins. By seeking Jesus and allowing him to guide our lives, we find solace, peace, and eternal hope. May we always turn to him as the source of life and comfort for our troubled hearts.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the profound love of Jesus, the Lamb of God. Find comfort and redemption as you bring your sins before Him. Seek His guidance in life, and trust Him to take you to Himself in eternity. O Jesus, Lamb of God, the Life and Comfort of my Heart.
O Jesus Lamb Of God - Hymn Lyric - Discover the profound love of Jesus, the Lamb of God. Find comfort and redemption as you bring your sins before Him. Seek His guidance in life, and trust Him to take you to Himself in eternity. O Jesus, Lamb of God, the Life and Comfort of my Heart.