Souls Are Wandering In The Night – Hymn Lyric

Discover the importance of saving souls with the hymn "Souls Are Wandering In The Night." Embrace the urgency and power of guiding lost souls towards a better path. Join us in the mission to save one soul at a time.

Souls Are Wandering In The Night – Hymn Lyric

Are Wandering In The Night” is a that emphasizes the urgency of reaching out to those who are lost and guiding them towards a better . The lyrics urge Christians to actively participate in the salvation of others and remind us of our duty to help them find their way. By holding aloft the light of Christ and extending a helping hand, we can lead souls towards happiness.


Souls Are Wandering In The Night – Hymn Lyric

Souls are wand’ring in the night,
Help save one;

Far away from heaven’s light,
Help save one;

Haste to rescue them today,

Hold aloft a guiding ray,

Till they find the better way,
Help save one.


Haste, O haste! Christian brother, haste!
Going in strength that is not your own,
Help save one;

Haste, O haste, Christian brother, haste!
Looking for pow’r to the holy throne,
O help save one!

Brothers sink beneath the wave,
Help save one;

Those whom died to save,
Help save one;

Give them love’s uplifting hand,

On the living Rock to stand;

Lead them t’ward the happy land,
Help save one. [Refrain]

By the grace of Him we love,
Help save one;

Till we see His face above,
Help save one;

O what joy, when storms are o’er,

Should some souls upon that shore,

Own our aid forevermore,
Help save one. [Refrain]


Meaning of Souls Are Wandering In The Night

In the hymn “Souls Are Wandering In The Night,” the songwriter emphasizes the importance of reaching out to those who are lost and guiding them towards a better path. The lyrics evoke a sense of urgency, urging Christians to actively participate in the salvation of others. Let’s explore this idea further and discuss the significance of saving souls.

The first verse reminds us that there are souls wandering in the darkness, far away from the light of heaven. These lost souls are in need of saving, and it is our duty as Christians to help them find their way. The hymn calls us to action, encouraging us to quickly come to their rescue. Just as a guiding ray leads someone through the darkness, we are called to hold aloft the light of Christ and point others towards the better way.

The refrain echoes this urgency, urging Christian brothers to hurry and save souls. It emphasizes the importance of relying on a strength that is not our own – the power of God. As we embark on this mission, we are encouraged to seek help and inspiration from the holy throne. By recognizing our dependence on God’s power, we are better equipped to carry out this important task.

The following verse highlights another aspect of salvation, focusing on the individuals who are drowning in the waves of . These are the people whom Jesus died to save, and it is our responsibility to extend a helping hand to lift them up. By offering love and support, we help them stand on the firm foundation of the living Rock, which is Jesus Christ. Through our actions and guidance, we can lead them towards the happy land – a metaphor for eternal salvation.

By the grace of Him we love, the hymn reminds us that it is through God’s grace that we are able to save others. We are not alone in this mission; we have the support and guidance of Jesus Christ. The verse encourages us to persevere in our efforts, knowing that we will experience great joy when the storms of life are over. If we are able to help souls reach the shore of eternal rest and peace, they will forever be grateful for our aid.

“Souls Are Wandering In The Night” is a powerful hymn that compels us to take action in saving others. It serves as a reminder of our duty to share the love and grace of God with those who are lost. By using the SEO keyword “Souls Are Wandering In The Night,” we to reach a wider audience who may be searching for guidance in their own spiritual journey.

Saving souls is at the core of Christianity. Jesus himself stated that he came to seek and save those who were lost. Throughout the Bible, we are encouraged to love our neighbors as ourselves and to share the good news of salvation. The hymn reminds us that it is a privilege to participate in the salvation of others, and it is a responsibility we should not take lightly.

In a often filled with darkness and despair, it is easy for individuals to lose their way. Whether it be through personal struggles, difficult circumstances, or simply a lack of spiritual guidance, many souls find themselves wandering aimlessly. As Christians, we are called to be a beacon of hope, shining the light of Christ and reaching out to those who need it most.

It is worth noting that “Souls Are Wandering In The Night” is a hymn that can resonate with people of all ages and backgrounds. While it may have been written with a specific Christian audience in mind, its message transcends religious boundaries. The call to help others, to extend a helping hand, and to guide those who are lost is a universal concept that can be embraced by anyone with a compassionate .

In conclusion, “Souls Are Wandering In The Night” serves as a reminder of our duty as Christians to actively participate in the salvation of others. It calls us to action, urging us to reach out and help those who are lost find their way. By holding aloft the guiding ray of Christ’s love, we can lead souls towards a better path and ultimately towards eternal happiness. Let us remember the urgency of this task and use our strength, with the help of God, to save one soul at a time.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the importance of saving souls with the hymn Souls Are Wandering In The Night. Embrace the urgency and power of guiding lost souls towards a better path. Join us in the mission to save one soul at a time.
Souls Are Wandering In The Night - Hymn Lyric - Discover the importance of saving souls with the hymn "Souls Are Wandering In The Night." Embrace the urgency and power of guiding lost souls towards a better path. Join us in the mission to save one soul at a time.