Jesus Redeemed And Made Me Whole – Hymn Lyric

Discover the unforgettable love of Jesus Christ in the powerful hymn "Jesus Redeemed And Made Me Whole." Experience peace

Jesus Redeemed And Made Me Whole – Hymn Lyric

The Redeemed And Made Me Whole” beautifully conveys the everlasting love and grace of Jesus Christ. It reminds us of His miraculous redemption and the unbreakable connection we have with Him. By holding on to Jesus, we experience daily growth, peace, and the hope of dwelling with Him forever.


Jesus Redeemed And Made Me Whole – Hymn Lyric

Jesus redeemed and made me whole,
I can forget Him never;
Out of the depths He brought my soul;
Now I am His forever.

I’m holding on, I’m holding on,
Daily in grace I’m growing;
Fast to the Rock I’m holding on,
Peace to my is flowing.

Great is the love of Christ my King,
Love that no pow’r can sever;
Joyful and glad my tongue shall sing
to His name forever.


If on the Lord my care I cast,
He will forsake me never;
Firm on the Rock of Ages fast
I shall abide forever.


He has prepared a for me
Over the silent river;
There with the blest I soon shall be,
There I shall dwell forever.



Meaning of Jesus Redeemed And Made Me Whole

Jesus Redeemed And Made Me Whole: The Unforgettable Love of Christ


In the hymn “Jesus Redeemed And Made Me Whole,” we are reminded of the everlasting love and grace of Jesus Christ. This powerful hymn speaks to our hearts, reminding us of the unbreakable connection we have with our Savior. It conveys a message of hope, strength, and the eternal peace that comes from holding on to Jesus. As we delve deeper into the verses, we shall explore the significance of Jesus’ redemption, the unyielding love of Christ, and the unwavering faith that sustains us.

Verse 1: Jesus redeemed and made me whole

This opening verse sets the foundation for the entire hymn. It reflects on the miraculous act of redemption performed by Jesus Christ. Despite our flaws and shortcomings, Jesus reached out to save us, mending our brokenness and making us whole. The phrase “I can forget Him never” expresses the deep and reverence we feel towards our Savior, as His sacrifice and redemption are forever etched into our hearts.

Refrain: Holding on to grace and growing

The refrain repeats throughout the hymn, highlighting the importance of holding on to God’s grace. It emphasizes the continuous growth we experience through faith in Jesus Christ. Each day, as we embrace His love, we become more rooted and anchored in Him. This steadfastness brings forth a deep sense of peace and contentment that flows through our hearts.

Verse 2: Great is the love of Christ my King

The second verse expands on the boundless love of Jesus Christ, reminding us that His love knows no limitations. It is a love that cannot be broken or severed by any power. With and gladness, we are called to praise His name forever. This verse encourages us to reflect on the incomparable love Jesus has for each one of us, and how it transforms our lives.

Refrain: Holding on to the Rock

The refrain reiterates the importance of holding on to Jesus as our Rock. He offers stability and strength in times of trouble and uncertainty. Just as a rock anchors and supports, Jesus ensures that we remain steadfast and unshaken. This unyielding faith fills our hearts with peace and reassurance during ‘s storms.

Verse 3: Firm on the Rock of Ages fast

This verse emphasizes our firm foundation in Jesus Christ, the Rock of Ages. By casting our cares upon Him, we are promised that He will never forsake us. This assurance empowers us to navigate the challenges of life, knowing that we are held securely by our Savior. We are invited to abide in Christ’s unchanging love and support, finding peace and shelter in His unrelenting presence.

Refrain: Holding on, Peace flowing

The refrain serves as a reminder that holding on to Jesus brings peace to our hearts. It affirms that as we cling to Him, His peace flows through our lives, enabling us to face each day with confidence and serenity.

Verse 4: Prepared home and eternal dwelling

The final verse of the hymn assures us of the glorious future that awaits us in the presence of Jesus. He has prepared a home for us beyond the silent river, indicating the promise of eternal life in His kingdom. This verse speaks of the hope we have as believers, knowing that we will one day dwell with the blessed in the everlasting presence of our Lord.

Refrain: Holding on, Forever dwelling

As we conclude this hymn, the refrain reminds us once again of the importance of holding on to Jesus. By doing so, we will not only experience growth and peace in our present lives but also secure an eternal dwelling in His presence.


“Jesus Redeemed And Made Me Whole” is a powerful hymn that encapsulates the transformative love and grace of Jesus Christ. Through its verses, we to understand the significance of Jesus’ redemptive act, the boundless love He offers, and the unfailing faith that sustains us. Holding on to Jesus brings peace, growth, and a confident hope for our eternal dwelling in His kingdom. May this hymn serve as a constant reminder of the unforgettable love of Christ and our unbreakable connection to Him.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the unforgettable love of Jesus Christ in the powerful hymn Jesus Redeemed And Made Me Whole. Experience peace, growth, and hope as you hold on to His unwavering grace.
Jesus Redeemed And Made Me Whole - Hymn Lyric - Discover the unforgettable love of Jesus Christ in the powerful hymn "Jesus Redeemed And Made Me Whole." Experience peace, growth, and hope as you hold on to His unwavering grace.