I Love The Lord He Heard My Voice – Hymn Lyric

Discover the joy and comfort found in loving the Lord

I Love The Lord He Heard My Voice – Hymn Lyric

“I Love The Lord He Heard My Voice”I love the Lord with all my because He always hears my prayers and comforts my broken heart. Even when troubles surround me, He is my refuge and source of relief. I trust in Him and find knowing that He takes care of me and guides me through difficult times.


I Love The Lord He Heard My Voice – Hymn Lyric

I Love the Lord; He heard my voice,
And owned my humble prayer:
He makes my broken heart rejoice:
He makes my His care.

When hosts of beset me round,
And threatened to destroy,
In Him the wished relief I found;
My heart revived with joy.

The pains of , and fears of death,
Encompassed me around;
To Him I cried with faltering breath,
And full deliverance found.

Long as I live, I’ll bless His name,
And triumph in His Word;
By Him alone salvation came,
Who is the mighty Lord.

Trust ye the Lord, nor yield to fear;
On His rich love depend:
He will preserve you while you’re here,
And save you to the end.


Meaning of I Love The Lord He Heard My Voice

I Love The Lord, He Heard My Voice

Oh, how I love the Lord! He is always there for me, listening to my prayers and comforting my broken heart. When troubles surround me and threats loom over me, He is my refuge, my source of relief. My heart fills with joy knowing that He takes care of me, guiding me through the darkest times.

There have been moments when I felt like I was sinking into the depths of despair, overwhelmed by the pains of hell and the fears of death. But even in those moments, I called out to the Lord, my voice trembling with uncertainty. And lo and behold, He delivered me from my troubles. His presence brought me comfort and His power brought me deliverance.

As long as I live, I will praise His name and rejoice in His Word. His Word is my anchor, my source of strength. It is through Him and Him alone that salvation has to me. For He is the mighty Lord, the one who holds the power to save.

I urge you, friends, to trust in the Lord and not to give in to fear. Place your reliance on His abundant love. He is and will watch over you every step of the way. Trust that He will preserve you in this life and save you until the very end.

In a where uncertainty and troubles abound, it can be easy to lose hope. But we must remember that God is always there, hearing our prayers and responding to our cries for help. He is the ever-present guardian of our souls, ready to lift us up and fill our hearts with joy.

So let us lift our voices in praise and adoration for the Lord, who hears our cries and turns our sorrows into joy. Let us hold on to His promises, for they are true and unchanging. Let us cling to His Word, finding strength and hope in every verse.

In times of trouble, remember that the Lord is near. He will never abandon you or forsake you. Place your trust in His unfailing love, and you will find peace amidst the storms of life.

I love the Lord, for He heard my voice and answered my prayers. He is my refuge and my strength. In Him, I find joy and hope. So let us sing praises to His name, for He is worthy of all our praise.

As we journey through life, let us hold on to the fact that we are never alone. The Lord is with us every step of the way, guiding us, protecting us, and giving us hope. So let us continue to love the Lord with all our hearts, for He is worthy of our love and devotion.

In conclusion, my dear friends, never forget the power of the Lord in your life. Turn to Him in times of trouble and rejoice in His deliverance. Trust in His promises and find strength in His Word. He you deeply and will always be there for you. So let our voices rise together in praise, declaring our love for the Lord who hears our voice and brings joy to our souls.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the joy and comfort found in loving the Lord, who hears our voice and answers our prayers. Find strength in His Word and trust in His unfailing love. You are never alone with Him by your side.
I Love The Lord He Heard My Voice - Hymn Lyric - Discover the joy and comfort found in loving the Lord, who hears our voice and answers our prayers. Find strength in His Word and trust in His unfailing love. You are never alone with Him by your side.