We Have Lingered Jesus At Thy Holy Feet – Hymn Lyric

Experience the presence of Jesus and find solace at His holy feet. Embrace His love

We Have Lingered Jesus At Thy Holy Feet – Hymn Lyric

“We Have Lingered Jesus At Holy Feet” is a hymn that reflects on the deep connection and love we feel in the presence of Jesus. It urges us to take the love we have experienced and share it with others as we go out into the world. This hymn serves as a reminder that our faith requires active service and shapes the way we live and love others.


We Have Lingered Jesus At Thy Holy Feet – Hymn Lyric

We have lingered,
at Thy holy feet,
Sharing for an hour
with Thee communion sweet;
Now we leave these altars;
bid our friends farewell,
And go forth to serve Thee
and Thy love to tell.
Go with us, ,
Keep us free from stain,
To our cov’nant faithful
Till we meet again.
O how very precious
have these moments been,
As we felt Thy presence
with us though unseen!
Like a breath of heaven
falling from above,
Seemed the sweet pulsations
of Thy quick’ning love.
We would gladly tarry
in this dear retreat,
And delight to linger longer
at Thy feet,
But the call to service
summons us ,
And we leave the altars
where we love to pray.


Meaning of We Have Lingered Jesus At Thy Holy Feet

We Have Lingered Jesus At Thy Holy Feet: A Hymn of Reflection and Commitment

As we gather together in this sacred space, we can feel the presence of Jesus surrounding us. It’s as if time stands still and all our worries and troubles fade away. In these moments, we find solace and peace in the arms of our Savior.

We have lingered, Jesus, at Thy holy feet, sharing for an hour with Thee communion sweet. These moments of connection, of being one with our , are incredibly precious. We come to this place seeking comfort, guidance, and reassurance, and we are never disappointed. As we pour out our hearts and lay our burdens down, we know that Jesus is listening, his love enveloping us like a warm embrace.

Now we leave these altars; bid our friends farewell, and go forth to serve Thee and Thy love to tell. While it is difficult to leave this sanctuary, we are called to take what we have experienced here and share it with the world. We are reminded that our faith is not meant to be confined within the walls of this , but rather, it is meant to be lived out in our daily lives. As we depart, we carry the love of Jesus in our hearts and strive to be vessels of that love to those we encounter.

Go Thou with us, Savior, keep us free from stain, to our covenant faithful till we meet again. We go forth with the assurance that Jesus goes with us. He is our constant companion, guiding and protecting us on our journey. We ask for his to keep us free from stain, to empower us to live lives that honor him. And we promise to remain faithful to the covenant we have made – a commitment to love and serve others, just as he has loved and served us.

O how very precious have these moments been, as we felt Thy presence with us though unseen! Like a breath of heaven falling from above, seemed the sweet pulsations of Thy quick’ning love. These moments of connection with Jesus are truly priceless. We cannot physically see him, yet we can feel his presence all around us. It’s as if a little piece of heaven descends upon us, filling us with joy, peace, and a deep sense of belonging. In our hearts, we can hear the gentle whisper of his love, quickening our spirits and igniting a fire within us to love others wholeheartedly.

We would gladly tarry in this dear retreat and delight to linger longer at Thy feet. The hour we spend here with Jesus feels too short. We long to stay in this sacred retreat, to bask in his love and learn from his wisdom. Oh, how we wish we could linger longer at his feet, absorbing every word and feeling the touch of his healing hands. But the call to service is strong, beckoning us away from this place we love. And so, with a heavy , we bid farewell, knowing that Jesus will always be with us, wherever we go.

But the call to service summons us away, and we leave the altars where we love to pray. Our time of worship and introspection comes to an end. The world outside awaits, with all its challenges and opportunities. We are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus, to bring his love and to a world in need. And so, we gather our strength, knowing that the time spent at these altars has prepared us for the mission that lies ahead.

We Have Lingered Jesus At Thy Holy Feet is a hymn that beautifully captures the emotions and sentiments we experience when we come before our Lord. It reminds us of the beauty and power of communion with Jesus, and the responsibility we have to take that love out into the world. It is a call to action, a reminder that our worship is not passive but active, and it shapes the way we live and love others.

So let us go forth, my friends, with Jesus by our side. Let us carry the love we have experienced here into every aspect of our lives. Let us be faithful to our covenant and serve others with compassion and grace. And let us always remember the precious moments we have spent at the feet of Jesus, for they are etched forever in our hearts.

Go forth, dear ones, and be the light that this world so desperately needs. May the words of this hymn echo in our , inspiring us to live lives of love and service, until we meet again.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the presence of Jesus and find solace at His holy feet. Embrace His love, serve others, and carry His light into the world. We Have Lingered Jesus At Thy Holy Feet: A Hymn of Reflection and Commitment.
We Have Lingered Jesus At Thy Holy Feet - Hymn Lyric - Experience the presence of Jesus and find solace at His holy feet. Embrace His love, serve others, and carry His light into the world. We Have Lingered Jesus At Thy Holy Feet: A Hymn of Reflection and Commitment.