O Jesus Lord Thy Dying Love – Hymn Lyric

Discover the profound love of Jesus at the cross. Experience the joy of forgiveness and find hope in His sacrifice. Let His dying love transform your life.

O Jesus Lord Thy Dying Love – Hymn Lyric

O Jesus Lord Thy Dying Love is a hymn that speaks directly to our hearts, reminding us of the immense sacrifice Jesus made for us on the cross. It is at the cross that we find forgiveness, hope, and a deep sense of connection to Him. Through His love, we are forever changed and compelled to live in a way that reflects His sacrifice.


O Jesus Lord Thy Dying Love – Hymn Lyric

O Jesus, Lord, thy dying love hath pierced my contrite heart;
Now take my life, and let me prove how dear to me thou art.

At the cross, at the cross, where I first saw the ,
And the of my heart roll’d ,
It was there by faith I receiv’d my sight,
And now I am happy night and day.

Amid the night of sin and death thy light hath filled my soul;
To me Thy loving voice now saith, thy faith hath made whole.


I kiss Thy feet, I clasp Thy hand, I touch Thy bleeding side;
O let me here forever stand, where thou wast crucified.


My Lord, my light, my strength, my all, I count my gain but loss;
Forever let Thy love enthrall, and keep me at the cross.



Meaning of O Jesus Lord Thy Dying Love

O Jesus, Lord, thy dying love is a hymn that speaks directly to our hearts. It reminds us of the immense sacrifice you made for us on the cross. Your love pierced our contrite hearts, filling us with gratitude and awe for the depth of your love.

At the cross, where we first saw the light, the burden of our sins rolled away. It was there, through faith, that we received our sight and found true happiness. The cross is a symbol of hope and redemption, a where our sins are forgiven and our are cleansed.

In the darkness of sin and death, your light has filled our souls. Your loving voice now speaks to us, assuring us that our faith in you has made us whole. Through your sacrifice, we have been granted eternal life, and we are forever grateful.

We long to be close to you, Jesus. We long to kiss your feet, clasp your hand, and touch your bleeding side. We want to stand at the very place where you were crucified, never forgetting the price you paid for our . It is at the cross that we find solace, comfort, and a deep sense of connection to you.

You are our Lord, our light, our strength, our everything. We recognize that all our worldly possessions and achievements are meaningless compared to the love you have shown us. We count everything as loss, for the surpassing worth of knowing you. Your love truly enthralls us, and we long to remain forever at the cross.

Dear Jesus, as we this hymn, we are reminded of your amazing love and sacrifice. We are reminded that it is through the cross that we find hope, forgiveness, and everlasting . Let these words resonate in our hearts and minds, reminding us of the incredible love you have for us.

As young believers, it is important for us to understand the significance of the cross and the message it carries. The cross represents your ultimate act of love, a love so great that it can never be fully fathomed. It is a love that calls us to respond, to surrender our lives to you and to live in a way that honors your sacrifice.

In this hymn, we are encouraged to let our lives be a testament to your love. We are invited to prove how dear you are to us through our actions, our words, and our relationships. May our lives be a reflection of the love you have shown us, shining your light in the darkness and bringing hope to those around us.

As we sing this hymn, let us remember the powerful message it carries. Let us never forget the cross, where we first saw the light. Let us never forget the burden of our sins that rolled away. Let us never forget the faith that brought us sight and filled us with joy.

O Jesus, Lord, thy dying love has forever changed our lives. May we always cherish and appreciate the significance of the cross. May we always remember the love that was poured out for us, and may we live in a way that brings honor and glory to your name. Amen.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the profound love of Jesus at the cross. Experience the joy of forgiveness and find hope in His sacrifice. Let His dying love transform your life.
O Jesus Lord Thy Dying Love - Hymn Lyric - Discover the profound love of Jesus at the cross. Experience the joy of forgiveness and find hope in His sacrifice. Let His dying love transform your life.