Rise Up My Soul To Greet The Morn – Hymn Lyric

Embrace each new day with hope and faith as you rise up to greet the morning. Find comfort and strength in the presence of the Savior who walks with you through life's challenges. Rise Up My Soul To Greet The Morn hymn inspires resilience and companionship.

Rise Up My Soul To Greet The Morn – Hymn Lyric

Up My To Greet The Morn” is a hymn that encourages us to find comfort and strength in the presence of our Savior. Through its heartfelt lyrics, the hymn reminds us that even in times of and despair, our Savior walks with us, providing solace and guidance. This hymn’s message of resonates with our journey through , bringing us a renewed sense of purpose and reminding us that we are never alone.


Rise Up My Soul To Greet The Morn – Hymn Lyric

Rise up, my soul, to greet the morn,
For night is past-the shadows flee-
And now, no more I weep, forlorn,
Since my dear Saviour walks with me!

He walks with me, He walks with me,
O’er thorny ways He walks with me!
Whate’er betide-my Hope! my Guide!-
He walks with me! He walks with me!

Behold! with anguish deep opprest,
He, naked, hangs upon the tree;
And yet, in robes of drest,
My blessed Saviour walks with me!

When this vain of life is o’er,
And upward mounts my spirit free-
Forever, on that heav’nly shore,
Will my Redeemer walk with me!

He’ll walk with me! He’ll walk with me!
By healing stream of Calvary;
There by my side-dear Friend and Guide-
He’ll walk with me! He’ll walk with me!


Meaning of Rise Up My Soul To Greet The Morn

Rise Up My Soul To Greet The Morn – Finding Comfort and Strength in the Presence of the Savior


In the serene hours of early morning, when the night surrenders to the dawn, a hymn called “Rise Up My Soul To Greet The Morn” encourages us to embrace the new day with hope and faith. This hymn, composed with heartfelt lyrics, reminds us of the ever-present companionship of our dear Savior, even in times of darkness and despair. In this article, we will explore the profound message of this hymn and how it resonates with our journey through life.

The Journey from Desolation to Joy:

As we sing the words “For night is past, the shadows flee,” we are reminded of the struggles we face in life. The darkness of night symbolizes our personal adversities, hardships, and moments of deep despair. However, through the simple act of rising up and greeting the morning, we begin to experience a glimmer of hope. The presence of our dear Savior, who walks with us even in the thorny ways of life, offers us solace, strength, and a renewed sense of purpose.

A Savior Clothed in Glory:

The hymn further emphasizes the paradoxical image of our Savior. On the one hand, we see Him agonizing and naked upon the cross, bearing the weight of humanity’s sins. Those moments evoke deep anguish and sorrow within our souls. Yet, in another breath, we behold Him dressed in robes of glory, reminding us of His triumph over death and His eternal presence in our lives. This juxtaposition reminds us that even in our most challenging moments, our Savior is intimately connected to us, guiding us through the shadows and leading us to the light.

Hope for :

The hymn’s final verse captures the essence of our eternal journey. When our earthly life comes to an end, and our spirits ascend to the heavenly shore, we find comfort in knowing that our Redeemer will continue to walk with us. The refrain echoes the sentiment that holds our hearts steadfast in times of uncertainty – “He’ll walk with me! He’ll walk with me!” With every step we take in this earthly existence, we are accompanied by the unwavering love of our Savior. And while we may face tribulations along our path, the healing stream of Calvary reminds us of the ultimate victory that awaits us in the presence.

Finding Strength in the Present:

While the hymn beautifully portrays the hope of eternity, it also urges us to find solace in the present moment. The simple act of rising up to greet the morning can be seen as an act of faith and resilience. Each day brings new opportunities to connect with our Savior, to experience His grace, and to seek guidance from His divine wisdom. Whether we find ourselves walking through dark valleys or on the mountaintops of joy, we can rest assured that our dear Friend and Guide walks with us, providing comfort, companionship, and strength.


In the timeless hymn “Rise Up My Soul To Greet The Morn,” we uncover a profound message of hope, faith, and companionship. The words remind us that our journey through life is not a solitary one. We are accompanied by our dear Savior, who walks with us through the darkest nights and the thorny paths. As we rise to greet each new day, let us trust in His abiding presence, finding solace in His love and drawing strength from His unwavering grace. May the hymn’s gentle melody and heartfelt lyrics inspire us to embrace the beauty and challenges of life, knowing that we are never alone.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Embrace each new day with hope and faith as you rise up to greet the morning. Find comfort and strength in the presence of the Savior who walks with you through life's challenges. Rise Up My Soul To Greet The Morn hymn inspires resilience and companionship.
Rise Up My Soul To Greet The Morn - Hymn Lyric - Embrace each new day with hope and faith as you rise up to greet the morning. Find comfort and strength in the presence of the Savior who walks with you through life's challenges. Rise Up My Soul To Greet The Morn hymn inspires resilience and companionship.