O My Soul Is All Aflame – Hymn Lyric

Experience the fervent love and devotion to Jesus

O My Soul Is All Aflame – Hymn Lyric

“O My Soul Is All Aflame” is a of praise and devotion to Jesus, the King of Glory. Filled with heartfelt words and a rhythmic melody, it reminds us of the deep love and adoration we have for Him. The hymn also emphasizes the mission to share His message and the vastness of His reign, from continents to the heavens above. Let us keep our aflame with love and praise for Jesus, our King.


O My Soul Is All Aflame – Hymn Lyric

Oh, my soul is all aflame,
How I love the precious name,
Jesus, the King of Glory;

Unto Him my praise I give,
For His kingdom I will live,
Jesus, the King of Glory.

Jesus, the King of Glory,
Sacred in song and story,
Mighty monarch, king above,
Reigning in the courts of love,
Jesus, the King of Glory.

He who died to set me free,
Shall my king forever be,
Jesus, the King of Glory;
To His cause I’ll ever give,
For His kingdom I will live,
Jesus, the King of Glory.


Continents and islands, too,
We will surely win for You,
Jesus, the King of Glory;
Sea to sea and shore to shore,
Thou shalt reign ,
Jesus, the King of Glory.


Earth and Heav’n unite to ,
Glad hosannas to our king,
Jesus, the King of Glory;
Universal is His sway,
To Him gates of death give way,
Jesus, the King of Glory.



Meaning of O My Soul Is All Aflame

O My Soul Is All Aflame: Praise and Devotion to Jesus, the King of Glory

In the depths of my soul, a fire burns brightly. It is a flame that cannot be extinguished, for it is fueled by my deep and abiding love for the precious name of Jesus, the King of Glory. This hymn, with its rhythmic melody and heartfelt words, encapsulates the and devotion that fills my heart whenever I of Him.

Oh, how I love the precious name of Jesus. It is a name that brings comfort, peace, and hope. When I utter His name, I am reminded of His sacrifice, His boundless love for humanity, and the promise of eternal life that He offers. Jesus, the King of Glory, deserves all my praise, and I gladly offer it to Him.

As I reflect on the majesty of Jesus, I am humbled by the fact that He died to set me free. He willingly gave His life so that I could have forgiveness of sins and a restored relationship with God. How can I not pledge my allegiance to Him? Jesus, the King of Glory, shall forever be my king, and I will dedicate my life to His cause.

The hymn speaks of continents and islands being won for Jesus. It reminds me of the great commission given by Jesus to His followers, to go out into all the and make disciples of every nation. Though I may be young, I can contribute to this mission by sharing the love of Jesus with those around me. With His guidance and strength, we can spread His message of salvation and bring more people into His kingdom.

The hymn highlights the vastness of Jesus’ reign, from sea to sea and shore to shore. His authority knows no bounds and extends to all corners of the earth. It is a reassuring thought that wherever I may go, Jesus, the King of Glory, is there, reigning over all. His sovereignty brings stability, peace, and purpose to our lives.

Not only does Jesus’ rule extend across the earth, but it also encompasses the heavens. In unity, Earth and sing His , offering Him glad hosannas. It is a beautiful image, imagining the celestial beings and humanity lifting their voices together in adoration of our King. Jesus, the King of Glory, unites us all under His divine sway, bridging the gap between Heaven and Earth.

It is through Jesus that the gates of death give way. His triumph over death through His resurrection offers us the assurance of eternal life. The fear and sting of death are no longer a formidable enemy because Jesus has conquered it. In Him, we find hope beyond the grave and the promise of an everlasting kingdom.

In conclusion, “O My Soul Is All Aflame” beautifully captures the essence of praise and devotion to Jesus, the King of Glory. It reminds us of His sacrificial love, the call to spread His message, and the vastness of His reign. Through this hymn, we are invited to join in the eternal song of worship that resounds from Earth to Heaven. Let us keep our souls aflame with the love and adoration for Jesus, our King.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the fervent love and devotion to Jesus, the King of Glory, in the powerful hymn O My Soul Is All Aflame. Praise His sacrifice, His reign, and His promise of eternal life. Join in the eternal song of worship and keep your soul aflame.
O My Soul Is All Aflame - Hymn Lyric - Experience the fervent love and devotion to Jesus, the King of Glory, in the powerful hymn "O My Soul Is All Aflame." Praise His sacrifice, His reign, and His promise of eternal life. Join in the eternal song of worship and keep your soul aflame.