Jesus How Glorious Is Thy Grace – Hymn Lyric

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Jesus How Glorious Is Thy Grace – Hymn Lyric

“Jesus, How Glorious Is Thy Grace” is a hymn that celebrates Jesus’ incredible grace towards humanity. It highlights his willingness to endure ridicule, shame, and suffering for our sake. This hymn serves as a reminder of the transformative power of Jesus’ sacrifice and encourages us to embrace his grace.


Jesus How Glorious Is Thy Grace – Hymn Lyric

how glorious is thy Grace!
How excellent thy Name!
Unclouded Heavens in thy Face,
Thou venerable Lamb.

Tho’ thou wast rich in Angel’s Songs,
Thou willingly was
To feel the Rage of mortal Tongues,
Their Ridicule and Scorn.

Tho’ thou wast rich in Pow’r supreme,
Yet didst thou condescend,
From Worms of Earth to Shame,
And Insults from the Fiend.

Tho’ thou was rich in Righteousness,
pure within;
Yet didst thou feel ‘s deep Distress,
When made our curse and Sin.

Tho’ thou wast infinitely high
And rich, yet didst thou take
The deepest Shame and Poverty,
And for the ‘s sake:

That, thro’ thy Poverty and Loss,
We might be rich and blest;
And, by the Lsbours of thy Cross,
Might gain eternal Rest.

Inrich’d by all thy Loss and Smart,
Thy Heav’n’s on man bestow’d;
Witness’d, when from thy bleeding Heart
The Blood and Water flow’d.

Our dearest Lord, we bless thy Grace,
Thy wond’rous Love admire;
To see the Beauties of thy Face,
May all the World .

Live Jesus, live for-ever more,
Whilst all the Sons of God
Thy glorious Person shall adore,
And bless thy Grace and Blood.


Meaning of Jesus How Glorious Is Thy Grace

In today’s reflection, we will delve into the hymn titled “Jesus, How Glorious Is Thy Grace” and explore the ideas it presents. This beautiful hymn praises the grace and excellence of Jesus , focusing on his willingness to bear ridicule, contempt, and shame for humanity’s sake.

The hymn begins by emphasizing the glorious nature of Jesus’ grace. The author acknowledges the unclouded heavens in Jesus’ face and refers to him as the “venerable Lamb.” This highlights the awe and reverence that the writer feels towards Jesus, recognizing his divine status.

Next, the hymn emphasizes Jesus’ humility and his willingness to endure suffering. It is mentioned that Jesus, although rich in power and righteousness, willingly chose to be born and experience mortal tongues’ rage, ridicule, and scorn. This demonstrates his great love for humanity and his desire to empathize with our struggles.

The hymn continues to highlight Jesus’ sacrificial nature, emphasizing his journey from divine majesty to shame and insults inflicted by the Fiend. Despite being rich in righteousness and purity, Jesus willingly took on the sin and curse of humanity, descending into the depths of hell’s distress. This act shows the extent of Jesus’ love and his desire to redeem mankind.

The hymn expresses the significance of Jesus’ poverty and loss. By taking on the shame and poverty of humanity, Jesus made it possible for us to be rich and blessed. Through the labor of his cross, he offers us eternal rest and salvation. This serves as a reminder that Jesus’ sacrifice benefits all who believe in him, enriching our lives with heavenly .

One powerful image in the hymn is the reference to the blood and water flowing from Jesus’ bleeding heart. This symbolizes the ultimate act of sacrifice and love, as Jesus’ blood was shed for our sins. The hymn suggests that Jesus’ heart poured out these elements to give and salvation to humanity. This imagery reminds us of the depth of Jesus’ love and the power of his sacrifice.

The hymn then transitions to a message of blessings and gratitude towards Jesus. It acknowledges Jesus’ grace and wondrous love, expressing admiration for the beauties of his face. The writer hopes that the entire world will desire to see the glory of Jesus and experience his transformative love.

The final lines of the hymn contain a heartfelt plea for Jesus to live on forever. It acknowledges that all the sons of God will continue to adore Jesus’ glorious person and forever bless his grace and blood. This ending serves as a reminder of the eternal impact of Jesus’ sacrifice and the everlasting devotion of his followers.

In conclusion, the hymn “Jesus, How Glorious Is Thy Grace” beautifully portrays the awe-inspiring nature of Jesus’ sacrifice and the abundant blessings that flow from it. This hymn serves as a reminder of Jesus’ divine love, humility, and grace. It encourages us to appreciate and desire the beauty of Jesus’ face, and it acknowledges the eternal impact of his sacrifice. May we all strive to embrace and be transformed by the glorious grace of Jesus Christ.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the beautiful hymn Jesus, How Glorious Is Thy Grace and explore the divine love and sacrifice of Jesus Christ for humanity's sake. Embrace his grace and be transformed by his wondrous face.
Jesus How Glorious Is Thy Grace - Hymn Lyric - Discover the beautiful hymn "Jesus, How Glorious Is Thy Grace" and explore the divine love and sacrifice of Jesus Christ for humanity's sake. Embrace his grace and be transformed by his wondrous face.