Now The Lord Our Souls Has Fed – Hymn Lyric

"Discover how the Lord has fed our souls with the finest wheat

Now The Lord Our Souls Has Fed – Hymn Lyric

“Now The Lord Our Has Fed: Sharing Abundance and Spreading ” is a hymn that reminds us of how God nourishes our souls with His love and provision. It challenges us to share our abundance with those in need and spread the blessings we have received. This summary explores practical ways to live out the message of the hymn by supporting charitable organizations, connecting with local communities, raising awareness, starting a community garden, and participating in mentorship programs.


Now The Lord Our Souls Has Fed – Hymn Lyric

Now the Lord our souls has fed,
With Himself, the living bread;
Fed us, sitting at His feet,
With the finest of the wheat.

We have endless treasure found;
We have all things and abound;
Rich abundance and to spare;
Shall we not the blessing share?

For, while we are feasting here,
Starving millions, far and near,
Call us with the bitter cry:
Come and help us, or we die!

In this day of full increase,
Shall we, can we, hold our peace?
Staying here we do not well;
Now, then let us go and tell-

Tell how He hath set us free,
How He leads triumphantly;
How He satisfies our need;
How His rest is rest indeed.

Speak, for we, Thy servants, hear;
Thou hast taught us not to fear;
And whate’er Thy word shall be,
We can do it, Lord, in Thee.


Meaning of Now The Lord Our Souls Has Fed

Now The Lord Our Souls Has Fed: Sharing Abundance and Spreading Blessings

In this beautiful hymn, we are reminded of how the Lord has graciously fed our souls with the living bread. As we sit at His feet, we are nourished with the finest of the wheat. The imagery here paints a picture of being spiritually satisfied and fulfilled by our relationship with God.

We have been with endless treasures, and our lives are abundant and overflowing. It is in this abundance that we are called to share our blessings with others. The hymn reminds us of the stark contrast between our abundance and the desperate plight of those who are starving, both near and far. The bitter cry of the starving millions reaches our ears, calling us to action – to come and help, or they will die.

In this day of full increase, when we have so much, can we simply hold our peace and turn a blind eye to the suffering around us? The hymn challenges us to question whether staying in our comfort zone and enjoying our blessings is enough. The answer is clear – we do not do well by staying put. We are called to go and tell others about the freedom we have found in Christ, about how He leads us triumphantly, and about how He satisfies our every need.

It is not enough to keep this good news to ourselves. We are called to be ambassadors of God’s love, to share His blessings with others. When we speak up and share our testimonies of how God has set us free, how He meets our needs, and how His rest is truly restful, we inspire others to seek Him for themselves. Our words have the power to lead others to salvation and bring comfort to those who are suffering.

As God’s servants, we have been taught not to fear but to trust in Him. We don’t have to be afraid of spreading the message of and love. Whatever He directs us to do, we can do it in His strength and provision. God equips us with everything we need to fulfill His purpose in our lives.

So, how do we practically live out the message of this hymn? How do we share our abundance and spread blessings to others? Here are a few ideas that we can start with:

1. Support charitable organizations: Research and find reputable organizations that towards alleviating hunger and poverty. Donate money, food, or your time to their cause. By supporting these organizations, we can make a real difference in the lives of those in need.

2. Connect with local communities: Reach out to local soup kitchens, homeless shelters, or food banks. Offer your help in preparing and serving meals or distributing supplies. Engage in conversations with those you encounter and to their stories. A simple act of kindness or a listening ear can provide comfort and remind them that someone cares.

3. Raise awareness: Utilize social media, blogs, or community events to raise awareness about the issues of hunger and poverty. Share stories and statistics to educate others about the reality that many people face. Encourage your friends, family, and community to join in the effort to make a difference.

4. Start a community garden: Work with your school or local community to start a garden where fresh produce can be grown and shared with those who are in need. This not only provides nutritious food but also promotes unity and a sense of ownership within the community.

5. Mentorship programs: Offer your time and skills to mentor or young adults who are living in poverty. By investing in their lives and providing guidance, you can help break the cycle of poverty and empower generations to come.

Remember, spreading blessings doesn’t always have to involve grand gestures or donations. Even the smallest acts of kindness and compassion can make a significant impact on someone’s . As we continue to on the living bread that God provides, let us not forget the starving millions who call out to us for help. Together, let’s go and tell the world about God’s love, provision, and rest, and work towards a more just and compassionate society.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover how the Lord has fed our souls with the finest wheat, inspiring us to share our abundance and blessings to help the starving millions. Find practical ways to spread God's love and make a difference in the world. (156 characters)
Now The Lord Our Souls Has Fed - Hymn Lyric - "Discover how the Lord has fed our souls with the finest wheat, inspiring us to share our abundance and blessings to help the starving millions. Find practical ways to spread God's love and make a difference in the world." (156 characters)