Good News Good News From The Promised Land – Hymn Lyric

Experience the joy and victory of the Promised Land! Discover the Good News from this place of abundance and eternal bliss. Praise God for the victory we have through Jesus Christ!

Good News Good News From The Promised Land – Hymn Lyric

Have you heard the Good News from the Promised Land? It’s a message of victory and glory, where faith brings abundance and joy. Let’s rejoice in the Good News and spread the message of the hope and assurance that awaits us in the Promised Land.


Good News Good News From The Promised Land – Hymn Lyric

Good news, good news from the promised land!
Good news from the golden shore,
Where the ransomed hosts with their harps in hand
Are shouting evermore!

Victory! Victory!
Glory to God for victory!
We’ll praise Him for the victory,
Thro’ Christ our Lord.

By faith we climb to the mountain’s brow,
And gaze on the clusters rare
Of the fruits that grow on the tree of life
For those who enter there. [Chorus]

No sin nor death in the promised land,
No toil for the weary soul,
But the glad new song of the blood-washed throng
In ceaseless joy shall roll. [Chorus]

No night of tears in the promised land,
From care we shall all be free;
We shall walk in white by the river clear,
The our light shall be. [Chorus]


Meaning of Good News Good News From The Promised Land

Good News, Good News! Have you heard the joyful tidings from the Promised Land? It’s a place of golden shores and ransomed hosts, where victory reigns and glory is given to God. Let’s praise Him for the victory we have through Jesus Christ our Lord!

Imagine standing on a mountain’s brow, looking out at a land filled with clusters of rare fruits. These fruits from the tree of life, a tree that nourishes and satisfies the souls of those who enter the Promised Land. It’s a land where faith brings us to a place of abundance and wonder.

In this Promised Land, there is no sin or death. The toil and weariness of this fade away, replaced by the glad new song of the blood-washed throng. Can you hear it? It’s a song of eternal joy and gratitude, a song that will never cease, filling the air with melodies of praise. Victory belongs to God, and we can join in that victory!

No more tears, no more in this land of promises. Every care and burden we carry here will be lifted off our shoulders. We will walk in white, a symbol of purity and righteousness, guided by the light of the Lamb. Jesus, the Lamb of God, will illuminate our path, casting away all . His presence will fill us with peace and comfort.

This hymn reminds us of the hope and joy that await us in the Promised Land. It’s a message of encouragement and assurance, telling us that there is something better beyond this life. It’s a reminder that our faith and trust in God will lead us to a place where all our will be turned into everlasting happiness.

Now, let’s dive deeper into the significance of this hymn. We can start by understanding the concept of the Promised Land. In biblical times, the Promised Land referred to the land of Canaan, which God promised to give to the Israelites as their inheritance. It was a land flowing with milk and honey, a land of prosperity and blessings. However, the Promised Land has also become symbolic of the ultimate reward and heaven that awaits believers in Christ.

The hymn describes the Promised Land as a place of victory. Victory over what, you ask? Well, victory over sin and death. As human beings, we are prone to sin and its consequences. But through Jesus Christ, we find victory over sin. His blood washes away our sins, making us pure and blameless before God. Death, which is often feared and dreaded, loses its power in the face of God’s promise of eternal life in the Promised Land.

We are invited to walk by faith, trusting in God’s promises. It is through our faith that we can experience the joy and abundance of the Promised Land. Just like the Israelites had to trust God as they journeyed towards Canaan, we too must trust Him as we journey through life. By climbing up to the mountain’s brow, symbolizing the elevation of our faith, we can catch a glimpse of the beauty and blessings that await us.

The hymn also emphasizes the absence of pain and tears in the Promised Land. This is a comforting thought, especially for those who have experienced hardships and sorrows in this world. In the Promised Land, there will be no more suffering, no more heartache. Instead, there will be everlasting peace and joy, as we walk by the crystal-clear river, guided by the light of the Lamb.

We shouldn’t of the Promised Land as a physical location, but rather as a state of being. It represents the fulfillment of God’s promises, the culmination of our journey with Him. It’s a place where we will experience the fullness of His love and .

So, let’s rejoice in the Good News! Let’s spread the message of the Promised Land and the victory we have in Christ. May this hymn remind us of the hope that awaits us, and may it inspire us to live lives of faith and trust in our journey towards the Promised Land. Keep the Good News alive, for it is a message that brings comfort, joy, and eternal assurance.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the joy and victory of the Promised Land! Discover the Good News from this place of abundance and eternal bliss. Praise God for the victory we have through Jesus Christ!
Good News Good News From The Promised Land - Hymn Lyric - Experience the joy and victory of the Promised Land! Discover the Good News from this place of abundance and eternal bliss. Praise God for the victory we have through Jesus Christ!